Is REAPER DAW supported with Komplete 15 Ultimate?

Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member
edited September 2024 in Komplete General

I used Komplete 9..13 for many years with REAPER. Native Instruments, can you confirm that Komplete Kontrol 15 works with the REAPER DAW by posting a link to the product specification? When REAPER is not clearly specified as supported DAW, I'm not interested in this update and will not make the same mistake again after purchasing an unsupported Kontrol S88 keyboard.

Best Answer

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    @Erwinew the KK bug is not a 100% repro affecting 100% of users, or even 100% of Windows users. I believe some of those commenting here that KK is working well for them in Reaper are using it on Windows.

    Whenever a company supports a plug-in format that is available in nearly all DAW and OS environments, inevitably issues can/do appear. Those issues are filed as bugs, and dealt with in order of priority. This is standard operating procedure, and would be the case if there exist any unknown issues with any of the hundreds of plug-ins/sounds in Komplete 15 in any one of the exponentially variable environments in which they're used.

    For hardware, where more specific guidance is needed, for Kontrol MK3 we acknowledge official support as follows:

    • Ableton Live (11.3.11 or higher)
    • Bitwig (5.0.10 or higher)
    • Cubase
    • Digital Performer (11.22 or higher)
    • FL Studio (21.2.3 or higher)
    • Logic Pro (11 or higher)
    • Pro Tools (2023.12 or higher)
    • Studio One (6.5 or higher)

    If a bug arises when Kontrol MK3 (or the enabling tools associated with it) is used in any of those environments, and even in an unsupported environment, then as mentioned above, we file, prioritize and endeavor to fix it.

    I understand you have a particularly frustrating experience, because the issue affecting you is yet to be resolved. I hope you will understand and accept the consistency in the answers you are receiving in this forum, via our Customer Support team, and via our Legal Team as contacted by you.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited September 2024

    Komplete 15 ULT is not a "product" that requires specific DAW support.

    Outside of the upcoming Kontakt 8 - and a few other minor additions (Conflux?) everything else in every bundle has been out for a long while.

    Pretty sure it it will all work fine in Reaper.


  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited September 2024

    Sure, it "should work" is also what I expected, but this is not sufficient: I also expected that Komplete Kontrol 3 VST3 plugin should work with REAPER as it did for years, but the latest version 3.3.2 crashes REAPER and via this forum NI support answered with REAPER is not supported.

    When NI does not list which DAW's are supported, they can use it as an excuse to delay or reject fixing bugs in their software and this is not acceptable for any customer.

    Currently none of the NI VST3 compatible plugins states which DAW's are supported and is a serious lack of information before purchasing the Komplete bundle and know upfront if you get support from NI if you encounter a problem with your DAW.

    Komplete Kontrol 3 is also a VST3 plugin and Native Instruments rejected to prioritize fixing a bug in KK3 which crashes REAPER.

    REAPER customers should be extra careful before doing business with NI.

    For this reason I need an official statement from Native Instruments if Komplete Kontrol 15 is supported with REAPER or not with a link to an explicit clear and transparent statement which DAW's are supported.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited September 2024

    "Komplete Kontrol 3 is also a VST3 plugin and Native Instruments rejected to prioritize fixing a bug in KK3 which crashes REAPER"

    Well - make up your mind.

    Your thread title clearly asks if Komplete 15 Ultimate IS supported in Reaper. I will bet money that it is.

    That said - Komplete Kontrol v3.3.2 is NOT Komplete 15 Ultimate

    If NI has not said anything yet about KK v3.3.2 and Reaper - maybe they are still working on it for a future release. OR - there is actually nothing wrong with KK v3.3.2 and Reaper is the actual problem. Or it is simply not going to be supported on Reaper. Anything is possible.

    Not every DAW in the universe is going to get 100% hard core testing and 100% support from any vendor.

    But do not conflate Komplete Kontrol (any version) with Komplete (the product bundle - any version) - the two are separate entities.


  • overlord25
    overlord25 Member Posts: 23 Helper

    Using 3.3.2 here with Reaper and no problems, there is a bit of a bug with 3.3.2 but that's not DAW specific, and it's certainly not crashing Reaper, would like to see official Reaper DAW intergration for the hardware but that's unlikely, thankfully there is ReaKontrol available from Reapack that at least addresses this shortfall :)

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited September 2024

    This is exactly what I thought. Have seen numerous users on other forums mentioning use of KK v3 just fine in Reaper.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod

    I prefer the MOSS extension.

    Not getting crashes in Reaper here

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited September 2024

    The KK 3.3.2 bug is 100% reproducible with REAPER 6 and 7 on Windows 10 and 11, reported since November 2023, confirmed reproducible by NI 5 months later (see 100% reproducible screen capture), no solution 10 months later and still makes the Komplete Kontrol keyboard useless. You are probably using REAPER on MAC, not Windows.

