How to create custom MIDI Templates with Kontrol S MK3



  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,274 mod

    Each MIDI Template is a file that recalls a preset configuration for the MIDI behavior across your entire keyboard.

    It is not something that can be recalled on demand, or linked to recall per library, in the way you seek.

    Rather - it is up to the user to switch between any configurations they have saved.

    Regarding your last question - check out the Keyzone editor.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,605 mod

    MIDI Templates can technically be edited on the desktop, via any text editor.

    Since they are .json format I presume someone could even create a simple software editor to make it easier?

  • gcorcella
    gcorcella Member Posts: 63 Member

    so how could I create custom patches to have the light guide available for non NKS libraries like the one Orchestral Tools have on Sine Player?
    It's quite annoying not seeing the playable range

  • thronechild
    thronechild Member Posts: 14 Member

    I’m a KK S61 mk2 owner, I haven’t been convinced to upgrade yet. I have a couple questions:

    1. Is there a page limit on mk3 for the midi templates? Mk2 was limited to 4 pages which was not great.
    2. Is there a way to duplicate an existing template, then group controls for editing them all at once, say for changing midi channel across many controls while building your template. Mk2 requires one control edit at a time
    3. when adding pages does the next control on the new page pick up where you left off on the last page? If I end page 2 on cc16, does Page 3 start on CC 17 when I add that page?
    4. Can I add/delete/edit templates and CC/knob/button assignments directly on the KK mk3 device or do I have to use the software?
    5. can you tab between controls and use numbers to quickly jump down the list of parameters, for quick editing and template setup on software.

    6. Can I mix different midi channels on one template, so different controls would be assigned to a different channel.
    7. Can Smart play functions be assigned to the midi template outputs.
    8. I see using usb and midi simultaneously is not supported. I would be using usb to the computer to control KK, and midi output to a midi interface for hardware control, would the mk3 switch to each output mode when entering the midi template mode or is it a hard setting in the software? This never came to mk2, and requires a 3rd party Mac app to reroute the usb midi (since usb is required for KK control) it’s a big reason I didn’t update til I see how you implemented.
    9. Are the mod wheels assigned per template now or only globally like mk2?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,605 mod

    Not sure about them all but:

    1. The limit is 16

    4. You can manage all those things on the device

    6. Yes

  • CatWhiskers
    CatWhiskers Member Posts: 2 Member

    I would love to see an option to color individual keys rather then zones for drum programs like superior drummer/ez drummer.

  • randyunderwood123_
    randyunderwood123_ Member Posts: 18 Member

    Does any of this apply to KK S88 MK2?

  • NodeOperator
    NodeOperator Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited August 11

    Ok Matthew, I totally understand what you have said there, However, I bought into the NI eco system, precisely because of the work the company has done over the years to make the marriage of hardware and software a harmonious and productive one. It just appears to be undoing that hard one battle, ‘just a little’ to not fully pledge that continued support for future. I kind of thought it would be the mantra. 😊 I’m. not going to loose sleep over it though ✌️

  • MorrisEd
    MorrisEd Member Posts: 146 Advisor
    1. Create MIDI template
    2. Map via CC Learn to preset patch in KK
    3. Map KK “plug-in” knobs to cc messages used in your midi template and label accordingly (select the control in KK software and click on drop down arrow in top left of box which appears when you hover your cursor over it)
    4. Save preset

    There is a slight lag, but this seems to work fine for being able to access MIDI template mappings via the MK3 knobs while the keyboard is in plug-in mode, which is the mode which gives access to the light guide.

  • TapTapDoubleTap
    TapTapDoubleTap Member Posts: 14 Member

    The video and post look pretty comprehensive apart from one thing - why might people need a midi template?

    This bit "If you use multiple external MIDI devices (e.g., hardware synths) or software MIDI devices (e.g., various plug-ins, DAWs), you can create and switch between as many templates as needed for each product, providing instant control." kind of answers that question, but for someone who has never used a midi template before, what sort of things can you do that you can't with the default mapping?

    For example, if I want to control Diva's cut-off, it's simple to just click midi learn and twist. What else could I be doing that might blow my mind?

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 120 Helper

    This new template editor is fantastic, thank you NI.

    The regular KK plugin mode now has the Shift + press a button to jump to that page.
    Could we get that for the MIDI mode as well please. We could rename our pages and when holding Shift the buttons would change into pages. They would show our custom page names. We press the button for that page and it would jump to it.

    If we have more than 8 pages we would have to go to page 8 then manually push the Next button, and now you are in the pages 9 -16 group. Now those page buttons would show as per that group. Same method to go back to the 1 - 8 page group. A bit of work but most people won't need more than 8 pages anyway. And if they do they will know to put things they rarely use in the 9 - 16 pages group.

  • FinalFrontier
    FinalFrontier Member Posts: 11 Member

    Can KeyZones overlap and how many KeyZones can I have? Can I map KeyZones to different NKS instruments or only to external hardware?

    I realize these aren't exactly MIDI template questions, but are sort of related, but I can move this question elsewhere if needed. I used to stack instruments in Maschine, but if I buy an MK3, I won't be able to use Maschine anymore. How many layers can I do directly in Komplete Kontrol?

  • afewster
    afewster Member Posts: 15 Member

    How do I use the UDO template? I've imported, shift+browser to select the template - using Bitwig HW Instrument, I can obv control via the keyboard, but the encoder movement isn't recognized at all - same experience with external instrument in Logic…

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