Moving beat grid on cue points traktor 4


When loading a new song in Traktor (1 to 4) the first beat grid is always shown on the first 'cuepont' button.

In the earlier versions of traktor I always changed this to button 8.
* Choose Button 1 showing first beat grit. (White)
* push empty button 8 which creates a Cuepont on the same spot. (Blue)
* Change button 8 Cuepont to Beatgrid in the pulldown menu (White)
* delete the beat grid on button 1
* use button 1 to create a Load point somewhere in the song (Yellow)

I use this method while I work with a S4 which have only 4 hardware buttons under my fingers and I want to use these for load, loop and cue points.

Now on traktor 4 I don't see the option to change a stripe from Cue to grid (3th Bullet in my list above)
How can I create a new Gridpoint on the 8th button so I can remove and re-use the first button.

Probably a simple new method but I can't find it.



Best Answer

  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 121 Advisor
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    According to the what's new in Traktor 4 page:

    "Separate grid markers and cue points

    Grid markers are now completely separate entities to cue points. Hot cues can now be deleted without removing the underlying beat grid."

    So you don't need this marker any more, or you could just do what you usually do, and just have it on Cue 8 as a normal cue.


  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 121 Advisor
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    According to the what's new in Traktor 4 page:

    "Separate grid markers and cue points

    Grid markers are now completely separate entities to cue points. Hot cues can now be deleted without removing the underlying beat grid."

    So you don't need this marker any more, or you could just do what you usually do, and just have it on Cue 8 as a normal cue.

  • milton bradley
    milton bradley Member Posts: 6 Member

    I tried to assign grid markers to other cue points with traktor 4 and had no success. I did find you can have 8 blue cue points and the grid marker at the first beat would have no number. Just use the cue map button to do this.

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