Kontakt is not seeing Sibelius' text-based note-on messages, ex. "~N50, 100"

realdealpeel Member Posts: 23 Member
edited October 2024 in Scripting Workshop

I'm hoping for a KSP script that will allow Kontakt to treat Sibelius' text-based note-on messages like any other note-on. "~N50, 100" should be sending pitch 50 with velocity of 100 to Kontakt, but instead it is doing nothing.

This format is what Graphical MIDI Tools "ghost notes" enters, fyi. So it must be working for others using Sibelius Sounds or maybe NotePerformer. But not for Kontakt it seems, at least by default.


  • theodorech
    theodorech Member Posts: 76 Member

    Sibelius sends MIDI messages (note on and off) just like any other music notation software. Have you tried different playback speeds to see if Kontakt can play that ghost note? You might also try notating it differently to check if the MIDI note 50 (A#4) plays correctly.

  • realdealpeel
    realdealpeel Member Posts: 23 Member

    The notes are just 16th notes - nothing Kontakt can't handle.

    These are not normal graphical notes. There's no notehead type that can be changed. If you mean trying different pitches, I tried all sorts of pitches from the -2 octave up to the 9th octave. No signal whatsoever.

    It goes further. No response from any playback device I have either. I don't have Sibelius Sounds or Note Performer, so I'm unable to try those. But I could have sworn the text-based noteons worked fine in the past with Kontakt.

  • theodorech
    theodorech Member Posts: 76 Member

    Perhaps it's best to ask this question directly to Sibelius customer support.

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