Where do I find the base product for my serial number fo maschine software?

KTuzo Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I re-purchased the mk2 maschine software, but when I try to download and re-load it in native access, issues occurred. I entered my serial number for the software, but a dialog box came up telling me that my account is missing the base product for this serial. Does anybody know what the base product is or where I can find this too? I have not been successful in downloading the software, and the demo version keeps showing up in native access. I would appreciate your help very much. Thanks!

Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    I re-purchased the mk2 maschine software

    As already pointed out by victorp.sg then the MASCHINE 2 SOFTWARE UPDATE is for anyone still using MASCHINE 1.x software.

    Apparently then N.I. policy is that if you want to use your Maschine with the Machine 2 software then you have to have the hardware serial registered to your account. Registering the hardware unit serial to your account will automatically give you a copy of the base software that came with the unit. If your unit came with V.1 software then the upgrade is for you , if the unit came with the V.2 software then you just need to register the hardware serial to get a free copy of the base software.

    So N.I. assumes that your hardware serial is registered to your account and if it is not then there is no automatically getting any copy of the base software - at least that appear to me as being the general gist.

    If you bought the update and can not use it then you can ask for a refund : N.I. Purchase Support

    If you have a problem getting the hardware serial registered to your account or have problem getting the hardware serial transferred from other owner then you have to contact N.I. Account Support

    *The MASCHINE 2 software update was released in September 2013. If you bought your MASCHINE or MASCHINE MIKRO after that date, you’re probably already running MASCHINE 2 software and don’t need this update. To check which MASCHINE version you have, start MASCHINE, then click on Help > About MASCHINE. The version number is top-left.


  • KTuzo
    KTuzo Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Been trying to download mashine software but have been experiencing problems.

  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 179 Advisor

    The Maschine 2 software available on NI web site is to update users still using Version 1.x of Maschine software. So when you enter the Version 2 software serial number in your Native Access, it expects Version 1.x (base product) already registered in your user account. Isn’t there a Maschine hardware registered in your NI user account which will also add Maschine 2 software into your account?

  • PHgh95612
    PHgh95612 Member Posts: 12 Member

    you should got transfer code from the previous user. He should request it through his account. There is a knowledge article how to transfer license in help section.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    I re-purchased the mk2 maschine software

    As already pointed out by victorp.sg then the MASCHINE 2 SOFTWARE UPDATE is for anyone still using MASCHINE 1.x software.

    Apparently then N.I. policy is that if you want to use your Maschine with the Machine 2 software then you have to have the hardware serial registered to your account. Registering the hardware unit serial to your account will automatically give you a copy of the base software that came with the unit. If your unit came with V.1 software then the upgrade is for you , if the unit came with the V.2 software then you just need to register the hardware serial to get a free copy of the base software.

    So N.I. assumes that your hardware serial is registered to your account and if it is not then there is no automatically getting any copy of the base software - at least that appear to me as being the general gist.

    If you bought the update and can not use it then you can ask for a refund : N.I. Purchase Support

    If you have a problem getting the hardware serial registered to your account or have problem getting the hardware serial transferred from other owner then you have to contact N.I. Account Support

    *The MASCHINE 2 software update was released in September 2013. If you bought your MASCHINE or MASCHINE MIKRO after that date, you’re probably already running MASCHINE 2 software and don’t need this update. To check which MASCHINE version you have, start MASCHINE, then click on Help > About MASCHINE. The version number is top-left.

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