Installation Failed: Traktor 4 Updates / Native Access full disk access

dj_quinston Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

I’ve been a long-time NI user and, for the first time, I encountered an issue during the update of Traktor 4 (to 4.0.2), where the installation fails. I’m working on a MacBook Pro with a 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5; Sequoia 15.0. Full disk access is granted for Native Access and NTK Daemon, and I’ve also deleted and reinstalled both programs several times, following this guide:
No changes since then, the update is being loaded and fails to install.
No one has reacted to a previous post and it’s seems to be impossible to get in touch with Native Instruments.

Thanks for helping out

Best Answer

  • Pylf
    Pylf Member Posts: 7 Member
    Answer ✓


    here is a link to the TRAKTOR 4.1 update.



  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    Sequoia isn't officially supported yet so that might be causing the problem?

  • dj_quinston
    dj_quinston Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    the problem already occured with Somoa. Also, Native Access can successfully install other plugins. I just re-installed Traktor Pro 3 and there weren't any difficulties. The problem seems to be solely with updates to Traktor Pro 4, which I installed shortly after the release

  • The Jack of Clubs
    The Jack of Clubs Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    did you ever get a fix for this?

    I’m having the same problem with going 4.0.2–>4.1

  • KarimS
    KarimS Member Posts: 72 Member

    Has 4.1 been officially released? I got TP 4.1 from NI support whilst trying to sort out another bug - from what I've seen 4.1 doesn't fix any of the issues I've experienced so far.

  • hiteck30
    hiteck30 Member Posts: 14 Member

    Can Native Instruments respond to a problem?

  • dj_quinston
    dj_quinston Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    the problem hasn't been solved, still rocking with 4.0. It does feel like Native Instruments has abandoned customer service entirely, I've gotten no reaction here nor found any contact nr./email to get help :/

  • Pylf
    Pylf Member Posts: 7 Member

    Problem not solved. I tried to update Traktor 4 to 4.1. I spent one hour to fix it.

  • Pylf
    Pylf Member Posts: 7 Member

    Do you have an installer that works for Traktor 4.1? It’s a Native Access issue.

  • Pylf
    Pylf Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi, sorry for my language, I'm french, nobody's perfect.

    I'm 63 years old. I had computers since 1984, Mac and PC! I'm Mac only for the moment.

    MacBook Air M1 2020, Sonoma 14.7.1, Native Access Version 3.14.0 (4250839 /, NTKDaemon 1.21.0.

    I cannot Install Traktor 4.1.

    Grant full disk access to Native Access and the Daemon is done and ok.

    I have re-intaslled Traktor 3.11.1 17 : works fine.

    Traktor 4.0.2 works fine too.Native Access failed to install Traktor 4.1.

    Any Solution ?

    My Motu drivers 828 original, 828 mkII and Midi Timepiece AV works fine.

    What's going on ?

    I need to work with this Traktor 4.1 update.

    Please help me.

  • hiteck30
    hiteck30 Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited November 2024

    J'ai le même problème que toi sur mon MacBook Pro M1 4.0.2. → 4.1.

    Mais bizarrement cela a fonctionné pour mon iMac en passant de la version 3.* à la 4.1 directement.

  • Pylf
    Pylf Member Posts: 7 Member


    Merci pour le message.

    Je vais désinstaller Traktor 4.02 et faire une mise à jour depuis la version 3.xx dès que j’en aurai le temps en espérant que ça marche. As-tu essayé de le faire depuis ton MacBook Pro M1 ?

    Si ça ne marche pas je contacterai le support technique.

    Ils ne sont pas super chez Native… J’avoue être déçu par cette boîte.

    Bonne fin de soirée.

  • dj_quinston
    dj_quinston Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Merci pour vos commentaires, je vois que nous continuons tous à avoir le même problème. Je n'ai pas non plus trouvé de solution et je n'ai plus cherché activement car de toute façon, j'aurai bientôt un nouvel ordinateur portable. J'essaie d'attirer l'attention de Native Instruments sur ce sujet via les réseaux sociaux. Il semble que le support technique ait été supprimé

    Thanks for any feedback, I see we all continue to have the same problem. I haven't found a solution either and haven't actively searched anymore because I'll have a new laptop soon anyway. I'm trying to get Native Instruments' attention on this topic via social media. It seems like technical support has been completely disbanded

  • Pylf
    Pylf Member Posts: 7 Member

    Nous sommes nombreux à rencontrer le même problème qui dure depuis plusieurs semaines.
    Ça me fatigue 😴. Plus de support technique français, ce qui est bien dommage. Heureusement qu’ils ne produisent pas de voiture ou d’avions.

    Native prendrait-elle la voie que Boeing ?

  • hiteck30
    hiteck30 Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited November 2024

    Non je n'ai essayé pas essayé sur mon MacBook.

    Et c'est vrai que le support technique est une vraie calamité.

  • Pylf
    Pylf Member Posts: 7 Member

    J’ai contacté le support technique hier et j’ai reçu un lien aujourd’hui vers un .pkg qui m’a permis d’installer la version 4.1.

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