Previous versions of recently updated Kontakt libraries / compatibility with K6 older libraries



  • Howie62
    Howie62 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I've just spent the last few days 'repairing' this problem in all the work I've produced in the last 3 years or so (including a recently delivered production/library album) on which I've used earlier versions of Kontakt. Been getting the Demo, no sound, problem with Analog Dreams, Hybrid Keys, Ethereal Earth, Cloud Supply, Picked Acoustic, so far. In most cases I'm at least able to see what preset I used, any settings I changed, and replicate this with the same library in K7 but in some instances, Picked Acoustic for eg, this is impossible as the 'Demo' version in Kontakt 6 displays with lots of parameters not viewable. Music is my living and backwards compatibility is very important in my line of work, please in future make sure updates are sufficiently tested before rolling out.

  • Howie62
    Howie62 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Add Twenty Five to the list…

  • pierodelux
    pierodelux Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I've reinstalled Hybrid Keys with via the link but I still have the 'Kontakt is too old' error message. Please help!

  • Rick Biessman
    Rick Biessman Member Posts: 1 Member

    I’m surprised by how polite the replies are here. Personally, I feel completely screwed by Native Instruments and I think it’s completely unacceptable that a newer version of Kontakt DELETES older libraries and renders previous projects unuseable. Who on earth at Native Instruments thought that this was ok in any way?

    I have an upcoming gig for which I need several Kontakt libraries, and those projects were created with Kontakt 6. With no way of replacing a Kontakt 6 instance with one of Kontakt 7 while keeping the instrument’s settings, this is such a pain. I want to produce, and I want to play live. I do NOT want to clean up the mess that comes with Kontakt updates.

    a very unhappy customer who is pretty certain to never buy another version of Komplete.

  • MrFresh
    MrFresh Member Posts: 54 Member

    Making nasty replies and threatening to not buy products in the future doesn’t necessarily guarantee a solution either, so…

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 183 Advisor

    Maybe making "nasty" replies doesn't fix the issues, but these issues are clearly unacceptables !

    It's a sad fact nobody can use NI plugins professionnaly since some time. I'm obliged to use these plugins on stage (because I created to live sets with them when they were reliable), and now I'm afraid to even click on Native Access… It seems even not using Native Access you can ruin a perfectly stable setup just having some NI plugins in your set, because they decide to update (i.e. break) something without you approving it or even being aware of it…

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,580 Expert

    @Calagan speculated:

    It seems even not using Native Access you can ruin a perfectly stable setup just having some NI plugins in your set, because they decide to update (i.e. break) something without you approving it or even being aware of it…

    That’s technically impossible. Especially on modern operating systems where everything is verified with checksums and any change to system files has to be executed with an administrator account.

    If NI stuff breaks without being updated, something else changed.

    That said, this whole Kontakt 6/7 compatibility situation is a major disaster.

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 183 Advisor

    It never happened to me, but it seems it's happening to other people. Suddenly, their NI plugin doesn't work anymore.

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 183 Advisor

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 129 Advisor

    @Jeremy_NI (or anyone else who has the ability) can we please make the newer version of this thread a sticky on the forum, along with information about the "missing samples/demo mode" problem which installing an older library version will fix? I would comment there but it is closed (fair, keeps it to links only).

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