Saving Midi Learn for a Sound's Macros

Antonio B
Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
edited January 21 in Maschine

Hi, I can't figure out how to save my midi learn settings for the macros of a sound. What am I missing? I use maschine in controller mode only (I gave up on the limitations of standalone mode on my machine +) For example,  I create a page of macros for a sound - cutoff, Filter env intensity for the synth, feedback amt and reverb mix for a Valhalla reverb and delay, etc. I click on midi learn fo macro knob and turn knobs from Circuit Tracks. Now they are properly mapped. This works great because Tracks has four midi channels for synth control and can be switched very easily. Now I can control 4 synths and their efx parameters from Tracks (midi ch. 1-4) while tweaking knobs on Maschine to control the macros of a sound on chosen group/midi ch.(as well as group/midi ch. 1-4) BUT I can't save the midi knob learn in a sound file. If I save the preset, it will save the midi learn for the synth but of course not the efx parameters. I tried saving efx midi learn mappings but that does not work. And saving sound doesn't do it either. The macros are saved but not the midi knob mappings. I use each group as a single track per synth - because I like different pattern lengths,etc. thx


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 21

    Macros are saved within Groups.

    (External) Automation MIDI Learn used on those Macros (or anything else) is saved in the Project, so a template is your only option.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    Ok thanks. That makes sense. Ive been experimenting and it seems my best (i.e. easiest lol) option is to create Master Macros to set a few pages of the most important performance modualtions across the project and use the knobs on the Maschine exclusively. Maybe if I am inspired I'll create midi templates in the Tracks for the individual VSTs so I can use those knobs as well. Im a minimalist when it comes to using only a handful of my fav vsts and always have the top six in the first 6 groups respectively and leave additional groups open for less used synths…so that could be a good option as well :)

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    That works too I guess, using the NI controller is always better in this sort of scenario.

    The advantage of using Group-Macros is that they can loaded into any existing project.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    Unfortunately Group doesn't work for this situation as I use a single vst per group. So I have to go up to Master level to control the parameters of multiple synths, simultaneously.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited January 24

    I had some time to test this; the midi learn settings are not saved in the project (perhaps you meant that the midi learn automation is the thing that gets saved - but not the settings?). The experience has been helpful regardless because I dug into the use of setting up macros (master/group/sound) and I found it a much easier process than I originally thought :) Some of my VSTs (not all) :/ are good at saving the midi learn settings within the patch and will most likely use that pairing within the patch. thx for your responses or any further tips on this subject :)

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