Maschine just WILL NOT recognize Arturia Spark 2

Cullen James
Cullen James Member Posts: 14 Member

this is the most annoying thing ever because I love using Arturia Spark Drum Machine with Maschine.

but it seems that it just will not recognize Spark 2 no matter what I’ve tried. There are a couple other plugins that it won’t recognize - most do work and are recognized - but several important ones like Spark aren’t.

I’ve seen other people run into this same issue and cannot seem to find a definitive answer as to how to solve the issue.

Any suggestions?


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited January 18

    Are you on Mac (Apple Silicon?). Spark only exists as VST2 (and AU on Mac) and is too old to be Silicon native, so either load Maschine in Rosetta mode and make sure the VST2 path is added in settings, or use the AU (which uses the system level Rosetta wrapper) - as I am doing here (this is Maschine 3):

  • Cullen James
    Cullen James Member Posts: 14 Member

    I'm actually working on a hack where I'm running Ventura on a 2012 Macbook Pro. Obviously, these have the Intel processors on them. Will try with Rosetta though, as as far as anyone looking at the UI on this computer would "think" that it's running a Silicon chip. Will report back.

  • Cullen James
    Cullen James Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 19

    Nevermind. Upon trying to manually install Rosetta using terminal, I'm given this message. It seems the Mac knows that I'm using an Intel processor despite using Ventura OS.

    I should note that, Spark 2 does open and work as a standalone app, which is why I'm not sure why it's not being recognized in Maschine.

    Wait, just now as I'm typing this, I found Spark in Maschine. But it's not available in the actual instruments menu on the physical Maschine unit. It's only selectable virtually. It does appear in the "AU" plugins, as you noted, but is also available in the "VST" dropdown list too (not appearing in VST3, as you noted it wouldn't). This is strange. It would be nice to be able to select it from the instruments menu on the actual Maschine groove box. Not sure why I can't

  • Cullen James
    Cullen James Member Posts: 14 Member
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited January 19

    Yeah that won't work. It might be that this is just because it's an unsupported system but there may be a simpler explanation - it should be under the category drums and percussion in the browser. Did you definitely install the NKS files when you ran the installer?

  • Cullen James
    Cullen James Member Posts: 14 Member

    To be honest - I'm not sure, I've looked all over arturia software center and I don't see any checkable boxes that indicate it will include NKS files. I've seriously clicked on both the overall preferences of the app as well as tried to pull up preferences in the individual instruments inside the software center, and can't find a way to tell it to definitely install the NKS files along with the instruments. For years, Arturia plugins just worked in Maschine, so I'm assuming the NKS files always downloaded automatically. Maybe there's something in Mac's System Preferences that may be preventing them all from installing properly. Maybe some type of permissions?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod

    If you go into options in the Arturia Software Centre it has a checkbox to enable silent installs. If you uncheck it just to install Spark you will get the full installer with options, make sure to include third party content

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited January 20

    try running the kushview elements host VST within maschine , then you should be able to route the instrument, to where you need it(Vst host environment allows you to load "most" problematic VST's that will not show up in maschine, if the VST will not show up in the host environment once the initial plugin scan is carried out in elements standalone mode… then it will not work in the plugin mode

    Kushview elements is free and very useful …

    i once used it in a VR program called tranzient, in which the Tranzient music program couldnt utilise any VST2 implementation, as there was a transitioning away from VST2, forced by steinberg, who were no longer issueing vst2 licenses & only vst3 licenses were being released for developers…

    Element gets around the issue that developers would encounter… and allows older VST's to work in a host plugin environment!!

  • Cullen James
    Cullen James Member Posts: 14 Member

    I unchecked silent installs. Then, after uninstalling and reinstalling ASC (because of some glitch, the install button had been completely removed from Spark, despite a full manual uninstallation), then when I finally got the “install” button to reappear next to the Spark plugin in ASC, the install failed. Repeatedly. Spark is now completely uninstallable on my laptop. I reached out to Arturia, and hoping they reply soon. Will report back if I ever get to the end of the tunnel of this journey.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited January 20

    Sorry to hear that, hope it gets sorted.

    I think you can download individual installers still from the Arturia site so why not try that?

    I also keep Pacifist on my system for installers that fail or to extract resources from them that I need.

  • Cullen James
    Cullen James Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 22

    okay this is how I’ve seemed to have fixed this issue:

    A) to actually get Spark to reinstall, I had to go to Arturia’s website, navigate to the Spark download page on their side, and specially download the newer ARM version of the plugin. I don’t think ASC will install the ARM version (at least if you’re running an Intel Mac and used OpenCore Legacy Patcher to update the OS on your Mac).

    B) this seems to be the only fix for my problem, which may be the problem other Intel-Mac users who’ve upgraded their OSs to modern versions might be experiencing too.

    You need to apparently trash the ASC preferences file, and restart the computer before re-opening Maschine.

    To do this, go to /Library/ArturiaSC/Arturia Software Center/user

    then, delete the file “asc.pref”

    Make sure to empty trash after deleting and restart.

    This seems to have solved the issue, and Spark now appears in Instruments and the program menu on the right screen seems to function normally. I really help this helps anyone else avoid the headache I’ve experienced over the last week, haha.

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