Use of my Presets in DAW(Logic)

PaulHaberer00 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

Hey guys,

i am using Guitar Rig 7 in Logic as plugin to record my Guitar playing. I like to use and create User-presets for myself.

In the standalone version of Guitar rig 7, I can use them without a problem. When I try to use them in the version logic is running, I always get the message, my presets couldn't be found in the folder used. (See picture) For me it makes no sense, as my presets ARE in this folder, and in the standalone version they work too.

I already installed Guitar Rig 7 new and checked the paths both in the standalone and logic version of guitar rig and the path is set to the right folder…

Anyone got the same problem? Would very much appreciate some help! :)

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