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  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,130 mod
    edited September 7

    Very discouraging, it damages the brand if admins and moderators are compromised.

    That type of accusation is completely not true and without any true foundation.

    There are more benefits with respect to being a long term user like 'Rank and Rewards' (which FYI then I don't think that that really works anymore after more revisions). But also , of course , then over time people gets , if not acquainted , then at least used to the style of other people here. That and also at which position in the conversation that you participate from of course matters. To me it doesn't matter if it is you or VocalPoint that transgress if anyone is transgressing and it is completely unfair to accuse Moderators to be in cahoot with users just because they either do not see things your way or because they do not find any reason to intervene. Also , and this is important to understand , you can not expect Moderators (or Administrators as Kaiwan_NI for that matter) to micromanage this place like it is a kindergarten even if some people here bicker as if it were.

    As long as you stay on topic and act civil and do not keep posting by knee jerk reaction and otherwise keep within Community Code of Conduct then it is simply not a Moderators job to micromanage this place. We do kick users out of here if we have to , especially if they do not respond to our requests to behave when they do not follow rules and of course then people that keeps acting very negative might get kicked too.

    I would like to encourage you to ignore users that you do not agree with rather than pursue in endless discussions over disagreements or endless bickering. VocalPoint did write that he thought that he had acted poorly in an attempt to appease you but at same time wrote something that for you gave reason to more discussion or to be more annoyed but you don't find me complaining that you disagree that way because I have no reason to complain since you are in your right to disagree. But I would appreciate if you could just keep it at that , at disagreeing , and then also accept that Moderators are Moderators and as such we do our best , I know I do , and we call things as we see them and even if you think that we fail then you need to comply with our attempts to guide/Moderate.

    P.S. Just so there is no misunderstanding here then I would like to underline that even though Native Instruments , as per mentioned in the 'Rank and Rewards', has a Discord server where users with high enough 'rank' are invited to then as far as I know then VocalPoint is not created as a user there yet. But even if he had then the same as described by me earlier in this post earlier would have applied.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 156 Advisor
    edited September 7

    It's not charity to financially support a business you believe in which may not be operating as well for you as you'd like, when that support comes in the form of a product purchase. Charity does not get you anything (except perhaps a tax deduction). When you are a user of their products, and those products' continued existence and potential improvement depends on them staying in business, it is in your own interests to support them.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,130 mod
    edited September 7

    I believe that LostInFoundation comprehends the customer as being a 'Patron' of the business rather than as acting as a philanthropist. (Patron : one who buys the goods or uses the services offered especially by an establishment)

    Also ref. : Patronage : Commercial : Sometimes consumers support smaller or local businesses or corporations out of loyalty even if less expensive options exist. Their regular custom is referred to as 'patronage'.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 156 Advisor
    edited September 7

    There really needs to be a way to delete posts… never mind, as you were.

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 7

    Did not accuse, just reacted to what the other person was saying on the matter.

    I don't frequent these forums often to be able to assess any validity to why other users are questioning this, but thank you for trying to clarify how you try to moderate.

    As stated, I have now muted VP to ignore him.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,620 mod

    As much as I don't like subscription models, maybe NI should consider that as an "option" (still keep perpetual licenses also) … just don't go the way of Adobe ;)

    That would be Native 360 - 360 | Premier music production software & plugin subscription ( And according to everything I've read it will be an option alongside perpetual.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,391 Expert

    Thank you for expanding on the subject.

    Me neither want to see NI “go away”. I’m scared as hell their behaviors will lead to this and I won’t be able to use my beloved Maschine anymore (not even worried about the amount of money I gave them in all these years…just that the (few) products they have that are not replaceable for me will not be usable anymore).

    But some things they do, like blocking access to products someone paid for, can’t be forgiven. Nor when, through updates/upgrades, they make life so difficult for people that don’t want/can’t upgrade by working poorly (if we want to believe that it’s not done on a purpose to force people…).

    These are not the kind of behaviors I want to support.

    (And…before the usual “you can’t demand infinite updates” guys come in… once again: we are not talking about updates here, but removing activations from NA without providing any way to install otherwise the softwares on the same computers with same operating systems where they were working before)

  • serenato
    serenato Member Posts: 6 Member

    I expect to have an experience similar to Scaler 2 and Splice. When I use sound packs like Session Strings, I would love to see the chord system applied across the entire Kontakt library. I think there will be a tool similar to this. In addition, I use Splice for loops. The idea of being able to do something similar within the ecosystem excites me.

  • anatolyice
    anatolyice Member Posts: 2 Member

    • Chords and Phrases: Generate and suggest chords based on input sound
    • Leap: Blend between uploaded loops (1,2,3….)
    • Conflux: Wavetables generated based on input signal or pictures

  • Lucian89
    Lucian89 Member Posts: 7 Member

    I think it will be possible to mix different samples in a magical new way.

  • Juxtapose76
    Juxtapose76 Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 8

    I'm really excited about all the new stuff Native Instruments has been working on lately but this right here seems like a very awesome idea I'm not going to lie, hopefully we can get to benefit from all this new stuff that's coming out soon. God bless..🙏💖🕊️

  • grova
    grova Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hope it streamlines compatibility with third party instruments. I've noticed sometimes adding folders manually can be kind of buggy & doesn't integrate as well. (for example: needing to add the artwork manually for the Kontakt 7 library view) Regardless though, super excited for this whatever the new features are. Seems like scales & midi features are becoming a big focus of a lot of plugins/daws which i love, hope to see more of that from Kontakt.

  • AndromedaX8
    AndromedaX8 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Looks like a fantastic update! I can't wait for Kontakt 8 and find out more about the new functions! :)

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