Can I run komplete 15 on 2 or 3 of my computers

mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

Can I run komplete 15 on 2 or 3 of my computers

Best Answer

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member
    Answer ✓

    I just wanted to thank everybody for chiming in and helping me navigate through this dilemma. I went and tried native access again and when I logged in again, for some reason it was allowing me this time to download on my second computer. It just took forever to download on the second computer. On the second to last day of loading the large samples, native access was telling me I had three or four large files that still were in the queue section of being installed. The following day I went to install the remaining samples, and when I started downloading, it only told me I had sample I had left which loaded in about 10 to 15 minutes. I'm just trying to set my computer back up to physically use it now after the program's loaded and I'll see what happens. Thanks again for everybody's help.


  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    Per the EULA:

    3.3 Licensee may install and personally use the licensed software on three devices (e.g. one computer, one laptop, one workstation), provided that the said software is used only on one device regularly. Simultaneous use on more than one hardware device is not permitted.

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    I'm not so sure I understand what that means. When I talk to the salespeople at Guitar Center they said I could load Native Instruments komplete 15 on three of my computers. I'm trying to load complete on my second computer and all it's letting me load was controller editor, contact 6, 7, 8 player, and reactor 6 player. I'm not seeing any other of the Native Instruments complete 15 in my available Native Instruments access or library.

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    It indeed means that you can install and activate your Komplete products on up to three different devices, provided that you do not use said software on all three devices simultaneously.

    What OS does your second computer use?

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    I'm using Windows 11 on the upstairs computer and Windows 10 on the downstairs computer. What is it mean simultaneously, I can't have complete 15 on both computers at the same time?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    The licence allows you to install on a total of three computers at any one time. You can only use one at once, but leave it installed on the other two. You're not restricted to three computers by Native Access, but if you install it on more than three you're going against the licence agreement.

    The original problem you have isn't related to the number of computers you're installing on. Are you loading the same version of Native Access 2 and using the same username/password on each computer?

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    I believe I used Native Instruments access two on both computers. The one upstairs I use for my acoustic stuff has Windows 11 in it. The one downstairs that I use for band recording, that has Windows 10 on it. I'm trying to load Native Instruments komplete 15 classic on both computers. The upstairs computer loaded everything from complete 15 no problem it seems. Weeks later when I tried to load the program on my downstairs computer using a clean install of Windows 10, it lets me download only the free stuff with Native access. I can't get guitar rig 7, massive, or mass of x, or any of the other plugins associated with complete except the free stuff such as complete player 6 7 and 8, and reactor 6, all free stuff. Why can't I load this program like I have upstairs on the downstairs computer, why isn't native access seeing the download in my menus that I should have for the stuff that I purchased for over $1,000?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    Are you certain you're using the same username and password on the downstairs computer?

    If you are, take a look at this page that give suggestions of how to make missing products appear -

    I'm assuming you have the latest version of Native Access on each computer which is currently 3.17.0

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    I ended up trying to log on to my native access and then it started letting me download. Now there's another problem, lot of the program started downloading at what seemed to be a fast speed. Now they're starting to slow down to a ridiculous amount. I checked my download speed and it was over 350 megabytes a second. However, samples such as 30 GB samples are taking over close to 7 hours to download now? They were moving faster earlier now they're taking longer amounts of time. Is there any way I could just take a external hard drive from my upstairs computer and transfer the samples onto my downstairs computer directly from the hard drive rather than downloading them from a site?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited February 2

    Yes. If your libraries are on an external drive, you can use it on both computer.

    You have to use the Locate function in Native Access on the second computer. No need to re-download the big libraries

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member

    I just want to say thank you Native Instruments Community for attempting to help me. I have all my programs loaded from complete 15, it's some of the very large files that are taking forever now to download, they're the sample files. I read these articles but it makes it sound like I can only transfer the files and not copy them. I have one computer running upstairs for vocals and acoustics, my downstairs computer is for band and raw production. The problem is my upstairs computer is all set, everything's been downloaded, things seem to work. These articles make it seem that if I go to relocate the sample files, it doesn't just copy them, it will remove them from my upstairs computer and put them on my downstairs computer. That's a problem cuz I need to have access to both of my computers not necessarily at the exact same time, but I may need them within hours apart of one another. These articles, am I wrong in the idea that they don't allow you to copy, I thought they only allow you to move on to the hard drive and onto another computer while removing those same files from the host computer, so what happens can I copy or not?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    Copy the files to a new separate drive and plug that into the new computer. The old computer won't be affected when you locate the sample files on the new computer using the new drive.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    But you're still going to need to use Native Access to set the locations of the libraries on the target computer.

  • mjhmassound
    mjhmassound Member Posts: 17 Member
    Answer ✓

    I just wanted to thank everybody for chiming in and helping me navigate through this dilemma. I went and tried native access again and when I logged in again, for some reason it was allowing me this time to download on my second computer. It just took forever to download on the second computer. On the second to last day of loading the large samples, native access was telling me I had three or four large files that still were in the queue section of being installed. The following day I went to install the remaining samples, and when I started downloading, it only told me I had sample I had left which loaded in about 10 to 15 minutes. I'm just trying to set my computer back up to physically use it now after the program's loaded and I'll see what happens. Thanks again for everybody's help.

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