Kontakt 7 User - How many times am I going to be told that Kontakt 8 exists?



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,226 mod
    edited December 2024

    You only need to do that the once though

    Must admit I am not clear, if it is that, how you were even seeing that message in Komplete Kontrol as that panel is normally hidden even if you have the option selected unless you open the Kontakt library browser yourself

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,324 mod

    …and that is why i started my comment with this phrase:

    "I work with Komplete Kontrol 3.3 everyday and i never saw such announcement!"

    Because i do not have any of those issues, and yes i also have an MKII, and where ever i used KK is pretty stable. Never had any kind of problem and i never even thought to go back to 2.9.6.

    Yes it is not perfect, lot of things can be done, i have a dozen requests my self but…. i liked it!
    Maybe because i don't care much about presets since i know what i need for my music and how to make it, but…. in the end, it is as you said:

    "Each to their own my friend" 🙂🙏

  • Christopher Doucet
    Christopher Doucet Member Posts: 3 Member

    I'm having this same issue. EVerytime I open any instrument I get the Kontakt 8 info. Even if I hide the instrument and then recall it , it comes back.

    Where is the "Show new instruments" panel ?! I cant find it.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,324 mod
  • SouthFresh
    SouthFresh Member Posts: 12 Member

    For my Native Instruments products, I've used Komplete Kontrol almost exclusively since it handles the integration with my S49 MkII. I'm a sucker for the light guides, especially when it comes to instruments that use key switches.

    So when I was informed to open the option for Kontakt to disable the feature, that's exactly how I did it. After spending 20 minutes looking for it I decided to open Kontakt wihtout KK in the mix and found the Kontakt option was visible in that method.

    Considering that KK has been the primary intended method for users to get the integrated features (until K8), I'm not sure why this would have been set up this way.

  • SouthFresh
    SouthFresh Member Posts: 12 Member
    Answer ✓

    Please make sure to open Kontakt outside of Komplete Kontrol as the option is not visible from within Komplete Kontrol.

  • Russellmus
    Russellmus Member Posts: 71 Helper

    This is already unchecked. It's not the 'New instruments for you' panel, it's a pop up over the UI, as pictured:

    It doesn't happen in every session, but when it does, it pops up every time I open the plugin window, not just on new instances.

    I don't even use Komplete Kontrol. I also already have Kontakt 8 installed.

    This is one of the many reasons putting advertising in a creative application is incredibly dumb.

  • SouthFresh
    SouthFresh Member Posts: 12 Member

    For me, adjusting that checkbox off from Kontakt7 disabled the issue completely. I only say this to urge a double check of the setting.

    I 100% agree that advertising new products in the product was a bad move. We're all aware that Kontakt8 exists. It seems as if Native Instruments is unaware/unsure how tuned in their customer base is to developments, and adding this popup is not only annoying, but adds a sense of insecurity to the whole vibe.

    It's like Microsoft's constant attempts to "pwetty pwease use Edge? Are you sure? We also have a browser!"

    It's just not a good look, and the workflow interruption is ABSOLUTELY not welcome.

  • Carmina Iguana
    Carmina Iguana Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Every time I open Kontakt 7 I get the stupid message and I have to dismiss it. This is every time I click Instrument for a Cubase track, which is hundreds of times a day. I do not run Kontakt Komplete or anything like it, and I have disabled the "New Instruments for You" panel.

    Good grief, this is stupid, stupid, stupid, it's abusive of paid customers, and it limits how much I can use Kontakt.

    NI can bet I will refuse to upgrade to Kontakt 8 until they prove themselves at least minimally responsible with Kontakt 7.

  • balboa7
    balboa7 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I just updated kontrol kontrol and kontakt 7 and now everytime it opens I'm seeing this popup. No matter how many times I dismiss it.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,090 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Until you run K7 in standalone mode and dismiss this checkbox:

    You will see that popup - potentially forever.


  • balboa7
    balboa7 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I have opened Kontakt 7 Player in standalone mode and that option is not presented. I have also checked Komplete Kontrol. I checked several times, it's simply not there.

    NI really needs to address this if the option is not there because it's Player. I'm in the midst of a project, with multiple tracks in progress, so updating to Kontakt 8 player has to wait until my project is completed. There needs to be a way for Player users to dismiss this dialog.

    I have K6 Full, but not K7 Full. I had many issues with trying to get Komplete Kontrol to use K6 Full instead of K7 Player, so I just let it use K7 Player. If NI doesn't want K7 Player users to dismiss this dialog because the Player is free, well it's not that simple.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,090 Expert
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    That option is not available in Player. And never will be.

    If you wish to use a version of Kontakt free of charge - you need to accept the entry fee of "free" - one of which is the occasional banner like this.

    If you do not wish to see banners - suggest it might be time to up your game to Full.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,324 mod

    That is correct.

    Maybe NI needs to clearly declare this, that Player version is just a fully functional (for playing only) DEMO.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,090 Expert

    I always thought the Product Name "Player" said it all.

    In addition to the $0.00 entry fee.

    No one can really complain about anything when something is free.


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