Komplete Kontrol plugin not showing in Ableton / keyboard not showing in control surface

Vingoe Member Posts: 14 Member

I have the complete Komplete Kontrol S49 MK2 keyboard. I have been trying to set it up with ableton, however, I"m running into some issues and I've been trying everything to figure this out.

I'm using live 9, (I don't have funds to upgrade) however, with that being said, My other plugins from native instruments are all located in the same folder and are showing up, but for some reason Komplete Kontrol is not.

On the ableton website they provide the steps for adding the keyboard to work in ableton, and one of the things that is mentioned is to ensure that you have komplete kontrol installed and up to date, which I do. The firmware is up to date. I followed all the steps exactly as they were listed.

I"m on windows 11 pro. Intel i9. I"m so confused as to why it is not working. The control surface does not list the Komplete Kontrol s mk2 as option for me to select. I only see Kontol49.

Best Answer

  • Vingoe
    Vingoe Member Posts: 14 Member
    Answer ✓

    That's not correct.

    Ableton Live 9 can definitely run Komplete Kontrol. I was able to figure it out. The updated version of Komplete Kontrol automatically removes the vst files so it was a matter of downgrading copying the required files than reinstalled in the new version of Kontrol. Took me a while to figure it all out, and I manually added the ableton live script and it works.


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert
    edited January 20

    Sorry to inform but Komplete Kontrol MK2 requires Ableton Live 10.0.5 as the minimum which includes the control script for KK, quick Google confirms this:


    So you will likely need to upgrade since I am guessing even if you manually install the script in L9, it likely wouldn't work either.

    You can still use the KK plugin within Live by just loading the Komplete Kontrol plugin onto a track, but without the control script you cannot access any track navigation or transport features.

  • Vingoe
    Vingoe Member Posts: 14 Member
    Answer ✓

    That's not correct.

    Ableton Live 9 can definitely run Komplete Kontrol. I was able to figure it out. The updated version of Komplete Kontrol automatically removes the vst files so it was a matter of downgrading copying the required files than reinstalled in the new version of Kontrol. Took me a while to figure it all out, and I manually added the ableton live script and it works.

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