Traktor Pro 4 is here!



  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    Do you do this while there is live music or while you are preparing?

    If you only have 8GB of RAM, how much RAM is being used while doing this?

  • x9sim9
    x9sim9 Member Posts: 14 Member

    At the moment consider Stems still in its beta phase, its good fun to play around with but definitely not reliable enough yet to DJ with in a live environment. Generating stems will cause performance and sound issues when you are DJing and generating them on the fly is not practical yet.

    There is also a widely reported memory leak that I reported thats currently causing the amount of memory used to generate stems to sky rocket into the 100s of GB and so its filling up your disk with a huge virtual memory file.

    I find Traktor uses about 6 to 7gb of ram roughly when DJing with stems, but obviously with the memory leak it just keeps getting larger over time.

    I know NI have not had the greatest track record with addressing bugs but I hope that considering there is only 4 new features of TP4 that they are at least prioritising major bugs like this.

  • red_1
    red_1 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Must admit, it's good but I was disappointed that it still has trouble with vinyl rips fluctuating in speed. It's actually all over the place when you play some.

  • x9sim9
    x9sim9 Member Posts: 14 Member

    Considering that alot of Traktor Hardware has now been discontinued is there any plans to support more hardware from other vendors?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    What do you mean?

    If you did grid it properly and turn on master clock or sync it to another track it should not fluctuate.

  • Scam Circuit
    Scam Circuit Member Posts: 2 Member

    Let's be honest here. The real reason Traktor 4 is here today is because Traktor 3 Pro subscriptions did not bring in enough money or buy-in from the community because the delivery of new features simply wasn't happening fast enough.


    I paid for a year ($60) of Traktor 3 Pro and didn't get a discount or anything for Traktor 4. I'm thrilled to see Traktor 4 and have already purchased it, but let's not pretend that the community had anything to do with its release—except that Traktor 3 Pro was not adopted by the community.

    I very much hope that Traktor 4 is developed further, but I fear that this was simply a money grab to keep the lights on.

  • TurnedTables
    TurnedTables Member Posts: 64 Advisor

    I think you're getting a bit mixed up with what was in the subscription. Stems and flex grids were tagged as "core" on the roadmap i.e. not part of the subscription.

    I'm not arguing that it seems a little unfair for subscribers to have to pay again to upgrade, but at the end of the day you were paying for access to pattern player and the limiter. Now, with a one time upgrade fee you get both and more.

  • jberg
    jberg Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2024

    Are there any plans to make the brand-new X1 MK3 compatible with stems? That would work perfectly. Unfortunately, mapping it myself is impractical since it is limited to only one layer thus having to choose either FX or stems.

  • Nobbi
    Nobbi Member Posts: 56 Helper

    Hi … i also have this problem … you can only see all the cue points in the stripe when you have selected „CUE“… when selected „GRID“ they are gone…🤷

  • Scam Circuit
    Scam Circuit Member Posts: 2 Member

    That's fair!

    It's a bit of a mixed bag that's for sure. Ozone Maximizer, for instance, was part of the 3 pro sub, but you're correct; some of this was promised to be core.

  • djbrettb
    djbrettb Member Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2024

    First of all I want to say thank you and express gratitude to Traktor for listening to users who have chimed in with productive feedback (myself included) and I’m incredibly thrilled about the release of TP4! Very excited about the stems separation and what I have experienced so far.. although it does take some time to separate the stems, I find it most helpful to select just the tracks I want to isolate beats/vocals etc and right click-generate stems for now for tracks I might want stems for in the near future, when I have a little free time.. and then it’s going to be a process of updating specific tracks in my library (over time, non-live setting). So glad for your listening and implementing these requests from users, and I’m excited to see what future improvements and developments happen, because Traktor is hands down the best audio quality, usability, and by far the best live looping control (which is why I’ve stuck with NI since the S1 came out)… and no subscription. All the haters on here need to simmer down a bit, these are huge improvements… and I have my own questions/requests/opinions, but thank you for the many improvements 🙏

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    I don't agree, stems are reliable for live performance.

    Regarding generating stems, I recommend that you generate the stems in your studio, and when you arrive at the club you will have them ready. I don't get a sound cut on a M1 PRO 16GB, but even so, I prefer to prepare the stems, music, cues, remix decks, in my studio.

  • djbrettb
    djbrettb Member Posts: 24 Member

    I agree. I’ve noticed that I can right and select “generate stems” on multiple tracks at the same time, but I have to select each track individually first, and I see a progress bar at the bottom of the screen… similar to analysis jobs. Anyone thinking they are going to try it on the fly at a live event might reconsider preparing stems at home first to not overload their CPU.. I also use an Apple M1 MBP 16GB (and have a 1TB internal drive) but it does seem to bog down performance with background tasks while stems (at least while muliple stems separation) processing is happening. Better to just show up prepared IMO.

  • Eric bee
    Eric bee Member Posts: 13 Member

    please update with "batch Stem making", this just one STEM create convert is pain.

    and also bring back CUE POINT 1 (when its set to Grid) Its now just the triangle and the Number is gone, if I create new…

    and also an update for the S4MK3 that it gave out MIDI Controls for DECK C and D for the Pads and the Browser Knob Push for loading C and D. again things not done to the end


  • DanteBen
    DanteBen Member Posts: 18 Member

    I can’t update to TP4, and pay for the Traktor Pro Plus subscription so that I have access to Maximiser and Pattern Player.

    If you are removing subscriptions, will I still be able to access these features?

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