Native Access slow to open & can't select install All updates

rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Native Access

What the hell is going on with Native Accesss?

When it loads, the little circle keeps spinning. (top left).

Can't select install All updates. Need to select them one at a time.

Took me 5 attempts to open Native access? (Blank screen, NTKdaemon issues, Login issues, dependency issues, every time there is an update to Native Access.

Whatever direction you guys are going with this new design, it's not a good one.

Native access, KK3, they are both a mess...



  • SF_Green
    SF_Green Member Posts: 36 Member

    My NA always hangs on Loading Products. I let it go one time to see if it resolved. I waited 20 minutes and still loading. I always have to kill it on e or twice before it opens.

    Latest version also had a major issue with all the updates yesterday. It wouldn't update after updates were installed and many of them took multiple tries to update.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    @rdalcroft ,

    I read your post on this topic in another thread discussion. So just for the record then I would like to say that I agree that in particular Native Access is giving too many problems. I did try to address some of my concerns, soon to be a month ago, when writing to Simon_NI here (receiving no response) where I also referred to what I wrote around 40 days ago over here with respect to trying to understand the reasons for why the N.A. troubles appears at all.

    To me in the end then most all N.A. problems is a result of the DRM scheme chosen and it's tieing in with all the modern OS and security programs security measures and the DRM scheme's needed rooting in the OS. Had Native Access just been a download manager then we would have seen far less issues including even with quote unquote download issues .

    The taming of the NTKDaemon may be a battle never over since problems also comes from OS makers and security program makers constantly tweaking security measures and hackers constantly trying to hack and N.I. following that constantly has to tweak DRM measures also ! All this with customers (rightfully) complaining if stuff does not work off-line and what not !

    Native Instruments now starting chat support for Native Access problems is a great sign of a very good will and a recognition that the situation is not OK. Problem is that unless N.I. mange to address the root cause better , namely the overall functionality of the N.A. and it's DRM scheme then it will just give great expenses for N.I. to no avail.

    I have absolutely zero insider knowledge into any of all of this and all the above is only my personal views and opinions and had I had any real insight to share then I would have been bound by a NDA. However then I can not imagine that N.I. will let things stay at status quo as is now and I believe that we are going to see some much needed improvements appear with respect to N.A. !

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Just for some balance, I've had no issues here. For me Native Access opens in around five seconds (with 308 products installed).

    Yes the spinny thing whirls away, but it soon stops. Downloads work.

    Latest version of Native Access on Windows 11.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru
    edited April 2024


    How do you explain those of us that have been using and updating our most recent versions of Native Access with no problems and working perfectly? My upgrade yesterday took about 30 minutes and was flawless when it finished across all products and my DAW. Do you think NI wrote a special "buggy" version just for you?

    Maybe, just maybe, the problem isn't at Native Instruments???? Denial isn't just a big river in Egypt....

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    Or maybe you are lucky? Or maybe some computers/operating systems are more susceptible to problems than the other ones?

    People have genuine problems which should not be trivialised, just because “it works on yours”.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited April 2024

    @DunedinDragon & @PK The DJ and more

    I usually also have more or less zero problems with N.A. myself !

    But I also had a great lesson a short while back when Native Access were running an update in the background and when my computer then more or less totally unexplainably (other than N.A. doing it's update thing) suddenly locked up totally and thus fully crashed the whole OS/computer. From that it were extremely hard to recover normal N.A. download functionality. I could uninstall and delete and try re-downloading all I wanted and there were nothing that I found I could do that helped since it appeared that somehow N.A. had written something about the download somewhere in it's little secret notebook ! The only thing saved the situation there were because I try to work meticulously in cases like that , so before deleting anything and trying re-download then I saved all the old. And as you all know then N.I. does not allow for even normal registered users not abusing their download ability to per standard freely manually downloading just select versions (like newest) of most important apps ! So the only reason that I had a download to install manually were because that I had the 'intercepted downloads from the download folder saved !

    Long story short then N.A. download functionality were only recovered by deleting part of the N.A. installation manually and then reinstalling N.A. and then before starting N.A. also manually install the app in question. And after that it were still a 'thriller' with N.A. taking a little time to accept that the app were OK and already downloaded !

    My point here is that for us that normally have zero problems with the N.A. app then it can be very hard to understand why some other people are complaining that much ! But once you have tried something like that then it becomes slightly easier to understand that small mishaps can create extreme problems !

    I standby what I wrote around 40 days ago over here with respect to the complexity of trying to understand the reasons for why the N.A. troubles appears at all. And I also fully agree with DunedInDragon and PK The DJ that it it is really hard to fathom the difference in experience sometimes.

