Using Komplete Kontrol causing my DAW (Reaper) to freeze every 5 minutes (KBDSW-7859)



  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    @Matthew_NI Can you please give us an update when we can expect a Komplete Kontrol 3 fix to run it as VST3 plugin on a track like any other NI VST3 effect plugin without crashing REAPER?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,242 Expert

    I think the official NI crew is not back from the holiday break until Jan 6.


  • rhkfilm
    rhkfilm Member Posts: 1 Member

    Yet another Reaper here looking elsewhere for my next hardware upgrade due to lack of Reaper support.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Any further updates on this bug will come from @Chris_NI as I am now on the Kontakt team.

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited January 14

    @Chris_NI Can you provide us a status update when we can expect a Komplete Kontrol 3 fix without crashing REAPER?

    The only request is to fix the Komplete Kontrol 3 VST3 plugin to use it as FX on a track in REAPER. No DAW integration is requested as this can be addressed with 3rd party plugins.

  • Deon van Heerden
    Deon van Heerden Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just adding my voice to the chorus. Bought an S61 MKIII in April of last year.

    KK3 not only crashes Reaper seemingly at random, but severely affects the performance of my sessions. I've reproduced this a number of times, and every time I freeze or delete the tracks using KK3 my session's performance returns to normal. Massively disappointing.

    Tried on 2 Windows laptops and my workstation, same behavior everywhere.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,242 Expert


    Can you clarify this:

    "To use it as FX on a track in REAPER"

    Like as an actual "Insert" effect? Like a compressor or delay? Not sure I understand this.

    KK is like any other virtual "instrument" - drag it into a track and load up a supported NKS instrument.

    Is this how this works in Reaper - or am I missing something here?


  • nvaleri
    nvaleri Member Posts: 10 Member

    FX is the button in Reaper you push to load a virtual instrument or effect, virtual instrument or insert effect. Do you use Reaper?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,242 Expert

    Ah - I see. No - I do not use Reaper but must admit - that is a confusing name for that button.

    Most DAWs load virtual "instruments" and virtual "FX" as separate items - each with their own specific processes etc.


  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    All technical details are already shared multiple times. A 100% reproducible test case can be found in this thread. NI confirmed this bug, but there is zero progress since November 2023. We're at page 7 now and you see still new complaining customers which never ends without a solution.

    Correct: REAPER accepts VST3 plugins and instruments on a track which is called FX.

    REAPER developers are not able to debug and fix this problem as this bug is located in the KK 3 binaries and pointing back to the NI KK developers. AFAIK, all other VST3 products from NI and other manufactures works fine in REAPER.

    The only way forward is allocating one NI software engineer launching KK3 in REAPER in a debugger and start investigating this problem. Investigation should not take more than one or two days for a skilled engineer as a similar bug was already fixed in Kontakt.

    @Chris_NI Can you manage this or do you need more technical information?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,242 Expert


    "All technical details are already shared multiple times."

    Yes - I am very aware of the situation. And yes - Reaper seems to work fine with other VST3 products and even with NI products. But Reaper is still not an officially supported DAW for Komplete Kontrol MK3 as listed here:

    Is REAPER DAW supported with Komplete 15 Ultimate? — Community

    Hopefully Chris_NI sheds more light on this when he can.


  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited January 16

    @Vocalpoint Unfortunately, the information in the NI post link from your previous comment is known and incomplete as you can read in following comments. NI marked it as answered, but is not accepted by customers as there is no solution.

    Customers requested NI to fix KK VST3 plugin to run it on a REAPER track just like any other NI plugin in REAPER as documented here:

    There is REAPER support, otherwise this page did not exist. The KK3 VST3 plugin is similar to any other NI VST3 instrument plugin such as Kontakt.

    The real problem of this thread is running the KK3 as VST3 plugin on a REAPER track where we request NI to fix KK3 VST3 plugin to stops crashing REAPER. This should be an easy bugfix for NI, but NI is not willing to understand the problem so far since there is no communication possible other than this thread or email. I wish we could talk to a human with sufficient knowledge. Even funding this bugfix has been rejected.

