Kontakt 8 no audio output in WASAPI (Shared)

TimC340 Member Posts: 13 Member

I thought I had this working the other day, but it's now impossible.

I can get an output using ASIO drivers, or WASAPI Exclusive, but I need to be able to play my S88 Mk3 alongside YouTube videos for learning, so any exclusive driver is a non-starter for my needs. I can get it to work using the VSL Synchron player or the Analog Labs player, but not Kontakt. I only own a few (free) instruments from VSL and Arturia, yet I have a full Komplete Kontrol Standard installation which obviously gives me much more choice of instrumentation.

I can make it work inside a DAW, but I don't want to start up a DAW every time I need to play a piece. Is this a bug in Kontakt 8 or is there some other setting that I'm not aware of?

Best Answers


  • TimC340
    TimC340 Member Posts: 13 Member

    To add a bit more info, I can play an instrument from within Komplete Kontrol in WASAPI (Shared) mode, but it doesn't share! It blocks all other apps from using the sound card. So it's essentially useless.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Check that the sample rate is the same in your Windows audio and the KK audio settings. If they're different it can cause problems. What audio interface are you using?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,969 mod
    edited March 5 Answer βœ“

    Use this configuration :

    For Windows apps just use normal WASAPI

    Then for all you music programs like Kontakt and DAW then please use Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver: information & download

    Then in Windows go to the advanced sound settings and then for properties of sound device then remove the grab exclusive access ticks . (Of course then you can also start with testing that with your present drivers 😁)

    That ought to work just fine , at least once you have it setup and all your music programs uses the Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver : information & download . At least it works fine for me.

    Latency wise it might not be the best solution but otherwise then it ought to work. If you don't like that idea then you can try and see if you can route your way out of your problems using the "VOICEMEETER BANANA Advanced Mixer" (it's free/Donationware)

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Have you tried ASIO in Kontakt alongside the Windows audio? It'll depend mainly on your interface and drivers, hence the "What's the interface" question. For example, I'm using a MK1 Traktor Audio 2 interface from around 2012 under Windows 11 and it shares quite happily without changing any advanced settings.

  • TimC340
    TimC340 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes, I've got a number of ASIO drivers and the result was the same with all of them - not surprisingly, as (at least in Win 11 Pro) ASIO is exclusive by design. In fact, after my subsidiary comment above I guessed that in some way Kontakt/Komplete Kontrol are behaving as though WASAPI is in exclusive mode whatever the setting is in their preferences; they'll sound if they're the first app opened (but nothing else can use the outputs), but they lose out to anything else if they're not. Whereas Synchron and Analog Labs behave as Windows expects them to and they share without compaint!

    For simple instrument playback alongside the video-based course I'm doing, I'm using the Creative Soundblaster Z-SE card I have in the computer working through my PreSonus monitors. I do have a Quantum ES-2 audio interface, but the monitors aren't hooked up to that - I use it for headphones and mics only.

    In fact, I think PoorFellow has the answer as needed for the NI programs - disable the ability for apps to enforce exclusive mode. I've done that and just need to go and check that it's worked. Back in a mo!

  • TimC340
    TimC340 Member Posts: 13 Member

    OK, PoorFellow's advice worked - with the Steinberg ASIO driver. I could get it to work (after removing the exclusive tie in Windows) with the Creative ASIO driver, but the latency was 50ms which is too much for live playing. The Steinberg driver gives 20ms, which isn't great but it works! The Quantum ES ASIO is only 10ms latency, so I may have a go at wiring the monitors up to that tomorrow, but for now I have a workable solution.

    Thanks guys!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,969 mod
    Answer βœ“

    Great that it works πŸ™‚ , and thank you very much for providing feedback πŸ™‚

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Yeah the Steinberg driver is similar to ASIO4ALL which is a kludge really. It works, but not for anything real time. The best drivers are always the ones that share properly, NI, RME, UAudio, proper Steinberg drivers etc. Not sure about the Presonus ones as I've never used them.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,969 mod
    edited March 6

    Discussing ASIO drivers is like discussing religion or politics and some people acts as it is a religion.

    I have seen discussions over ASIO drivers where people will even says that the dedicated ASIO drivers of this or that make is poor while the other make is great. One had a problem and the other never had a problem.

    Also in a place like this then some will have expensive audio-interfaces and some will not and might require make shift solutions.

    In the end then if it works for you then it's OK despite if someone else is not in agreement.

    Also , Quote Steinberg : Using the Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver for troubleshooting
    In general, it is recommended to use the latest ASIO driver provided by the manufacturer of the audio hardware in use. But if you experience difficulties with your audio interface, it is worth trying the Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver as an alternative.

  • TimC340
    TimC340 Member Posts: 13 Member

    The latest ASIO4ALL (v2.16) seems pretty reasonable compared to some on my system. The Steinberg one actually allowed me to use Kontakt/KK alongside WATAPI-based apps, so that's a huge vote in its favour. It may not be the fastest, but (for reasons I don't understand!) It works where others don't. The PreSonus ASIO driver specifically for the Quantum range of interfaces seems very fast, and I understand it's had some good reviews so I'll persevere with trying to get my system working with that. But, for now, Steinberg does a job I needed doing.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,969 mod
    edited March 6

    The Steinberg one actually allowed me to use Kontakt/KK alongside WATAPI-based apps, so that's a huge vote in its favour.

    It may not be the fastest, but (for reasons I don't understand!) It works where others don't.

    Thank you ! Yes, that's exactly why I use it and why I suggested it πŸ˜€

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