BUG: Flickering screen using NI plugins

RemyCooper Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited November 2024 in Tech Talks

Hi, not sure if I'm at the right place to share bugs, but my screen has been flickering when I'm using NI plugins recently. It's pretty annoying. Anyone else had this problem? All the plugins are up to date.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Maybe some more information about your setup would help here. What's your operating system? What plugin specifically? Are you usin a laptop, an external monitor? What kind/model, what graphic card are you using?

  • XBaker
    XBaker Member Posts: 7 Member

    I'm experiencing the same issue. I use an AMD Radeon graphics card which I understand can exhibit the issue. The source of the flickering is the QT framework. a compatibility library was removed a version or two ago and it unmasked the issue on Radeon cards. Looks like NI fixed it for Machine but I still have the problem in Kontakt 7. I understand it's a problem in ver 8, too.


  • RemyCooper
    RemyCooper Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm using a Mac M1 14 inch 2021 laptop. Just the laptop's screen. So a retina XDR display

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    With which plug-ins and in what context? So we can try to repro and forward to the devs.

  • Russellmus
    Russellmus Member Posts: 71 Helper

    For me, it's all the standalone apps on my M1 Pro MacBook, with MacOS 15, but it was present on many months ago on 14 as well. Have an external monitor, but it happens on both that and the built in screen.

    Can confirm it frequently happens with Kontakt 7, Kontakt 8 Player, Guitar Rig 7, and Komplete Kontrol. Seems to happen at random, both in standalone or the plugins within Logic. Sometimes I observe it happening to a lesser extent as I move my cursor over various elements in the UI (the flickering is in sync with the cursor crossing elements), but other times it happens when I am not interacting with the window.

    Usually I can stop the flickering by dragging the window back and forth between my displays. Sometimes I only have to drag it once and it's cured, other times it's more persistent.

    To clarify, it's the windows that flicker, not the whole screen.

    Golly gee it's annoying!

  • Russellmus
    Russellmus Member Posts: 71 Helper

    PLEASE fix this.

    I feel like I'm gonna have a seizure.

    It's horrible.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Ive been experiencing this for a good while and posted about it here - theres also a small gif showing how mouse movements affect this as well.

    Im also finding iZotope plugs randomly do it too.

  • dexl
    dexl Member Posts: 67 Helper

    Same here. Using Windows 10, nvidia graphics card.

  • Thomas from Berlin
    Thomas from Berlin Member Posts: 4 Member

    Having the same issue with Kontakt 8. Whenever opening Kontakt 8 the plugin GUI window is flickering, especially on my second EIZO screen. I am using MacPro19, MacOS Sonoma, with AMD Radeon Pro W5700X. As soon as I resize the plugin window flickering is gone. With K5 and 6 there is no such issue …

  • vfx@denisspycher.com
    vfx@denisspycher.com Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Kontakt 8 (within Bitwig or Cubase) on my MacStudio M1 Ultra (Ventura 13.7).
    I assume that this is an overlay problem and it behaves as follows in my case:
    Main monitor 1 (Samsung Odyssey Ark with 30/60Hz) flickers
    Monitor 2 (Samsung Frame with 25/50Hz) no flickering

    Unfortunately, I cannot switch my large main monitor to 25Hz…

    It only happen with my new NI Kontakt8 in Bitwig or Cubase? Other GUI's like Orchestral Tool's Sine, Spitfire, Arturia or other synthesizer GUI's have no problems with flickering…
    First I tried to screen grab the video, everything was nicely synchronized. I had to record the video with my iPhone to see what my problem is...

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