Massive, why no arm in VST version?

ffx Member Posts: 21 Member


Massive is a nice, yet quite quite old synth. Many people used it in old projects. Therefore, for backward compatibility purposes, it would be much more helpful, if the VST version had mac ARM support implemented, not only the VST3 version.

Is it really that hard to add ARM to VST2.4? I already did by myself, and know that it is possible.

A new VST3 variant of a very old plugin, which assumingly will be replaced with more recent synths like Massive X in new song projects anyway, is not a well thought strategy in my opinion.

I wouldn't give a ****** about what Steinberg says about VST2.4 licensing. Since you already are a contractor, I don't see a issue here either.

Thanks for consideration.



  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 293 Pro

    The VST2 SDK was never ported to ARM, and Steinberg does not issue new licenses to target it. VST2 has been deprecated for almost 1.5 decades, and out of development for several years.

    Everyone developing VST plug-ins is under contract. The SDK is not public domain, and it's not something you can just fork yourself. If they won't allow you to do this (and they won't), you will lose that case every time - it's pretty cut and dry. It is their technology. You don't get to dictate the terms of its use to them.

    It's the same situation as ReWire. Reason Studios ended it, so any DAW that goes M1 Native has to drop support for ReWire de facto.

    The same is true on Windows ARM machines for these technologies.

    If you need to load those projects, load them under Rosetta 2 to do what you need to do.

  • ffx
    ffx Member Posts: 21 Member

    No, most plugins which are ported to ARM actually provide a VST2 ARM version, too. Only NEWLY developed plugins only offer VST3. Rosetta 2 will be shut down at some point, just as Rosetta 1 was, too, by Apple.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod

    Not only newly developed. An increasing number have been or are are in the process of removing VST2 versions eg u-he announced recently they are stopping providing VST2 version after the current round of updates

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 293 Pro
    edited February 18

    VST2 can be maintained for existing plug-ins, but this does not include porting them to ARM Native. That is a completely different scenario.

    Again, there is literally no ARM-native SDK for VST2. There is no way to compile them for ARM.

    What are you even talking about.

    When Rosetta 2 is shut down, VST2 will be shut down along with it. The only reason why those are usable is because of Rosetta 2. People should be replacing out of development VST2 plug-ins with in development VST3 products that perform the same function.

    If you haven't done this by now (several years after M1's release), then you are WAY behind the 8 Ball.

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