What is Maschine 3.0 for?



  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    It’s still probably the least cumbersome experience of any standalone device out there. And it could be the best experience in general, if the heavily lacking tools and features for Editor and Pattern which have been proposed for years would finally find their way into Maschine (Plus).

  • beisi
    beisi Member Posts: 19 Helper
    edited November 2024

    editing notes within a single pad melody is indeed not bad using the HW

    editing notes within a pattern for a group used as a drum kit (with diff drums on diff pads) is however annoying using the HW IMO

    simple use case: copy a section (say 1/2 a bar) of a drum beat from the existing pattern to somewhere else in that pattern or to another pattern

    in melodic single pattern mode u can just set X/Y bounds to draw a virtual selection square around the notes you want to select

    you can't do the same to select several midi notes across multiple pads at once

    you CAN draw a selection square around several midi notes across multiple pads using a mouse in the Maschine SW so it is possible!

    if only NI could make a way to do the same X/Y bound selection of notes accross multiple pads within a pattern on the HW!

    (have been wishing for this for years… is a big but IMO solvable limitation of using the HW)

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited November 2024

    wait, what is this XY stuff? I always select my pads via the actual pads (as in, pressing the pads lit which notes I want to select) in SELECT mode..

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    edited November 2024

    In Event mode, you can select Events using the encoders by restricting the time and note range.

    Time = X-axis
    Note = Y-axis

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper

    Bit of a tangent but still a valid observation. To build on this, yes it is the best mouseless editor I have used when weighed on the current features.

    There are some things I am extremely bearish on though, like what I already mentioned.

    Either way 2025 is going to be a great year for the platform.

  • beisi
    beisi Member Posts: 19 Helper

    this exactly, sorry wasn't good at explaining it

    but when you want to do the same for the events for multiple pads at once (aka most every drum pattern) you can't do the same X/Y selection technique, only way to do it is with a mouse in the SW

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    You won't Bite a person( me ) who made this Art and improved what was left for another time. 👾

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

    I was watching a video about Maschine 3.0 and the new Traktor Kontroller and I was struck by some of the underlying similarities between them.

    Specifically, about how I'd describe the overall conceptual approach to both. If I was asked to sum it up in a few key words, they'd be






    It felt like a bit of a shock, because I've previously thought of NI as an ambitious, innovative company that is a leader, not a follower.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 464 Guru

    Something I think is kind of interesting:

    Imagine you want to copy the first 1/2 a bar of a pattern and paste it to a new pattern. Logically, you'd simply just change the start/end of the pattern so it's just 1/2 a bar, select all notes in the event view, copy, then go paste. Unfortunately, it seems that select all even selects notes that are no longer inside of the selected start/end :(

    IMO, that would be a very clean way to implement it. I wish there was an option to truncate a pattern though. Then you'd duplicate the pattern. Change start/end, truncate what you don't want and copy it. It would be more steps than having some sort of shortcut to select notes across multiple pads; but I think it would work in a logical way without having to memorize key combinations. I kind of fear NI going the roland route. The SP404mk2 is a nightmare of key combinations.

    "Design by committee" is generally bad; but I sure wish NI would pick a few items, give detailed examples of possible ways to implement and then let us discuss. I can't even express how terrified I am of having more things implemented like clips. They make a "user story" and give to a dev that doesn't actually use maschine. The next thing you know, the option to select the first couple of kicks defaults to selecting everything.

    This kind of update isn't something I personally care about; but I would have had it higher in priority than stem separation. lol.

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 217 Pro
    edited November 2024

    I think you have some interesting points and ideas here. I feel most of us here that are rather "vocal" on the Maschine "platform" are mainly seeing the huge potential that is lying in front of our feet, if only a few "quality of life" features would be implemented. You already mention a more "logical/intuitive" way of handling multiple note management, which make total sense, and a good pro UX designer should be able to pull it off…

    I'm also dreaming of a "Roland SH101 way" of entering chords in step/note record mode, it can be done quiet easily and elegantly, and will vastly improve the creative powers of Maschine.

    Of course fixing a few "clips" issues, mainly to make it more logical and intuitive. The use case of clips is clear to me: Roland Verselab MV1 style, i.e. the ability to easily record (and comp/edit) audio tracks that cross pattern-barriers, without loosing the power of groovebox-style patterns, and without getting confused about the mode/view you are working in.

    And lastly: a few important improvements in the sampler module, to get it into year 2024 (timestretch, round robin, drum-mode support like Battery has etc.), and being able to record arrangement/mixer-level movements and automation (mute, solo, faders, aux etc.)

    So close….

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