Instruments available on Maschine+ (i.e. Scarbee Mark I)?

StefanS59 Member Posts: 23 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi there,

after finally managing to set up my (bought used) Maschine+ I'm quite disappointed about the few instruments available on Maschine+. 😒

As an owner of Komplete 14 Standard, it seems I am missing most (if not all) of the instruments I was used to on Maschine MK3.

How can I install additional instruments?

Is it possible to install Scarbee Mark I (my beloved E-Piano), and if so, how?


Best Answer

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    Answer ✓

    there is a list on the website about included instruments and effects, tbh I think it’s loaded, but since your coming from the computer environment I can see that you feel like there’s nothing on it. I don’t think Scarebee can be installed, however you can do a deep autosampling on your computer and transfer it to the M+. Open Maschine 2 sw, load scarebee on a pad and start the auto sampling process. If you need to know more about it, settings and such, there are plenty of great videos on YouTube. I’ve autosampled Ashlight and Massive X several times. I know it’s not the same as having the full plugin, but there’s so many possibilities to keep manipulating the sound inside the M+. maybe not what you wanted to hear, but it is what it is.


  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    Answer ✓

    there is a list on the website about included instruments and effects, tbh I think it’s loaded, but since your coming from the computer environment I can see that you feel like there’s nothing on it. I don’t think Scarebee can be installed, however you can do a deep autosampling on your computer and transfer it to the M+. Open Maschine 2 sw, load scarebee on a pad and start the auto sampling process. If you need to know more about it, settings and such, there are plenty of great videos on YouTube. I’ve autosampled Ashlight and Massive X several times. I know it’s not the same as having the full plugin, but there’s so many possibilities to keep manipulating the sound inside the M+. maybe not what you wanted to hear, but it is what it is.

  • StefanS59
    StefanS59 Member Posts: 23 Member

    Thank you for the great hint with the Autosampler. I didn't know that this would be possible.

    And yes, while I'd prefer to have all instuments available on the Maschine+, this would be a good workaround: find out what presets and expressions of i.e. Mark I I want to use with the Maschine Software and then create an auto-sample for use on the Maschine+.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    When M+ was released it didn’t have the auto sampler. It didn’t have the poly synth either. But it comes with Massive, Monark, FM8, Prism, bass synth, drum synths, retro machines, reaktor and Kontakt factory selections, so there’s loads of sounds and instruments to browse and find, electric pianos exist even if it’s not scarebee, and with all the effect plugins and macros you’ll surely find a nice present you can tweak and play with. But the auto sampler saved me in one way, I usually start in M+ and finish projects in Logic Pro, but now I’ve ported my presets back to the M+ so I can perform my tracks live. It’s awesome!

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I like to read positive comment, conclusion. If I made the under the 5 minutes and I didn't use anything just what you said, Massive -prism ECT.

    This is crazy now I almost have Album but it kick ,snare , hi hats without tweaking the plugins, Bass synth random and saxophone the basics one.

    I am Ambient Drone Space Ambient Compositional Music Producer this is my daily 5 minutes.

    It means you and in my opinion everyone can do it and much better.

    Feel free to ask me anything because there's killer feature that doesn't exist in DAW's not different boxes. It crazy how fast everything is. 5 minutes and I know do I have inspiration or not. It's become about less time on composition and mix and mora about being ready when it happened.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I have real Pianio at home, that sound is so rich and detailed like nothing I heard from Samplers but I am aware that there's a task to squeeze more in less and I want to say I never heard that sound, power and depth from recordings.

  • StefanS59
    StefanS59 Member Posts: 23 Member

    Thank y'all for your answers!

    In finally made the decision not to sell my Maschine MK3 but rather the Maschine+ instead.

    There are too many intruments I'd be missing on Maschine+, so I'll bite the bullet and use my computer alongside the MK3 when I want to make music.

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