Is there a way to bulk generate stems?

Jumblist Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Excited to come back to Traktor, and impressed with the stems implementation, however is there a way to bulk generate stems for an entire playlist? Processing them one by one is long.

If there isn't one this would be a top feature request for me. I don't mind if it takes all day to process a few hundred tracks, I just don't wanna have to sit at the laptop the whole time pressing go over and over again.


Best Answer

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro
    Answer ✓

    As far as I understand, this option is still being worked on.

    But you can now click on several tracks one after the other and they will be processed one after the other.


  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro
    Answer ✓

    As far as I understand, this option is still being worked on.

    But you can now click on several tracks one after the other and they will be processed one after the other.

  • Jumblist
    Jumblist Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks, glad to hear it’s being worked on!

  • AndyB
    AndyB Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    'm using TP4 and I just generated stems for quite number of tracks by selecting them one by one and clicked to generate stems. TP4 happly gueued the stem separation although the infobar was updating after a separation finished. It took about 2 days to separate around 400 tracks. I was quite happy with the result, until TP4 crashed on me.

    I left with a bunch of separated tracks in my stem folder, but the stems are no longer referencing to the original file, no queue points etc.

    Checked the Tranktor.log file and I can find the reference to the original track as follows:

    2024-08-28 22:31:47 - Finalized stem separation process for track "Moef Gaga - Original Mix" - result: successful: stem file written to "C:\Users\andra\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Traktor\StemFilesTempDir\Block & Crown, Maickel Telussa - Moef Gaga - Original Mix.stem.mp4", "no warnings issued.", elapsed time: 3m 50s
    2024-08-28 22:31:48 - Finished stem separation job for track "Moef Gaga - Original Mix" - result: successful: stem file stored to "C:\Users\andra\Music\Traktor\Stems\009\JYAT2UAL33VSSDBHPZGTCDMDIOHA.stem.mp4", with offset 0µs, elapsed time: 3m 50s

    So in theory it must a way to reference those stems to the original track. I quickly separated an other track and closed traktor homping that collection.xml will reference to that, but no cigar.

    Is there any way to know where the stem separtaion info stored? Perhaps I can repair that based on the log information. I noticed that after the stem separation the file named the same e.g. JYAT2UAL33VSSDBHPZGTCDMDIOHA regardless when the separation happened.

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    This is a known bug that can cause Traktor to crash if you create a lot of STEMS in a row. Maybe it helps to only create a few at a time and then close Traktor every now and then?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert

    Or right click on the collection root node and click on "save collection"

  • DJ Bobby Tables
    DJ Bobby Tables Member Posts: 22 Helper

    If you know that a track has a stem created but it's not linked you can link it by manually updating the collection.nml file.

    Make sure traktor is closed first.

    IMPORTANT: You should take a copy of the collection.nml file just in case.

    Open the collection file in something like notepad++.

    Search for your track and verify the path.

    There should be a "flags" attribute within your track entry. This is a set of binary flags encoded as a number. The flag for a linked stem has a value of 64.

    So to link your stem file, assuming it exists, you should just be able to add 64 to this flags number. I don't think there are currently any flags above 64 so this should work if the value is currently below 64.

    Then save the collection file and reopen traktor.

    This might be a bit tedious to find all the tracks, but what you could do is add a comment (e.g. #fixme) to all the files that you want to adjust before making these manual changes and just search for that comment in your collection file to locate the tracks that need linking.

    I hope this helps :)

  • DJ Bobby Tables
    DJ Bobby Tables Member Posts: 22 Helper

    By the way, the reason this stem linking works is that Traktor calculates the file name of the stem from the track information so it only needs the flag set, no other information is stored.

This discussion has been closed.
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