    DAW integration means mapping the keyboard display/buttons/rotary controls to KK3 running in a DAW and is beyond the scope of this request: 3rd party REAPER plugins already support full DAW integration and is not related to this REAPER freeze. Should we post the links again?

    NI always refers to unsupported REAPER DAW integration which is not requested in this thread, we need a KK3 fix to stop freezing REAPER instead without DAW integration. Minimum engineering effort, high customer satisfaction results in more sales. Now our NI investments in hardware and software are on hold.

    As long as NI employees and NI support keep referring to their "DAW integration" excuse, then they are part of the problem and not participating in finding a solution to support their customers.

    Hopefully Chris_NI sheds more light on this when he can.

    Fact: Last activity in @Chris_NI profile was 7 November 2024.

    @Vocalpoint Please correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like you're working for NI, but your account is listed as normal user which is confusing. Is it possible for you ping Chris internally?

  • nvaleri
    nvaleri Member Posts: 10 Member

    @Erwinew Correct, we are not asking for DAW integration, only for the VST3 version of the plugin to not crash Reaper. It really doesn't seem like that big of an ask considering no other VST3 from NI or any other vendor crashes Reaper.

    @Chris_NI Please weigh in here. We all would rest a lot easier to get a status on this.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,242 Expert
    edited January 16


    "Please correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like you're working for NI, but your account is listed as normal user which is confusing. Is it possible for you ping Chris internally?"

    I will correct you right off the top. While I am a huge fan of my NI stuff and like to think (hope?) I have positive relationships with selected users on the boards here and even the NI employees (and mods) who monitor the forums here - I do not work for NI.

    Next - with all due respect to you AND not knowing the technical internals of Komplete Kontrol - my gut feel on this issue has a number of angles.

    Firstly - Reaper is not a supported DAW for Komplete Kontrol "integration". While I know this annoys you - this specific requirement cannot be overstated and it certainly should not be slid under the table either.

    Secondly (and respectfully) - you have repeatedly made a point of assuming that just because Komplete Kontrol is a "VST3 plugin" and Reaper loads VST Plugins - that KKv3 should magically just work in Reaper.

    That is like an Audacity user, or Traction user or Wavelab user coming in here and declaring that all their apps "host" VST3 plugins - so KKv3 should automatically just "work" too. That is technically - never - a guarantee of anything.

    Finally - we (the collective "we") have no idea whatsoever about the internal code, requirements, design or anything else within the Komplete Kontrol framework to make any assumptions about anything.

    That "official" list of supported apps - is official for a reason. As difficult as this may sound for you - maybe Komplete Kontrol simply cannot just "be" a VST3 plugin in any other DAW than those above.

    Maybe there are requirements/elements/support within those 8 DAWs above that allow KK to "just work" as a VST3 plugin - that Reaper simply does not have. Maybe NI has had technical conversations with the Reaper crew and specific technical requirements cannot be agreed upon.

    Again - I have zero knowledge on why this issue is occurring nor am I dismissing that there is an issue. I am not a Reaper user and I feel for you guys here.

    But I do know that the world revolves around priorities and the "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" in almost all situations. It is very easy to see the 8 other DAWs that are supported and how many tens/hundreds of thousands of users of those products need help with their KKv3 installs as well.

    Bottom line - if this was an easy fix - it would be easy.

    Only Chris_NI can provide official comment on the status of this item. I will leave it to him to do that.


  • jazz_fan
    jazz_fan Member Posts: 7 Member

    @Vocalpoint said:

    « Secondly (and respectfully) - you have repeatedly made a point of assuming that just because Komplete Kontrol is a "VST3 plugin" and Reaper loads VST Plugins - that KKv3 should magically just work in Reaper.»

    Actually, it's not magic, it's a matter of properly regression testing KK 3.x.x so that it works like KK 2.9.6 did - in Reaper or any other VST3 host. NI knows there is a problem crashing Reaper, they have elected not to fix it thus far.

    I'm only glad that I didn't upgrade to the mk3 keyboard that would require KK 3 - Reaper users that did that really got the shaft. I'm only partially ****** because I had to spend a couple of days rolling back to KK 2.9.6 so my mk2 keyboard would still work properly.

    That we haven't heard from NI is telling.

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