Absynth is dead



  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 334 Pro
    edited September 2022

    Agree with everyone voicing their very valid concerns here. I just bought into K13 UCE last year as a first time user of NI. I did my research. Let me tell you I wont be happy in the event that my licence becomes invalid (or might as well be) because of some excuse that all software dies a natural death on an undetermined date. What confidence does that bring? That naturally causes concern. I hope the team will stop the inflammatory comments from the likes of chk071 who has done little else but stir with sarcasm and other nasty responses, and who probably is trying to get the thread closed.

    Again, every concern voiced here is valid in my view and i hope NI an do something to alleviate the angst of those of us who want to use our products we paid good money for, on, as others say, compatible OSES and HW for as long as we desire.

    Let it be known Im totally against SW pirates so securing products from thieves is a no brainer, but there needs to be a way for people to authenticate some way, whether thats offline or not IDK, and also to save installers.

    As far as Im concerned, some things never date. That includes great sounds. I've still barely scratched the surface with some NI products and I certainly want to be looking into Absynth more and for a long time to come..

  • Jean Voyage
    Jean Voyage Member Posts: 54 Helper

    I am so sad to see Absynth go. I currently don’t have a license. If anyone here has a spare on, I am more than happy to take it off your hands. Just shoot me a message!

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 233 Advisor

    Ive actually solved this on my own. I found Plasmonic, and I wont be buying Absynth from NI ever again I suppose. This is bittersweet and somewhat upsetting, but I found my way to a potentially better product from the same dev.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Hey @Jeremy_NI and @Matt_NI

    Just wanted to say I really like the info post. Not that I like the info as such, needless to say, just that I find it considerate, comprehensive and it manages to make me as a user see NI's point of view.

    Kind of exemplary, I really hope this style of communication perseveres or however you say that. You know?

    All the best


  • Philippe
    Philippe Member Posts: 66 Helper
  • andalassamXX
    andalassamXX Member Posts: 53 Helper

    I listened to its voice. It was great, but it was not absynth. Unless it completely reproduced absynth's voice, I would regard it as another synthesizer, and it also needed to be purchased, which meant that I would lose another 149 dollars. For users who do not have it, they can try it, but it is not very attractive to users who have absynth.🙂

    MATAKAO Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited September 2022

    Great soundscape tribute to Absynth by databooth... with touch of new Brian's Plasmonic. 

    Everyone here can recognize the deep qualities and sensibility of this magnificent synth.

    Hope that music can calm tensions down. Cheers. Matakao

  • utah_ryan
    utah_ryan Member Posts: 1 Member

    Has anyone heard if NI considered releasing the Absynth intellectual property back to Brian and Rhizomatic under an NDA that would allow them to remove any NI specific code? This would allow Rhizomatic to offer a long-term support plan for those that wish to use the software, and perhaps allow Brian to regenerate the base code enough they could re-partner to release a new synth.

    I guess what I'm really hoping for is that NI and Brian will continue working together in some way. It has been a great partnership for music and creative people. Brian wearing an NI t-shirt and referencing NI's motto in his video addressing Absynth seems to indicate his affinity for the relationship.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 233 Advisor

    Have you used Plasmonic? Have you heard the sounds it generates? Have you also used Absynth for 20 years? Do you read anything the dev, Brian, has said about it? lol this is my replacement Absynth, thanks.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 233 Advisor

    Im not sure you've heard Plasmonic, but ok. ; ) It doesnt need to be identical to Absynth today.

    Ive been using Absynth for 20 years. Plasmonic is new, currently in development, and has an extremely bright future. Its ok - I am at peace, and my $149 is safely in Brian's pocket and not NI's, who let me down significantly with this. I've never really been angry at NI, but today I am. All is well in my world, and maybe some day I'll buy a K14 update. Just not today.

  • andalassamXX
    andalassamXX Member Posts: 53 Helper

    Yes, it's new. You can think of it as Super Absynth.

    But I don't want to buy any more.😁

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