MPC Key 61

JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks


I'm pretty impressed with what this thing can do without a PC attached. Having used many of the on-board instruments already being able to switch this thing on and do what the Maschine+ can kind of do, but with ability to easily do splits and layers (what KK still cannot do). Possibly not for the DAW user but certainly a great option for the performer or someone who wants to sequence things on the go.

$3100 AUD tho is a pretty costly device

I've learned to be cautious of anything new from AKAI before tho since this is based off the very popular and reliable MPC platform I suspect things such as performance would be pretty stable and some of the issues I have heard of the M+ having stuttering etc may not be as much of an issue. Really like the workflow of it, looks like fun especially without the headache of an attached computer.



  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    The thing is mpc sw grows over iMpc2 (long ago discontinnued) from iPad so it’s optimized on its foundation. Not the huge palette as Maschine/Komplete are but more suited to embed rockchip linux board both have. That’s why mpc sw hasn’t the memory issues M+ have and disk streaming will probably arrive to this as the other mpc units sooner or later.

    From keyboardist POV I would prefer the other leaked unit with Force-like shape. Let’s hope it’s also in the works…

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    From keyboardist POV I would prefer the other leaked unit with Force-like shape.

    Any further info on that?

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro
    edited June 2022
  • JBlongz
    JBlongz Member Posts: 19 Member

    This is what we asked NI to do a few years ago. If they can combine the jam, maschine, and Kontrol properly, I’m in. I don’t like the clock on the new MPCs anyway good pressure for NI though

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    The moment Apple lets run desktop-like software at iPads all of this will have less sense. Maybe never who knows…

    Logic for iPad is rumoured from long ago and probably will be a downsized version to keep battery drain and temperature ok. At the same time Apple could improve desktop version with the extra power/features from the new silicon and everyone will be happy (so standalones will keep being a thing) but Apple loves tomdisrupt markets so we will see.

    Mainstage for iPad could be a nice competition with this Mpc Key. Meanwhile there are some apps trying to do similar like Affinity vs Adobe. Take a look…

    A bunch of Apps that could be linked into the previous…

    Another one similar with Mainstage

    Also recently Steinberg released one but it’s desktop afaik

    So it seems an alive market with some competency. Let’s hope NI brings something interesting to the field.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    This MPC keyboard runs on quad core ARM processor so I don’t know if NI would be up to it. After all, ARM is like a voodoo magic to them 🤣🤣🤣

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    I thought it was based over the same rockchip board (maybe newer but x86 at least).

    Do you have any link to the internals?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yeah, some out there don't want ipad/touch software, I think the appeal of things like the MPC, Maschine+ and hardware is it isn't a lifeless piece of glass. I have used ipads since their creation but have gone back to physical controls from the "convenience" of touch devices. I prefer my Push and MCU over the Touchable App by far, I prefer the use of a Stream Deck instead of app based macro controls for my PC and it comes down to tactile feel and the ability to do things without looking.

    Without getting nerded out by the specifics of what runs under the hood, the videos that I have seen reflect what made the MCU so popular.... fun. It just looks like a lot of fun, seemless and swich. It doesn't fit my workflow as I like using a PC based DAW at my core but damn it, it's a step towards a synth and sampler all in one with the full sequencer workflow and all that juicy IO to do things with, not to mention the fact it can also connect additional audio interfaces and USB devices to expand it.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    It says there that this MPC runs on quad core ARM processor with 4GB Ram.

  • Eric Rabb
    Eric Rabb Member Posts: 47 Helper

    Well, Akai has taken the lead again. Seems like Akai listens to its user base and implements improvements in a timely manner. Now once everyone starts selling off NI MASCHINE+ and other hardware, and NI sales start to slip maybe then we can get NI to implement what the user forums are requesting. That being said, this maybe the beginning of the end for NI. After all this is 2022. Native Instruments seems now definitely last in the sequencer department. Akai’s arranger/song mode is a beast and looks very simple to operate and powerful! I’ve been watching Akai roll out the Keys61 workstation, hell they even got Scott Storch doing promo for the Keys61. But…. I love the new backup feature implementation on Maschine software, the new sampler feature also. But it really doesn’t have an impact on workflow. Time equals money! I hope NI understands this aspect of the music industry, where simplistically is key and endusers are a critical component in getting intellectual property ideas to the coders to create the next improvement or implementation of new ideas 💡 I really can’t believe NI is just not in the game anymore, I wish I knew what’s going on in there, and why they can’t get stuff done that the users want in a timely manner. It’s jus sad man. 🤦🏾

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro
    edited June 2022

    I know but that mantra isn’t as it was. Most of these apps has midi learn or support for external hardware (ampify apps like Launchpad or Groovebox) and some developers are starting to implement control surfaces as default.

    Third party developer getting full support of Launchpad (not sure about the whole range or just mk3 since these have changed their programming but the video is one year old as other I posted before; so not really “news”)

    few examples that maybe change your mind and make you take the effort to dig a bit more (second chance? <3 ) instead keeping alive that mantra.

    Another example is Dubfx ditching the Akai Force to get Loopy Pro which has native support for Akai Apc40mk2 and Launchpad Pro mk3 alongside midi learn.

    Obviously AUM (which most iOS users got as main “audio midi hub” is full midi learn programmable and has state saving for AUv3) so you can load a layout even by midi command…

    I hate to rely only on the touchscreen (btw the mpc/force line is touchscreen based too) so believe me when I say “there are options and believing “touchscreen is a must” is just unknowing about these options”. Apple wants to make touch the center of their iPad experience and some developers took that path correctly (most not) such a Samplr or Jordan Rudess apps but even Apple themselves brung Launchpad control over Logic alongside Logic Remote app ;)

    There’s still room for Novation or other brand to get thighter integration with iPadMaybe now Apple seem oppening the system with DriverKit and all the AS transition brands (includding NI) can get some benefeit. I want to believe…

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert
    edited June 2022

    Yeah but if I wanted to faff around with cables, hubs, dongles and connect a snake pit together I’d just use a capable laptop. The appeal of something like the MPC is the fact you don’t have to do all that ******. Switch in and go.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Btw I did the same journey from laptop to “just iPad” to back to mac mini for studio and look into the standalones for live gigs… but as more as I look/research the most the iPad feels the right centerpiece. Said that I use iDevices as standalones most of the time so only one app for iDevice (almost in gigging terms) and wondering/tinkering about get these “glued” so they work as standalones xD

    I think I shared this before and talking with you about this very same topic… or it was a dejavû?

    ;) :cheers:

  • RedwardMc
    RedwardMc Member Posts: 84 Advisor

    NI just needs to integrate Komplete kontrol keyboards better with Maschine... Lock to different groups, key splits and layers, aftertouch, also edit komplete kontrol knobs in Maschine. The NI workflow is better than MPC, they just need to finish their half-assed products.

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