Izotope Product Portal install fail Win 11

Hi Guys. I already have a ticket on the go and the tech Guys have really tried to help with my problem, but I thought I would reach out in the hope that someone had had the same issue and found a workaround. I recently performed a clean install of Windows 11 64bit. Everything is fine and I have installed vst's from almost every developer including NI with no issues. However, for some reason Windows will not allow me to install Product Portal. I have tried all the usual suggested fixes, run as admin compatability troubleshooter and install in safe mode, but get various error messages. According to sfc,dism and chkdsk everything is as it should be and registry is intact and there is no corruption. Please look at the attached. Any help will be appreciated. I rarely use Izotope apart from Nectar 4 and Trash but do have many other products by them which are all currently unobtainable. Its more frustrating than anything else.

Best Answer

  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi there. First of all thanks for taking so much of your time to explain all the possible reasons for my issues. It does have intel i9 onboard so this is a likely source as there were bios issues earlier, and I was advised to update it at one point. I have arranged to return it to the company who built it, as it is only a couple of months old and still under warranty. This has been very frustrating for me as although I am in no way an expert with desktop set ups or any pc's contents, I did manage to run Windows 10 on my previous PC without issue pretty much from first release and that had an AMD processor. I primarily use my PC for music creation and paid £1800 for what I thought would be more than powerful enough for my needs, but did not bargain on a string of annoying and frustrating issues. I will use the section you wrote regarding intel as this looks like a prime suspect for my problems. I will lose it for 2 or 3 weeks while they repair it but have my old PC as back up thankfully. Once again I appreciate your insight's and thank you so much.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert
    edited September 2024

    The "namespace Maui" reference is related to the MS .NET Libraries - specifically .NET v8

    However Product Portal 1.4.8 dates back to 2023 - which (I believe) does not use .NET v8

    And you should also consider giving this command a go - run it in an Admin Powershell prompt:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://vcredist.com/install.ps1'))

    This will bring all your MS Visual Studio C++ redistributables up to to current state.

    But that Maui reference is odd and indicates a deeper .NET issue on this machine than just installing Product Portal

    Let us know how it goes.


  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    Hi. I tried your suggestion, thanks for trying to help, unfortunately it made no difference. I am totally baffled. This is a clean windows install and I assume if nothing negative appears during sfc,dism and chkdsk that the sustem is stable. Also it installed ok prior to the clean install. I have reinstalled around 100gb of my music software without an issue. Just this one app!!!. If you think of anything else I am at your mercy!

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert

    System may very well come back as stable with DISM, SFC etc - even with .NET 8 installed.

    Run this in an admin Powershell and screencap the result:

    Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' -Recurse | Get-ItemProperty -Name version -EA 0 | Where { $_.PSChildName -Match '^(?!S)\p{L}'} | Select PSChildName, version

    Mine says this (and Portal is working just fine):


  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    This is my result.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert
    edited September 2024

    Your .NET version is behind mine

    And I do not understand how that install is functioning without all the rest of the libraries listed in my screenshot. .NET v2/3 and 3.5 are critical to a ton of older tech - that may not be noticeable at first.

    I can almost guarantee that Product Portal (as odd as it seems) is looking for some help here from some of these older frameworks that you see in my screencap.

    The base Product Portal app was built years ago and I would bet money things will clear up once you get some of these older .NET frameworks in place.

    I would suggest getting your .NET environments updated - one framework at a time - and keep testing that install.


  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    Thanks again for your help. I am starting to think that the last clean install was not totally without issue. This problem started almost immediately after Windows was reinstalled so I can only assume this stuff was missing from first bootup. I am wondering if just trying another clean install is the best option. I am only halfway through putting all my software back in so now would be better than later. Out of interest, how would I update .NET environments?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert

    The Windows 11 standard ISO - will only include what it includes BUT it does not take into account whatsoever - any specific software that you might want to run on it - from like 2018 or whatever.

    Over here - I custom build all my Windows ISOs and bake in all necessary libraries, frameworks and redistributables as part of the standard install so these are all available at first boot.

    My order is:

    Windows install to bare metal

    Hardware Drivers

    Windows Update check

    And then one more pass of that VCRedist script - well before installing anything. Then I know the environment is ready for software of all ages and types.

    For .NET installers - go here:

    .NET Downloads (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (microsoft.com)

    I would target Core 2.0, Core 3.0 and 7.0 for sure. Windows Update will probably push Core 3.0 up to 3.5

    Let me know how it goes.


  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    Ok, so I have successfully installed all the suggested .net installers and thought I should restart the pc. Its my turn to cook tonight so I will check it out after dinner. Regardless of success or failure. I do sincerely thank you for staying with me on this and showing great patience. I am 66yrs old and definitely more of a musician than a tech Guy. I will inform you of my findings :)

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert
  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    No success unfortunately. It is looking like another painful attempt at a clean install of windows 11 I guess. It must be an os fail surely. I attached the powershell snapshot showing it reads the same as yours now. I am at a loss. The tech guys at NI have been trying to help but I think they have ran out of ideas too. They sent me direct downloads of my plugins to try but nothing Izotope related will install on this PC. Its kind of frustrating because I have installed many 3rd party plugins and instruments that have at times been problematic in the past but all installed fine.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert

    Sorry to hear this did not work out. Circle back with an update after a clean install.


  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    Will do Buddy.

  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    So finally, no surprise at all. I reinstalled windows but it kept restarting halfway through the process forcing me to enter the same details in at least 4 times. Finally it installed but the browser is now crashing again and its not just Izotope that failed. I also can't update the drivers for my card. I have sent a lengthy e-mail to the builders demanding they take it back for repair or replacement. I wish to god I stayed with windows 10 for another year now. Just one question though, as you clearly know what you are doing. Could it be a hardware issue causing windows to not install correctly?.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert

    Would need a bit of background here on exactly what you have there. But I can tell you straight up - if Windows cannot even be installed clean - without crashing etc - and you cannot install drivers - that is a major problem.

    And what "details" are you being asked to enter? What version of Windows is this? Have never had to enter any details in my world when installing.

    Update when you can.


  • Royster64
    Royster64 Member Posts: 31 Member

    Hi again. Its Windows 11 home edition 64bit. I probably worded it badly as I am a little flustered right now. I didn't mean personal details. Keyboard layout, language e.t.c but the restart seemed to happen after signing in to microsoft. I would get ot this point then be forced to start from scratch. Well 4 times anyway, it decided to finish installing on the 5th attempt. Something is not right. I had Windows 10 from day one and never had an issue. I picked this company at random but did discover a couple of friends also ordered PC's from there and they were lucky, no issues.

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