Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol crash Garageband 10.4.6

JolskyKosh Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt


I'm on an older mac (Late 2013 Macbook Pro) which only supports up to MacOS 11 (Big Sur). The most recent version of Garageband supported is 10.4.6 which is what I'm using.

I have Komplete 14 (and 13), so have Kontakt 6.7.1 and 7.2.0 and Komplete Kontrol 2.9.1. I also have an M32 connected, but no audio interface.

Here's what happens. If I create a new project, I can normally (but not 100% of the time) safely add a Kontakt instrument. I can build my project, but when I start laying down multiple tracks I risk Garageband crashing. The error messages always quote Kontakt (normally 7 and normally the VST3) as being the process leading to the crash. Typically the crashes take place when I select a Kontakt instrument and try and open the Kontakt (or Komplete Kontrol) window to make changes. I get a beachball and then a crash report.

Both Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol run well in standalone mode.

I have done complete reinstalls of Garageband and Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol.

I have even set up a bash script to do some of the tidying more efficiently.

Loading Garageband without Core Audio (holding down left ctrl on load) occasionally helps....especially if I am in a crash loop, as sometimes the crash report's "reopen" window leads to another crash.

I'm happy to submit crash report details....I have plenty!

Any ideas on a fix?


  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Hello, welcome to the forums.

    Im on Logic, and also BigSur. I have an issue which is similar to yours, although I don't have K7, but K6. What has fixed it for me (for now) is to go back to KK 2.7.2. You might find some info here that might help.


  • JolskyKosh
    JolskyKosh Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi Jojo123,

    Thanks for the warm welcome to the forums.

    Yes, it looks like I am seeing the second half of your problem (the crashes), without the first part the glitches/cut-offs.

    All of my instruments run fine until I actually try and look at them.

    I'll see if Jeremy can help/signpost.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod
    edited April 2023

    @JolskyKosh Do GarageBand, Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol all have Full Disk Access? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Is everything fully functional in Kontakt in standalone? in Komplete Kontrol in standalone?

    Have you tried these steps? KONTAKT Crashes

    Are your libraries installed on an external hard drive? What format is that drive?

  • JolskyKosh
    JolskyKosh Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi Jeremy,

    Yes, full disk access for all relevant bits.

    Standalone apps are great. No issues seen.

    Done all of the Kontakt Crashes bits. As I've said, I've even set up a script to do those actions more quickly.

    As the issue is intermittent (albeit very common), I am not really sure that the Kontakt Crashes resets are helping.

    The last question is an interesting one and may be the source of the issue.

    Yes, I use an external hard drive: a 1TB SSD formatted as APFS.

    I use symbolic links to redirect some libraries to the external drive.

    The apps are installed on the main Mac drive, new libraries are officially (Native Access 2) set up for the external drive.

    A lot of my crash reports talk about unreadable memory....

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    I use symbolic links to redirect some libraries to the external drive.

    Could you give more details? Are you syncing some folders to iCloud or other cloud services?

  • JolskyKosh
    JolskyKosh Member Posts: 11 Member

    No. Everything is on the computer or the external SSD.

    It's just some of the expected libraries were taking up too much space on my main Mac drive, so I rehomed them and left a symbolic link to point at the new location.

    For example. my iTunes library has been relocated. As have my EXS and Alchemy bits.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @JolskyKosh I'm afraid that these symbolic links don't go well for Kontakt and could be the source of your crashes. To relocate libraries you should use Native Access: How to Move a KONTAKT Library

  • JolskyKosh
    JolskyKosh Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi Jeremy.

    I've removed all symbolic links and in fact reinstalled a bunch of libraries to be doubly sure.

    Same outcome, unfortunately. Garageband crashes when you click to access/view a Kontakt instrument.

    Is there anyone around who can work through this with me?

  • JolskyKosh
    JolskyKosh Member Posts: 11 Member

    Example Crash Report:

    This was caused by creating a new track and simply selecting Kontakt 7 as the desired instrument.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Have you tried to reset Kontakt's database after moving/reinstalling these libraries?

    Reinitialize the KONTAKT Database

    1. Hold down the alt key on your computer's keyboard and click Go in the Finder menu bar. Choose the appearing Library entry in the drop-down menu.
    1. Navigate to Application Support > Native Instruments.
    2. Depending on the KONTAKT version you are using, delete the following folder:
    3. KONTAKT 5: "Kontakt 5"
    4. KONTAKT 6: "Kontakt"
    5. KONTAKT 7: "Kontakt 7"
    6. Start KONTAKT as a standalone application (not in your DAW).

  • JolskyKosh
    JolskyKosh Member Posts: 11 Member

    Yes. I've scripted that.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    I'm contacting you by email, my colleagues will need to have a deeper look in your system.

  • R-E-Ycom
    R-E-Ycom Member Posts: 11 Member

    same here, for me it happens whenever I move the knobs on my M32

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    When you say "same here" what do you mean? Just that it crashes GarageBand when you move knobs? Can you give a little bit more context? Can you open Komplete Kontrol in standalone, is everything functional there? Did you make any MIDI assignments in GarageBAnd?

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