New member of S-series mk3 gang

donmaddonald Member Posts: 129 Helper

Any tips and tricks, or templates that do cool stuff with Logic Pro? (other than what it does out of the box?)


  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 56 Helper
    edited August 6

    Number one trick is to create a template and split it down into octave zones, and then set each zone to a different colour to make your own key gradients.

    This will be the default look of your keyboards light guide when outside of Kontakt/Komplete. I've currently got a nice pupley blue run across my keys when it starts up now! :)

    Obviously, beyond that you can create a template for smart controls to help with third party/logic's own plugins. Or map buttons to control presets up/down for patch browsing within Logic's preset system.

    Could create templates to specifically control stock instruments such as Alchemy, Retrosynth etc. too. Not sure anyone has uploaded any? I may do some later and upload if no-one has. You could have pages to specifically control filter, oscillators, envelopes etc.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 935 Guru

    My #1 suggestion is to have the curiosity of a 5 year old when you're auditioning sounds.

    Do you also have Komplete Ultimate, or the version that comes with the MK3? Asking because a new version of Komplete is due this year (assuming past release schedules), which would give you a lot more things to play with going forward.

    What are your favorite NKS plugins outside of Komplete?

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 884 Guru

    Depending on your setup you may want to do what I did and get a small wireless keyboard and a small extra screen and maybe even a wireless mouse so once you start working on the new MK3 you can operate autonomously from your computer. That was the big game changer for me. My S88MK3 sits to my right from where I normally operate my computer. Once I load a project in the DAW I simply rotate in my chair and don't need to refer back to my computer and I have all my facilities right there in front of me pedals and all. It seems simple, but it's a HUGE productivity boost.

  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 129 Helper

    @Skijumptoes Nice, I will look into it, yeah id like to have some of my favourites stock stuff mapped, like stock eq or something like that. I will definitely check out the octaves colouring thing!

    @BIF I have the standard one, and I am pretty happy with it! I am overwhelmed with sounds at the moment hahaha I am recently adding some Arturia classics synth emulation, I have the Juno and the mellotron, I may just ad couple more, just because they are clearly emulation of those instruments so I kind of chase a vibe and know exactly what I am looking for, but usually my NI stuff is more then enough and I do a lot of sound design myself, which is why I am not looking for sound, but tools.

    @DunedinDragon that is genius, I did I little F.up hahah maybe I was better off with the S49 as I have a small space, however I wanted to be able to see the articulation keys of some instrument while able to play, but the S61 is hugeeeeee!! ahah it took all my desk, your set up is genius.

    I have one more question for all of you guys, I didn't get my e-voucher yet, how long it took to get yours? I bought the keyboard last Saturday.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,274 mod

    @donmaddonald i know that feeling of being overwhelmed with sounds! i have Komplete, plus the entire Arturia and uHe collections, and just got Roland cloud this week. absolutely silly. but fun!

    More importantly - if you didn't get your e-voucher by this point in time, I would open a support ticket, and also I'll tag @Jeremy_NI as he may be able to help or direct appropriately.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,604 mod
  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 129 Helper

    @Matthew_NI yes I know it is a lot of fun!! but I must pay the rent too hahaha
    anyway I didn't get it yet, I opened a ticket, hoping to get it soon, so I can a little more extra fun guilt free ahaha please @Jeremy_NI HELP!!!

    @Kymeia sharing is caring :D

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,714 mod
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,604 mod

    Sorry but I'm no longer working on this because Logic controller mapping just sucks - it is so painful even for the simplest things. If anyone else can manage this then please do but I am not fighting this archaic interface.

  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 129 Helper

    @Kymeia It is possible to create a template for an audio fx? like the stock plug in I use the most is the eq, can I map the logic eq and have a template? or each instance has his own midi learning?

    like each new eq would need his own template? I am very confused about this topic

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,604 mod
    edited August 9

    Yes it is possible to create templates for anything that can be MIDI mapped. It's just I find the way of doing this in Logic to be over complicated and ended up feeling frustrated by it. Part of the problem is I can't see how to make a mapping stick so every time I load a particular device (instrument or effect) it comes into play. In Bitwig this is very easy but in Logic not so sure.

  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 129 Helper

    @Kymeia oh ok. I may start to look into it. (if there is a way)

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