Ask Kontakt 8 creators anything



    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 26

    Then please provide installation guides based on different use cases for Kontakt 8. And add it for the DAWs that will be updated later.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,065 Expert

    Been trying to get Presonus to get Studio One squared around this as well for a long while - but so far no luck.

    However - it is up to them to implement this.


  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 290 Pro

    Can we export from K8 to a fully Maschine Plus compatible patch / instrument / library…? So can we ditch older versions when upgrading…? Not talking about an update to the M+ software, but a K8 feature.

  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 20 Member


    I stopped Kontakt with version 5 because its eco system didn't connect to LogicPro and automating parameters. I need immediately access to any parameter, and in 2024 with V. 10.8.1 I am totally used to this from U-He to Tracktion to Korg to Roland: Daily I am using "Automatically select parameter when clicked", which shows that parameter in the automation lane I just clicked with the mouse, VI or plugin. I can start working immediately.
    Does Kontakt 8 force me to fiddling around with the automation tab to do this still? I hope not, because this stops my creative composing flow extremely. I don't want to plugin virtual cables when we are digital and no reason for a patchbay anymore.


    PS: I saw this thread too late and posted it in the forum. It seems here the activity is more buzzing, so I'm posting here.

  • Steven L Smith
    Steven L Smith Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited September 27

    I noticed the addition of some of the Traktor's 12 effects. Nice and Thanks !

    Question 1: Are any other Traktor's 12 effect being considered as possible additions to Kontakt 8's arsenal?

    Question 2: can the Automation List be expanded to further implement Leap's potential?

    Question 3: Can Leap use multiple outputs?

    Question4: Can the Tracktor's 12 effects be offered as standalone VST/AU ?

    Thanks, SLS

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 85 Helper

    @Matthew_NI does Native Access allow the installation of previous versions of Kontakt (5, 6, 7) if you have been buying regular updates for Komplete Ultimate CE?

    Someone hinted at the fact it wasn’t possible, is that so, and if so, why is that?
    Adobe Creative Cloud and Izotope allows to install earlier versions for instance.

    It would be important for owners of libraries

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    ok, it seems all that comes from surveys. But what would be the advantages of using a "side-by-side" option for tools as complex as Kontakt, with such a quick update pace (now it seems it's a new version each 2 years) ?
    I don't see any workflow/work improvement in this - but maybe I'm biased by my specific use.
    I think it's just a better option for the devs than for the users.

    Of course, if more and more DAW makers implement the iPluginCompatibility and the Kontakt migration features, it finally boils down to the same thing as overwrite… But for now, my opinion on the subject and the one of many others is that it's a huge PITA, and it's based on basic workflow issues : being obliged to maintain on the same systme many different versions of the same plugin, that with time quickly become not compatible with old OS. And I still didn't hear any concrete argument against the "overwrite" option - because why would people want absolutely to keep their old Kontakt 5 instances ?

  • Schaedel
    Schaedel Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Why is there still no shortcut (global and/or in instruments ) to purge samples and reset markers? It is been asking for since K6?

    Couldn't be that big problem.

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 28

    Agree. Needs more flexibility. Kontakt needs to be better on supporting big template users.

    Add a purge button with Midi CC in the new Kontakt plugin frontend and a purge button option somewhere on the Komplete Kontrol hardware (global and single instrument).

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 83 Helper
    edited September 28

    Installing kontakt 8 now and scanning i have not used yet in standalone or as plugin in cubase 13 ..right now I'm trying to get all of my 3rd party libraries to show up.. taking time but so far so good..

    Question how do I cache batch resaved data from kontakt to move over to kontakt 8?

    I have been critical on NI development but it looks nice let's see in a few weeks.. 😆

    Red-flag most mentioned alot of blank folders 90% how too create to see

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro

    On paper adjoining NI, PA and iZotope could look very appealing, but I imagine it's a logistical and programming nightmare that will take much time and effort to get anywhere near resolving.

    NA2 isn't even working effectively or consistently with itself and NI products, even after all this time.

    Some may well argue that rather than decrease times between upgrades, as appears to be the case, that if anything, they should be increased so that any releases were properly worked out, working well and showing a direction that people responded well to rather than inducing less confidence.

    Be interesting to see just when requested features actually do make their appearance in any of the programmes……

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 28

    NA2 dev team have previously disclosed thoughts to merge software managers so it may still be in the works. Question is when, so an updated roadmap would be nice for features like uninstall software and libraries, and a Kontakt library management/movement storage tool to move big sample libraries between drives.

    I think you can have longer time between releases when the tech debt is low, stability good, basic functionality covered and some competitive feature are available in a product. IMO Kontakt should have a 4+ year lifecycle between big releases. Clearly Kontakt is a bit behind, both with GUI scaling support on current libraries and basic buttons missing from the new GUI (like the memory purge button).

    Voting with my wallet and will not pay for Kontakt 8 or buy any Komplete bundle upgrade until I see Kontakt 8 be stable with improved preset UX, search and at least a purge button (w Midi CC) + GUI scaling updates are planned on current Kontakt libraries in the Komplete bundles.

    Currently NI still have a a tech debt to recover from and some of the basic functionality in multiple software needs improvement, so the number of releases preferably go up, however that doesnt mean the number of releases customers are willing to pay for can go up. This is a tech debt from falling behind too long.

    Seeing how Evernote currently is trying to recover their reputation they have constantly new feature releases which is impressive. This might increase some bugs but it makes the software more usable and up to speed and feels more modern.

    But yes it is a balancing act between feature development and stability fixes. You do both, but sometime in different stages.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro
    edited September 28


    Voting with my wallet and will not pay for Kontakt 8 or buy any Komplete bundle upgrade until I see Kontakt 8 be stable with improved preset UX, search and at least a purge button (w Midi CC) + GUI scaling updates are planned on current Kontakt libraries in the Komplete bundles.

    I am hearing this from many quarters, and it's very understandable to users, but unfortunately not the decision makers.

    Ramping up releases that seem half way there, more frequently, is just going to make it appear more sensible to wait for the release that actually gives them things they want, or go looking elsewhere. The lack of development across NI over the years has been ludicrous.

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