need help, Logic can't load My KK plugin because not found

Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member

  • Hi, I don't know if you guys remember me but I had an issue with Logic not finding my plugins in KK last year and you guys helped me fix my problem.
  • Well here I am with same exact issue! same computer but this time I had to update to Sequoia..
  • Anyway, the last time the NTKaemon was not having the FullDisk access . This time I verified and I'm still having the same issue, I really don't understand.I

I Also rescanned all my plugins on the Plugin manager.

  • Could you help me out maybe, please?
  • Here's what I see:
  • And here's my Full Disk Access
  • thank you



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,257 mod

    It might be worth checking this:

    If ntkdaemon is not added I guess that could impact on NI plugins not installing or being authorised (although that was not my experience but it's worth trying)

  • Veronica
    Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member

    @Kymeia thank you very much for your answer,

    the NIHostIntegrationAgent cannot be found on my computer!!

    sometimes some things don't show up with Finder. is there a way for me to look for it manually ? where can I find it?


  • Veronica
    Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member

    @Kymeia , my bad, I was looking in the Full Disk access!

    so I can see the NIHostIntegrationAgent in my

    local Network Here's the svreenshot

    But NIHostIntegrationAgent doesn't appear in my Full Disk Access, should it? and I still cannot find it manually 😫

  • Veronica
    Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member


    also there's no sign +or - to add things in my local network

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,257 mod

    Yes you can - go to '/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Hardware' and drag both the agents onto that window and they will be added after you enter your admin password. However I don't think that all resolve this issue which may be more related to ntkdaemon again. Unfortunately you can't manually add things to the local network like you can with full disk access (not sure why Apple didn't make that possible?). They only seem to get added when they are actively trying to access the network and then you get a prop message asking to add them (as I can see you already did with hostintegrationagent).

    Try closing ntkdaemon down in activity monitor then restarting the process, then maybe a reboot if that doesn't work. If all else fails it might be case of deleting it and reinstalling native access

  • Veronica
    Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 3

    @Kymeia , where do you take them from? you both agent ? Excuse my ignorance, I'm still learning the basics.

  • Veronica
    Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member

    @Kymeia Also If I have to desinstall all NI and reinstall it, it says that I need to remove and delete all NI software before .

    Ho can I make sure I did remove everything? Because with me copying / pasting, dragging everything here and there trying to make this work, I'm totally lost and not sure it's not messy 🙄

    thank you so much for your time🙏

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,257 mod
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,257 mod

    No don't remove anything else. At most I suggest trying deleting the ntkdaemon which is found here '/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/NTK/' and then reinstalling Native Access but only if shutting down the process and restarting it fails to get the popup to add it to the network to show

  • Veronica
    Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member

    at go to '/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Hardware',

    I got there, but I thought you said that I need to drag them on to that location.

    when you say "both" you mean NTKDaemon and NIHostIntegrationAgent? my question is , where di I take them from?

    No don't remove anything else. At most I suggest trying deleting the ntkdaemon which is found here '/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/NTK/' and then reinstalling Native Access but only if shutting down the process and restarting it fails to get the popup to add it to the network to show

    ok, I'll do that if it gos wrong

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,257 mod

    Go to /Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Hardware and you will find NIHostIntegrationAgent and NIHardware agent - these you can drag onto the settings panel for Full disk access

    Open Activity Monitor and select ntkdaemon from the list of active processes. The click the stop button and shut it down.

    The go to /Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/NTK/ and double-click on the app to restart it - if a popup appears asking to add it to the local network do so, if not try rebooting and see if it appears after that.

    If not, then delete ntkdaemon, download the latest Native Access installer from the NI website and install it. If a popup appears asking to add it to the local network do so, if not try rebooting and see if it appears after that. If that still doesn't work this may need escalating to NI support

  • Veronica
    Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member

    I doubled click and there's no popup. So I'm gonna delete it.

    should I delete the Native Access installer i kept on my computer or it will automatically replace it when I'll reinstall it?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,257 mod

    Yes delete that as well then download the latest

  • Veronica
    Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member

    ok will do. Hopefully it'll work. just in case, for me to know… because maybe I did something wrong when I installed it in the first place, should it be a popup asking me the location when the installation is in process?

    Thxs again, I know that I might sound very ignorant asking all these questions to you .

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,257 mod
    edited January 3

    That will be handled by Native Access - the popup I am referring to is the one that the system creates asking to add apps to the local network - it should popup for ntkdaemon but doesn't seem to do it consistently

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