Native Instruments Apple Silicon M1 Compatibility



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    iZotope's Neutron 3 just got updated for Apple Silicon.

  • Dickins
    Dickins Member Posts: 4 Member

    What’s the point of stating that other plug-in manufacturers have attained Apple Silicon compatibility? To shame NI into action? If NI had the staff / resources to achieve this, they would. It’s quite clear they don’t. Just saying…

  • Tobsen
    Tobsen Member Posts: 6 Member

    I don't think that they have more resources. The point is, that Apple announced it nearly two years ago and released the first M1 Mac 1,5 years ago. NI also has experience, they have an iOS app. I also don't understand why they did not release Kontrol with priority, this harms the hardware directly, nobody wants to launch the DAW in Rosetta to use the controllers.

    (And after 10 years, they still have no retina graphics. 🤷🏼‍♂️)

  • Dickins
    Dickins Member Posts: 4 Member

    As someone with an M1 Mac, I’m as keen as everyone else here to see compatible updates. After the time frames you’ve quoted, it’s either not feasible to complete with their current resources or they are not prioritising the work. Let’s not forget that once again Apple has made these changes further up the chain which has developers scrambling to make their code base compatible as they do almost every year with their incessant OS updates.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    It simply takes time. Also, copy protection maybe needs to be redesigned for M1 CPU....

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    NI let their technical debt get far, far too high. Some shame should be felt and called out.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    @Alexey V maybe worth creating this as separate post with more info!

  • K.sils
    K.sils Member Posts: 5 Member

    Will there be support for Ipad IOS in the future to run the mission?

  • momos
    momos Member Posts: 25 Member

    How can it be that just about all other companies now have M1 native support, but not NI?

  • onurozudogru
    onurozudogru Member Posts: 2 Member

    I don't understand how we came to this conclusion. Noone is asking to be prioritized over other platforms, it's not like NI should have only one developer in the company that works on a prioritization basis. And if your statement is true in our case, looks like Win users are not bringing enough revenue for NI to support Apple users.

    Anyway, I can see that complaining will not change anything as we don't have any alternatives.

    NI develops best-unique solutions, but monopoly is an ugly game.

  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    Agreed, the technical debt is devaluing the big Komplete bundle (IMHO) which is increasing bulked out by unsupported / near-legacy products.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    iZotope Vocal Synth 2 is Apple Silicon native now.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited April 2022

    Poor leadership...short-term thinking... chasing shiny objects rather than doing the deep needed fixes.

    I think they have done the smart thing finally with the partnership and Soundwide, so good things are ahead.

    BUT.. stilled mired in the frustration of past decisions for now. No instant way to right these wrongs.

    They hopefully have an A-team working behind the scenes to jump over the current mess with something new and clean that has some sort of pathway for prior product assets to participate.

    Bandaids aren't gonna be enough.

    NI needs its own sort of "Rosetta" for past products to participate in "something new"...

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert


    How can it be that just about all other companies now have M1 native support, but not NI?

    Like iZotope? Does not seem, they have everything AS....

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    iZotope have all their flagship products AS. And almost all of their "second tier" products are AS too.

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