In Komplete kontrol hell!l

Michael Terry
Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

so, i moved up to an s61 KK keyboard coming from a 5 yr old 88 key KK keyboard. Went with the 61 key for space reasons. Anyway, I’m hoping for a more efficient system with the larger screen etc and an overall upgrade on the software…. Whoa! What a miserable day.
im working in studio one and LUNA… LUNA is completely unusable with the new keyboard and software. So let’s talk about studio one. Moving from track to track is painfully sluggish.

the expression pedal is not recognized by studio one no matter how I configure it. Loading time is insanely slow( solid state drives) midi 1.0 or midi 2.0? And the choices for choosing the function of the s61… main, ext, and DAW and midi 2.0 or 1.0…. Anybody using studio one and the new KK software and keyboards out there?

Best Answer


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod
    edited October 2024

    Hey @Michael Terry Sorry to hear about all these troubles with the new keyboard. What's your operating system? On your profile it says you're on MacOS 10.15. The new keyboard and newer version of the Komplete Kontrol software require MacOS 13 as a minimum:

    Studio One is one of the supported DAWs for host integration, you need to have Studio One 6.5 and follow these steps: How to Integrate Your Kontrol Keyboard with Your DAW

    Luna is not one of these supported DAWs, the keyboard can't conrtol the DAW like for Studio One, Logic or Cubase. What are the issues exactly?

    The ports and which ones to select are explained in the first pages of the manual:

    You can find a comprehensive video guide here: How to Use Everything in Kontrol S-Series MK3

    As well as a troubleshooting guide: Kontrol S-Series MK3 Troubleshooting Guide

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

    thanks Jeremy, big day today! I’ve gotta figure this stuff out. I’m in Mac OS Sonoma so no worries there. Where do I update my profile?

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

    Hey Jeremy… you were a big help. In studio one I'm rockin' based on your info. Thanks!!

    The only thing not working is my cc11 expression pedal which worked just fine 2 days ago with my s88 KK.

    I'll check out the trouble shooting guide you sent.

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

    whoa, interesting… Going into the cc11 expression pedal settings. I don't get any midi message when I move the pedal in continuous mode…. however when I set it to switch mode, I do get a midi signal and in studio one control link says I' turning portamento off and on.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    have you run the calibration process for the pedal? this would happen on the kontrol device itself.

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

    yes sir…about 20times

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,996 mod
    edited October 2024

    Where do I update my profile?

    I have updated your profile to say Mac OS Sonoma but have been unable to place a version number since you did not supply that information.

    Otherwise : Click your avatar picture on page top right , then select the "Account & Privacy Settings" below shown profile name and email address , then on the right side select the "Edit Profile Fields" , then you can edit fields on the left.

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

    ok, I'm back in hell again… studio one changing tracks very slowly…. Could this have something to do with the two midi versions… 1.0 and 2.0? I'm assuming that 2.0 is the way to go … then there's this whole thing about deleting the keyboard icon within audio midi set up. Could this be anymore confusing to us left brain musicians?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,996 mod
    edited October 2024

    I'm assuming that 2.0 is the way to go

    I am no expert but I'd say no ! , you ought not use Midi 2.0 as setting for your keyboard unless that you have a specific reason for doing so that requires you to do so. I am no expert but I have seen several examples here where peoples problem have been that they needed to set their keyboard to Midi 1.0 which it for some strange reason were not.

    then there's this whole thing about deleting the keyboard icon within audio midi set up.

    I am not sure why you quote this but I know that on Mac then some problems have required people to remove the keyboard from the hardware list in the OS to let it be added again. I am neither an expert on Mac nor on Komplete S-Series so if others have more experience then take their advice. Matthew_NI and Jeremy_NI in the above IMO is as close as you will get to experts on N.I. here.

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member
    edited October 2024

    So I hope JEREMY ( @Jeremy_NI) reads this note…. Finally I’ve had a few hrs in studio one where things are stable. I wound up upgrading to the latest Sonama 14.7… the expression pedal cc 11 still doesn’t work but at this point I’m afraid to touch anything. If anyone out there is running studio one v6 along with the latest S SERIES KK KEYBOARDS successfully pls let me know. I’m afraid I’m one of those guys who’s running a lot of different hardware and software from multiple companies and conflicts are inevitable… thanks to the folks out there who are helping me out.

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

    expression pedal problem solved… mostly human error. When calibrating the pedal… heel down is is down and toe down is up…. I was doing the opposite.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,996 mod
    Answer ✓

    So , can I conclude that you are good for now and that the present problems can be considered as solved ?

  • Michael Terry
    Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

    yes sir!!!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,996 mod

    Thank you for reporting back and confirming your fix. Great that you had it solved.

    Hope that you will experience fewer problems in the future and have many hours with happy music making 😀

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