NAMM 2025: Introducing the NKS Hardware Partner Program



  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,362 Expert

    Massive XI? Massiver? Colossal, Gigantic, Immense? 🤣

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    Massive X development makes me very happy. It's a fantastic synth with awesome sound design capabilities. It's UX is a little old-school - so if it were me, a facelift with an 'easy' mode and some more functionality (maybe with an MPE device I hope you're developing) would be spot on.

  • MorrisEd
    MorrisEd Member Posts: 166 Pro

    I worked through the trial version of Nacht last night, and it is a pretty terrible port if it makes you feel any better. The platform can’t change NI’s love for making things harder than they need to be. I was immediately annoyed at the UI and reminded why I dislike these Play Series instruments so much. The Akai plug-ins are just better tbh or (even better) connecting an external synth to your MPC. NI is going to learn the hard way imo that commoditizing its software is going to end badly. That’s without even getting into NI asking users to pay twice along the way which is crazy.

  • MorrisEd
    MorrisEd Member Posts: 166 Pro

    The only reason users expect updates to be free is because companies started to release products before they were finished with promises that certain things would be added. NI is a main offender of this. But even aside from that, NI is very obviously reselling the work that was done by people that have long since been laid off. We are getting Analog Dream ONE, which is ancient…not TWO, which is old enough on its own. The other ports are lesser than their desktop counterparts. NI is releasing things imo that they can repackage with minimal effort. That’s why we use the term “cash grab” to describe the practice. Also, NI and Akai are collecting our usage data without compensation. It is a GIANT asset to them to have us in their ecosystem and really what these private equity companies want more than anything else. So, NI can do better without any more of our money. Paying again for these plug-ins is a hard pass for me. Besides, Akai’s plug-ins are better despite common view that NI “has the best sounds.”

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    I’m sorry, but you call it ‘reality’, I would call it ‘lack of good business planning’.

    But let’s agree to disagree.

    One thing I’m pleased about is that @Chris_NI communicated that M+ will be fixed and updated for version 2 first, and after that M+ will be brought to version 3.

    So we as users have a stable and up to date product, and also the choice (yes, we like options!) to update M+ to version 3.

    Looking forward to the first beta.

  • Marlsz the composer
    Marlsz the composer Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I own both products.

    When I had to make the choice of buying my first stand alone I was stuck between maschine plus or the live 2.

    Being a maschine user SINCE Mk 1 I felt I wasn't being loyal to native instruments. But my gut said go with akai.

    At first maschine plus had the advantage just for the fact it came with massive, fm7 and kontakt. Akai didn't have the plugin quality to content.

    Now look I've personally brought every Plugin akai have made for their standalone. I brought two new mpc maschine plugins. Akai new 3.0 software is class, touch screen, ni Plugin support.

    Am glad I brought a mpc live 2 first and if you don't have one then youre really missing out. 😉

    I want maschine plus to fight for its place but it seems NI have other plans 🤣😂🤣😜

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    I mean, if Ableton had included an arrangement view with the Push 3, there would be no real debate.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I've wanted a 37-note controller to be a companion to my S61MK3.

    Novation's new 37-note Launchkey 37 MK4 is gonna be that solution!

    Thanks NI for this new initiative.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    Yes, it answers. Thank you.

    This and Chris giving some more answers in another thread is very welcome.

    My only suggestion at this point is to not let some questions asked many times hanging for months, to avoid users like me having to insist


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,223 mod

    Yep, that'd be nice, although they're mainly channel strip oriented? Could probably add things like the compressors/eq etc though

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    I would like to answer you…but they told me to shut up 😉

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,441 mod
    edited January 23

    Some things are very far from the truth I'm afraid.

    First, this one:

    So, NI can do better without any more of our money.

    It is the opposite. Not just NI but almost all software developing companies do not have the resources that had once. This is because a BIG part of your money is going to taxes, taxes and more taxes, instead of development. It is not their fault, neither yours (so, be careful who you vote for!). The idea that developers are a kind of Elon Musk with unlimited resources, is false and misguided. Developers need your support as much as you need their products. It's a two-way relationship that can not work otherwise.

    Then this:

    Akai’s plug-ins are better despite common view that NI “has the best sounds.”

    You are oversimplify things.

    It is mostly like that (according to various professional audio sources) in brief:


    Heavily focused on sampling, sequencing, and beat production.

    • Strengths: "Intuitive" workflow, powerful sampling capabilities, and tight integration with their hardware.
    • Weaknesses: While excellent for beat production, they may not be as versatile for other genres or production styles. Also, their software is much less "polished" compared to Native Instruments.

    Native Instruments

    Diverse range of software and hardware, covering various aspects of music production, including synthesis, sampling, effects, and DJing.

    • Strengths: High-quality algorithms (some of the best on the market), innovative software design, and extensive sound libraries. Products like Kontakt or Reaktor are established industry standards, used by thousands of audio professionals and world-wide known musicians. Offering powerful synthesis (which is the most important aspect for a creator!), sampling, and effects capabilities. Excellent and visually appealing user interfaces.
    • Weaknesses: NI products can sometimes have a steeper learning curve due to their complexity and depth. Their hardware can also be more expensive compared to Akai's offerings. And of course, their support, which needs a lot more work. In 2025 every serious company must provide a 24/7 support!

    One last thing to consider:

    An important fact that most people have absolutely no idea about, is how much sweat and how many endless months of exhausting work is needed for a product to finish. And how much deep research is occasionally needed for each update, especially it it has some nasty bugs! There is no magic wand that simply obey your wishes.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    Nice. Seeing communication being addressed is a big step in my opinion

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