Native Instruments Apple Silicon M1 Compatibility



  • Distinctly Identical
    Distinctly Identical Member Posts: 18 Member

    Kind of ironic the brand is called "Native Instruments". It was good while it lasted, but it's time to move on. I haven't installed any NI software on my new M1 Mac. I thought I'd wait for the native versions (lol).. and after a while, I noticed I don't even miss them anymore. Good bye, old friend.

  • 604way
    604way Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited August 2022

    I'm not optimistic about this and assume its going to require some sort of prohibitively large upgrade fee in order to encourage us to get a subscription.

  • Eight4aWish
    Eight4aWish Member Posts: 55 Helper

    Is it possible to get on the beta programme for Komplete Kontrol 2.8.0?

  • JayTee303
    JayTee303 Member Posts: 30 Member

    Is it still so that maschine software doesn’t run even under Rosetta on m1 pro/ultra/Max (just the normal m1) or m2? So if I want apple m1 only option is MacBook air or Mac mini? And even in that case are the plugins in maschine more stable being vst or au than they are in logic for example?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @JayTee303 Maschine 2 runs on M1 Max & Pro, there is only one known issue:

    Maschine software hangs while previewing kits - Bug (KBDSW-6977)

    The fix is to use Maschine 2.14.7.

    All Au plug-ins should work in Rosetta mode.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    There will be no fee or paying upgrade for the current plug-ins you own already.

  • tkurgpold
    tkurgpold Member Posts: 5 Member

    But don’t worry, because they’re “working to ensure native support”. I don’t even know what that means anymore. I’d be so happy if there was just, like, a Native Instruments M1 Task Force Twitter or something, where even if it’s totally disorganized and conversions fail and get thrown on the back burner, atleast there’s some awareness of what’s going on. It could be a total mess and I’d happily watch the total mess.

  • synchronizerman
    synchronizerman Member Posts: 14 Member

    What’s the story with Reaktor, too? I’ve been using Cubase in native mode, so most ni plugins are just blacklisted.

  • Tomboman
    Tomboman Member Posts: 66 Helper

    Guitar Rig is now native, small steps, but we are getting there :)

  • MusicStuff
    MusicStuff Member Posts: 4 Member

    nice. gotta say most people would not complain if they didn't care. at least that the case with me. I still like NI stuff. good to see progress.

  • DirkL
    DirkL Member Posts: 1 Member

    I really like my NI stuff but it's now two years we are waiting for native Apple Silicon support. All my other plug-ins/librariers from different companies are already AS native and only my NI stuff prevents me from switching Rosetta off and use Logic in native mode. So please, please give us native AS support and by the way give us resizing of the windows. Nobody in 2022 works on 800x600 pixels anymore. We all use big screens with high resolution 🙏

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor

    GR6 native ?

    Wow ! Like Tomboman said, small steps, but after so much complaining I need to express some satisfaction.

    I hope it's working ok. I just opened it and changed some presets, and I didn't notice much difference in CPU use, but at least I don't need to use the AU version or Rosetta...

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper

    also here to say well done to the devs and programmers and NI staff who've managed to get GR6 Native. hopefully this picks up momentum. <3

  • Tomboman
    Tomboman Member Posts: 66 Helper

    I am curious, Raum is part of Guitar Rig and now native - Why is Raum by itself not native yet? That one should be really easy. Thanks!

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor

    I guess it's only a question of weeks before we get all the NI FXs native... But yes, there's no reason Guitar Rig is native now and all the components it uses are not...

    Or maybe there's a business strategy in it, but I don't see it with the informations I've got. To me, the quickest we've got native options with NI plugins, the best it is for both NI and its users...

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