decrease latency

gimbo giambo
gimbo giambo Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


my CPU is Intel i7-7700HQ. I use guitar rig 5 with clarett +2pre

my latency is now 256 samples overall 27,6 ms and it is not very fine.

How to decrease it ? which is the problem ? clarett is not fit?

my CPU is not permorming?

thank you for your answer


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,126 mod

    Are you using the latest ASIO drivers for the +2? You should be able to get the buffer size lower than 256 in the Focusrite device settings panel.

  • gimbo giambo
    gimbo giambo Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    thank you for your comment. I just downloaded from Clarett the updated Focusrite Control (v3.18.0.204 Includes Driver) - Windows

    When opening rig5 and Asio config I have buffer size 256 - clock source internal - clock status synced -round trip latency 27.7 ms 1218 samples. it doesn't sound good if I use for esample cakewalk or ableton. How to get better ? thanks

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 359 Pro
    edited January 9

    Please ensure your sample rate settings are the same in both windows and the software running guitar rig or in guitar rig itself if running in stand alone.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert

    The thing is, that cheaper interfaces cheat, they do report only part of buffer and beside that they have "security" buffer….. So, your interface has real buffer about 512…. So, 512 in, 512 out and, say 200 samples A/D and D/A and overhead…

    I would have to try GR5 with my interfaces from RME, but I bet I could get roundtrip much lower than yours. Maybe something like 128 samples.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 359 Pro

    I have a cheap Behringer usb interface with "safe mode" checked. It that the same thing as the security buffer you mention? Unchecked it does make a huge difference to latency in a negative way.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert

    What does it mean: "Unchecked it does make a huge difference to latency in a negative way."

    Do you mean by that, that if not using "safe mode", you need to increase size of buffer? If yes, it is what I speak about…. Interface in "safe mode" most probably does not report real size of buffer, but smaller size. Then if not in "safe mode" one has to set bigger buffer to compensate for previously hidden aditional buffer.

  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 92 Advisor

    Drop your buffer size until you get low latency, too low and you may get pops/crackles. You need to work out which is best for yourself.

    Many DAWs have two buffers, one for playback and one for live monitoring.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 359 Pro

    Many interfaces have an option for direct/live monitoring too.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 359 Pro
    edited January 12

    Yes, that's what I meant.

    If I don't have safe mode selected the buffer size has to be set so high the latency time is unusable. Should I be concerned that it's only usable with safe mode enabled? Not really sure what safe mode does but with it selected I get no pops/crackling with a buffer of 256 and a total latency of 14ms

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 359 Pro

    You could try disabling the motherboard's onboard audio in the bios. Sometimes this can cause problems.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert

    OK, you have 14 ms with Safe mode on and buffer 256. And what latency do you get with safe mode off? It should be about the same….

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 359 Pro

    Yes, latency is the same but it's unusable due to the constant pops and crackles when safe mode is disabled.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert

    What buffer size? Of course, if you switch off Safe mode, you must compensate it by bigger buffer size. The overall roundtrip should be about the same. It is also possible, that interface driver reports wrong latency….

    One has to measure roundtrip time. That is the only really valid number….

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert
    edited January 16

    @gimbo giambo

    So, I have tried… Using GR5 standalone and RME Fireface UCX II interface at 44.1 and 64 buffer, GR5 reports RTL latency 4.4 ms (1.9 in, 1.5 processing and 1.0 out).

    I could decrease buffer a bit to lower latency even more. And higher sample rate might decrease latency as well.

    I know, RME FF UCX II does cost fortune. If it is of interest, I may do more tests. And with more RME interfaces. I have Babyface Pro FS, Fireface UC, Fireface UCX, Fireface 802.


    The best I could get with FF UCX II is 2.9 ms (1.2 ms, 1.0 ms, 0.7 ms) at 192 kHz and buffer 192 samples. That is what GR5 reports….

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