    DAW integration with REAPER is a feature request and has been officially rejected by NI in private email conversations. Yes, there are KK - REAPER DAW integration alternatives available like MOSS, so this is not an issue.

    Both KK and Komplete 15 bundles include VST3 compatible plugins and do not list which DAW's are supported.

    NI confirmed that support is limited to:

    • NI offers this forum.
    • Bugs are administrated with a ticket number.
    • Bugs are "prioritized, as part of a standard operating procedure to triage and prioritize all issues."
    • Then the support already stops and the bug has not even been analyzed by NI to determine the root cause DAW or NI plugin. A KK3 bugfix is postponed to Q4 this year which already exceeds 12 months after first bugreport.
    • NI does not offer a premium support channel where a customer pays to fix critical bugs in their software.

    I am blamed by multiple NI support that I purchased a S88 keyboard and use it with REAPER which is an untested environment for NI. None of the NI product specification clearly describes which DAW's are supported for VST3 compatible plug-ins. Then it is for you as customer not fair to hear after purchase + bug-report via this forum that you are using your purchase in an unsupported environment.

    The assumption KK VST3 plugin "should work in any DAW" resulted here in a useless product which is not accepted as "critical" by NI. I've serious doubts if a bugfix was prioritized when it was reported for example in Protools.

    @NI: Before customers purchase Komplete 15 bundle, which DAW's are supported in Komplete 15 bundle as the product specifications are vague and incomplete? Then the expected support response time should be much faster than 12 months minimum.

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    Which DAW's are supported for Komplete 15 VST3 compatible plugins? This is not documented in the product system requirements.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    @Erwinew the KK bug is not a 100% repro affecting 100% of users, or even 100% of Windows users. I believe some of those commenting here that KK is working well for them in Reaper are using it on Windows.

    Whenever a company supports a plug-in format that is available in nearly all DAW and OS environments, inevitably issues can/do appear. Those issues are filed as bugs, and dealt with in order of priority. This is standard operating procedure, and would be the case if there exist any unknown issues with any of the hundreds of plug-ins/sounds in Komplete 15 in any one of the exponentially variable environments in which they're used.

    For hardware, where more specific guidance is needed, for Kontrol MK3 we acknowledge official support as follows:

    • Ableton Live (11.3.11 or higher)
    • Bitwig (5.0.10 or higher)
    • Cubase
    • Digital Performer (11.22 or higher)
    • FL Studio (21.2.3 or higher)
    • Logic Pro (11 or higher)
    • Pro Tools (2023.12 or higher)
    • Studio One (6.5 or higher)

    If a bug arises when Kontrol MK3 (or the enabling tools associated with it) is used in any of those environments, and even in an unsupported environment, then as mentioned above, we file, prioritize and endeavor to fix it.

    I understand you have a particularly frustrating experience, because the issue affecting you is yet to be resolved. I hope you will understand and accept the consistency in the answers you are receiving in this forum, via our Customer Support team, and via our Legal Team as contacted by you.

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    @Matthew_NI Please include a link to the corresponding post based on facts.

    • The Komplete Kontrol bug is 100% reproducible on different computers/laptops with Windows 10 and 11. I cannot speak for other operating systems which may work.
    • Of course this does not affect all customers, but you should realize that not every customer reports bugs. How do you know how many customers are affected and determine the priority?
    • NI email support "Re: [Native Instruments - #4377691]" where Niall confirmed that this bug is reproducible, but is not able to help.
    • According to this email, the root cause has not even been analyzed by NI since November 2023. Support already stops at reproducible, administrated and no further plan to help your customers. Will this be the same level of support for Komplete 15? We expect product support and maintenance for existing released products when using in a professional studio environment.

    Why is NI still advertising to run VST3 compatible plugins in "any DAW"?

    Komplete 15:

    Komplete 15:

    Komplete Kontrol:

    When it comes to customer support with the request to fix a critical bug in the Komplete Kontrol VST3 plugin freezing a DAW, there is no plan and you let your customers waiting forever.

    All support communication is stuck and I'm talking to a concrete wall.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    @Erwinew I will let other users speak for themselves.

    I have nothing more to add regarding this matter.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Very good. Speaking for myself; I don't use Reaper. I already have my hands full with Cubase, Live, and Maschine (well, one day).

    One day I might try Reaper. Okay, probably not. But if I did, it would just be a test platform and I would not do production work on it. But yeah, probably not. 😏

  • Liquid Caravan
    Liquid Caravan Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I just wanted to chime in and say that I am having the Reaper crash bug when using KK 3.x and a Mk2 S49 keyboard. It is incredibly debilitating and I am seeking a fix along with Erwinew.

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