ADSR controls for Factory Library Instruments

audiolifer Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hi, NI Community

Longtime Kontakt user. Quick question (hopefully)

Are there basis envelope controls for the factory library instruments?

I haven't checked all of them, just looking around for the settings on, for example, the orchestral instruments.

If there are ADSR controls, where specifically are they?…. and if not… why the (expletive) not?

Many thanks.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,389 mod

    What version of Kontakt are you using? What version of the Kontakt Factory Libraary? On the most recent libraries you can't access the inside of the libraries, including envelopes, ADSR, etc…

  • audiolifer
    audiolifer Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks for the info, Jeremy

    It just seems to me that wanting to change ASDR settings is a pretty universal functionality. Any specific reason envelopes are not accessible?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,389 mod

    Most of Kontakt liraries are sample libraries, not synthesisers, ADSR does not make sense for a Piano for example, as it mimics a real piano.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    It just seems to me that wanting to change ASDR settings is a pretty universal functionality.

    Absolutely right. But Factory Library 2 is locked to editing. We were originally told this was because it used an unreleased GUI SDK. The SDK has now been released so this no longer stands up.

    why the (expletive) not?

    Good question.

    Factory Library 1, which contains some of the content, is not locked to editing. But you can't buy it. NI licences give you no rights to previous versions, and won't sell them to you. Why not?

    Another excellent question.

    I'm afraid that unless NI change their policies, the answer to your very first question is Yes, but you can't access them.

  • audiolifer
    audiolifer Member Posts: 4 Newcomer


    Thank you for your extremely clear answer. I had thought the same thing, but hoped there was an actual sensible reason for the omission. I was given a similar answer at a trade show once, when I asked a software rep regarding enveloping for drum sounds. I explained that I completely understood how a tambourine or high hat worked in real life, but that having the ability to adjust the attack by the velocity, made the samples sound more realistic in context. I asked that question over a quarter of a century ago. Remarkable.

    Thanks, again.

    Have a great holiday season.


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