New Massive X for Komplete 15 ?



  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro

    "Big plans" for Massive X in 2025? I like that. 😊

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod

    Yes - This is answering two different questions, I did try and point this out previously.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    In light of the new synthesis capabilities within Kontak 8 not being sufficient for the DSP needs of Massive X, it seems the path for Kontrol S3 integration of Massive X will rely on Komplete Kontrol 3.

    Hoping KK3 gets the same improvements that Kontakt 8 got.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod

    From what Simon was saying about some people finding Massive X over complicated I wonder if a more likely development will be AI assisted preset generation/mutation - maybe an improved version of Absynth’s Mutator? I’m sure that would please some people.

    It would also strengthen the case for user banks as people could quickly find themselves with a disorganised list of hundreds of patches otherwise

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro

    I rather thought that they'd simplify the UI. I don't see much of a point in doing AI assisted preset generation, when it's much more important that new users are able to use the synth's functionality…

    But, you're right of course that that is a possibility. Albeit, for me, not a very desirable one.

  • Philippe
    Philippe Member Posts: 71 Helper

    What do you think complicated in Massive X ? Considering it’s not an entry level synth. Is it the routing ? But if you get rid of it, you lower its interest. It has its flaws (like any other synths) but trying to « simplify » it to raise its appeal to more people is a bad choice IMO. Better take some of its features and make a new product. Tiny X ? (kidding, kidding, no offense :)

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro

    I think especially the modulation options are confusing for beginners. They're even confusing for me, and, I don't see myself as a beginner (but not as a semi-/professional either).

    AND, Massive X urgently needs automation and MIDI learn now.

  • Philippe
    Philippe Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Well almost every modulation system is confusing beginners I guess.
    Agreed for your last two points,

    I would also like a standalone, but this will not happen

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod

    Me neither although I did like Absynths mutator at times.

    I guess there may be ways to simplify the interface as long nothing is removed to do that. Personally I don’t find it particularly difficult and do not want it to be dumbed down just to make it easier

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod
  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro

    It's fine, but, I feel like some things could have been solved more elegantly.

  • stancualbertstefan
    stancualbertstefan Member Posts: 7 Member

    TBH I LOVE Massive X I use it in every Track I made, for example all the drops are made in massive in my remix here, I would really enjoy having more updates, features, at least some visual feedback on the routing parameters (as seen in many other synths) its really shame, because its an AMAZING synth, that combines the richness of the analog, with the simplicity of getting great sounds ASAP. I still have hopes for Native Instruments, to get back investing into their amazing Synths!

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 298 Pro
    edited November 2024

    I think it's just the graphical style that they used.

    It gives "wireframe diagram" vibes, compared to the graphical richness of Serum, Vital, Pigments and other WT synths. UI/UX design has a material impact on usability. Software that looks like Massive and Massive X are de facto going to be considered harder to use than something like those others mentioned.

    Lots of NI software suffer from this issue (Massive, FM8, Massive X, REAKTOR, KONTAKT (beyond the custom library/ensemble GUI), etc.).

    I honestly think the fact that so many people just hate looking at Massive X has had a lot to do with its inability to gain traction in the market. Very few people talk about this synth, anymore. I don't know a single producer that actually uses it, and almost all of them own some Komplete bundle that includes it.

    It was one of the fastest "hype to forgotten" arcs of such a highly anticipated release from a major developer.

    I wish NI had invested in developing REAKTOR instead of wasting resources developing Massive X. It wasn't needed, and by the time it released the market was super saturated with competing products, anyways. It had no chance to build an ecosystem or garner a decent user base.

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

    I agree entirely.

    I recently took advantage of Arturia's Black Friday deals to buy Pigments. Now this is a synth that does almost exactly the same things as Massive X (multiple oscillator sources, huge variety of filters and effects and a ton of varied modulation sources, which can be applied to almost any parameter). Yet it feels so much easier to use because its UI invites experimentation and playing in a way that Massive X's design absolutely doesn't.

    I don't know who does the UI for Native Instrument's various instruments, but I can't really think of a single NI instrument whose UI is really intuitive to use and rewards experimentation and play. Absynth, FM8, Massive, almost every Reaktor ensemble, and Massive X all seem as if their UI was designed by completely different people with completely different UI expectations, none of which make learning, playing or mastering the instrument easier or more satisfying.

    I'm sure under the hood, behind the utterly unappealing interface, Massive X is a triumph of technical software engineering and a fantastic synth. But I can't think why I would want to wade through the challenge of trying to understand and master something that is this intimidating and unfriendly to use.

    This, accompanied by a total lack of any tutorials on how to get certain popular sounds out of Massive X or how to use it effectively in sound design, make choosing to use Massive X a real chore.

    Add to this NI's attempts to convince us that this is somehow a new, upgraded version of the "synth that couldn't", when it's clear that nothing has been done since it originally flopped on release - no UI changes, no new presets, no new tutorials or documentation, no effort whatsoever beyond some blurb on a webpage.

    It's easy to see why another soft synth got both my money and my attention.

  • Philippe
    Philippe Member Posts: 71 Helper
    edited November 2024

    well, you have all rights to dislike it. But you’re a bit unfair. You’re mentioning products ranging from 2000 to now, so sure, they have been designed by many different people, not even talking about Reaktor ensembles various authors and looong history.

    I have no real problem with it, BTW

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