Live Sound Issues with Traktor Kontrol

Hi! So I played a show recently with my Traktor Kontrol S2 MK1, and had some sound issues. It was a live band (metal genre) and myself. I was using Traktor Pro3, with a Remix Deck on the left side (for triggering samples) and a Track Deck on the right side for scratching. It is the same set up I've been using the entire time in rehearsal and always sounded fine and cut through great. The only difference I can think of is that during rehearsal, it was only the vocal and my decks coming through the monitors, but at the show, it was everything (vocals, guitars, bass, drums and decks).

At the show, my scratching came through nice and loud, but all of the samples were completely drown out. They were there, and you could vaguely hear them if the rest of the band was quiet but totally drown out the rest of the time. I hadn't changed anything - no faders moved to reduce volume on that side or anything (I made sure of it). Can anyone tell me of any reason this might be? I just want to make sure the same thing doesn't happen at a future show. Thanks for your help!


  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    Was all of everything routed through the same mixer board?

    If so, could have been some gain staging that needed some attention with the addition of all the other components.

  • Emily Steel
    Emily Steel Member Posts: 4 Member

    Yes - everything ran into an X32 mixer. I used the RCA out from the decks to an XLR into the board

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