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    Look I am only reporting my experience, and from what I see, quite a few others have noticed a big change. I have never in my life had any issues with Native access. Only in the last few months this has been happening, on and off, the last 3-4 updates in particular.

    I am glad you are having no issues on your end, but quite a lot of us are, and its not normal.

    I have to agree with @PoorFellow.

    It sounds like it could be a combination of DRM rights, permission issues, security NTKDaemon not reaching the servers correctly, but something is up for certain configuations of systems.

    The amount of updates to Native Access with in the last 2 weeks is also telling. So, I would assume there is an issue.

  • Richard Vetro
    Richard Vetro Member Posts: 20 Member

    No Problems here.

    Windows 10 Computer

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor
    edited April 2024

    It could be a time of day issue??

    I tend to update late at night. I wonder if that could be the issue.

    As I just fired up Native access now, and it loaded up very quick?

    Could it just be a server thing? time of day, whether they are doing maintenance on their servers?

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru

    There's an old saying, that "luck looks an awful lot like good preparation". I'm not trivializing anybody for having problems. I've had them and I know it's necessary sometimes to first diagnose the cause in case it's something you can fix. The people I trivialize are the ones that say a product is "garbage" because they have a problem and haven't done anything to really investigate or examine what may be causing the problem, nor do they really even really comprehend in many cases where to start. Those user that do understand these things have a MUCH better chance of keeping their system stable than those that don't.

    The NI eco-system is a relatively complex set of software and I do fault NI for not doing a better job of providing better training materials to help new users (and even some older users) understand the fundamentals of how things work and interoperate. But I also believe the users have the responsibility to realize this is not a trivial piece of software. It's every bit as complex as a DAW, or a CAD/CAM system, or a video and animation editing system and understanding that the software and how these things interoperate is on THEIR one else's.

    And you're right that some operating systems are more susceptible to problems than others, but that's part of the ownership one has if they want to participate in these types of more complex system. This ain't email, or word processing or internet browsing.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru
    edited April 2024

    I realize the difficulties people are having and I think we all would have to be living in a cave not to see the disaster things have been with Sonoma, so I understand that.

    I experienced some of what you mentioned in terms of server issues in the past week or so, and recognized it for what it was, aborted the update and waited until it got corrected before beginning my updates later in the day. Those sorts of things can happen but are easily identifiable. But the fact is those server problems affect all people regardless of the platform they're using so it's not likely these problems were a part of that because I also would have been affected, which I wasn't.

    Sonoma on the other hand has been a different animal, but these updates came as no surprise to me as they had been discussed many times in the last month in various parts of this forum, and that there was an upcoming set of updates to address the Sonoma problems, and that's predominantly what these updates consisted of. What's surprising to me is how few people even looked at the release notes to see what had been fixed..or that there are still things that are recognized as problems but have to wait for Apple to fix them because it's in the software they're responsible for.

    That's the only thing that's telling about the updates over the last couple of weeks, they were identified and projected for delivery in Q1 back in January and February in this very forum and were delivered as predicted.

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    I Understand what you are sayin, but me on windows, not mac.. lol

    But at least I know what the updates were for now.. cheers!

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    This is a known issue. @Hayo_NI and the NA team are looking at it, although I don't know what their urgency/priority is. I hope it is considered "urgent" and "high priority".


    I've made the above comment on several threads here in the Native Access part of the forum, just today. But people are still unaware of it.

    It seems that this forum might need a bit more attention from time to time from either the moderators or from the NI people. Too many people don't seem to know anything about NI's efforts to fix the "spinning/loading products" issue, especially after NA does a self-update. We all need to get the word out, and I'm trying to do my part. But maybe we need somebody with a louder megaphone than mine.

    And people coming here to report the same problem over and over, well they probably should have a look around in the forum to see if somebody ELSE already reported the same issue. Normally, I don't make a big deal about that (because how does one even know what keywords to search for?), but just today I've already seen many posts about this issue that the NA team already knows about. They're all on page 1 and page 2 of the forum index, so it's not like they got buried and were forgotten. Unfortunately, I have to get some "Saturday stuff" done and I just don't have the time to look for or respond to them all; plus I'm not a moderator, lol.

    It might also help a lot if NI could make some kind of an official/unofficial statement about the progress of this issue, along the lines of what @Matthew_NI frequently does over on the Komplete Kontrol side. Best practices would probably go a long way to making NA easier for everybody to understand and maybe even faster to fix problems with it. When we humans understand something better, we might actually be more likely to trust that thing. And a lot of people just don't trust Native Access at the moment.

    Yes, NA has issues. But also, our communication could be improved. Thanks for listening!

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