Kontrol 2024 outlook: what was, what now, what next?



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,179 Expert
    edited April 2024


    "Following your reasoning, every company has the right to release unfinished, untested and full of bugs products, since that was their state when we bought them, so we practically accepted everything"

    I do not know about a "right" (probably the wrong descriptor) but I agree.

    This is the reality everyday - where defects are a "feature" in every software vertical I can think of.

    Disagree on the acceptance tho - you only "accept" it - when you buy into it.

    The choice is always up to us.


  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited April 2024

    So looking ahead to to future of the Kontrol ecosystem...

    Here is a new controller product from BlackMagic that I wish NI would take a few pointers from:

    More info:

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 195 Advisor
    edited April 2024

    I fully get you. As found out in our previous communication already, we both might just have a different understanding about what an honest and active support should actually mean. Initially coming from an IT company that managed mission critical networks and related equipment, maybe my personal measures and expectations have been set too high.

    On the other hand, when looking at other companies in the music business, offering similar gear or software solutions, and just comparing their services and development strategies which the support that NI is currently offering and living - especially for existing products, I guess it's not far-fetched to let customers get worried in a way. After all, in many times other comparable companies offer a much longer support time than NI does, and basically I mean an "active" hardware and software support that also offers new releases of features, even for older products, and which lasts much longer than 10 years (and not only 6 years as in the case of the MK2 and its KK companion).

    But as also mentioned in other threads already, I didn't have that much experience with NI at the time I entered their eco-system. I simply have to realize now, like others, that I might have made wrong decisions last year and I picked the wrong choice here just because I was simply too optimistic, hoping that critical but still forward-oriented feedback or detailed bug reports would help to improve the situation. Mea culpa.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,179 Expert


    "Initially coming from an IT company that managed mission critical networks and related equipment, maybe my personal measures and expectations have been set too high"

    Gotcha - same for me. I manage a team of highly skilled application support analysts where I work here in Canada. I work for the City here so there are very clear lines on what "support" vs "active support" are really all about. There are no illusions on what these mean.

    "After all, in many times other comparable companies offer a much longer support time than NI does, and I basically I mean an "active" hardware and software support that also continue to release new features on older products as well and lasts much longer than 10 years (and not only 7 years as in the case of the MK2 and its KK companion)."

    Nothing wrong at all with watching what other companies do and as a existing customer (or potential customer) taking advantage of specific product purchase scenarios when they avail themselves.

    But what I am VERY careful not to do is make hard comparisons with Company A and B - which almost always leads to hard expectations. What is good for A (or what they decide to do for me) is not what B will necessarily do. And I must be OK with that.

    For every Spectrasonics (who inexplicably continue to update Omnisphere after almost 10 years) there is an iZotope who consistently set an 11 month stopwatch ticking every September for yet another sunset countdown for a product they tell you - you really need.

    "I didn't have that much experience with NI at the time I entered their eco-system. I simply have to realize now, like others, that I might have made wrong decisions last year and I picked the wrong choice here just because I was simply too optimistic, hoping that critical but still forward-oriented feedback or detailed bug reports would help to improve the situation"

    I was exactly like this in Fall 2020 - waiting around in giddy anticipation for the next KK2 release or possibly - new firmware! None of it really came to pass - but I did not suddenly hate on NI because of it.

    And yes - 100% agree - feedback is always good.

    I honestly believe that NI does hear us - as long as the feedback is logical and has some meat on the bone. But that still does not mean we will get some, any or all of what we ask for.


  • Prokat99
    Prokat99 Member Posts: 40 Member

    soooo.... any news on the MIDI templates?

    I've steered clear of the forum for a bit but if I remember correctly, they should be dropping any minute...right?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,889 mod

    Newest is this :

    Quote Matthew_NI April 2 : We decided last week... <Snip>... to focus all strength on MIDI Templates and Play Assist,

  • Cristianruiz1
    Cristianruiz1 Member Posts: 52 Member

    I wonder if Vocal Point is hired by Native Instruments, whenever I come out to tell the truth he comes out to defend them.

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 133 Pro

    My main request would be - Make absolutely certain it is entirely compatible with your existing products. I've had way too many Native Instrument products turn into bricks because NI stopped developing for them or because they weren't class compliant.

    The Guitar Rig, which was an excellent guitar pedal/interface - not supported and is a brick

    The original Maschine - no longer supported and is a brick

    The S1 keyboards - no longer supported, so I will have to use old versions of Komplete Kontrol forever.

    This is what makes me very reluctant to buy NI hardware.

    These are not inexpensive devices, they are a similar cost to a professional musical instrument, like a guitar and I expect them to have a similar lifespan (so multiple decades, not a few years). I don't care how fancy you can make the control strips on your new products when they'll be dumped in 3 years or so or won't work on the control strips you have on existing products.

    I frankly don't care about most of the ideas in the recent survey. There is no real need for fancy AI stuff when there's no metronome or 'tape' functionality so you can play along to backing tracks within Komplete Kontrol. And I entirely agree with the comment above that what I really really want the browser to do is help me tag samples quickly and effectively in a way that makes sense (which I guess is a background non-fancy AI thing). I've yet to find anything product that lets me take a sample pack and easily categorise it so I can separate the quality from the quantity.

    So backwards compatibility (at least make my bricks work) or don't bother.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,077 Guru

    A heads' up to all: Check yer Native Access. I woke up today to see 24 products updated, mostly for Sonoma and other stuff.

    Hopefully that's a good thing.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,179 Expert
    edited April 2024


    Big stretch from "Geez - I think I just bought a 3 year old keyboard but I have decided not to b***h about it already being end of life in the NI forums" to not agreeing with your position (whatever it is) on the "Truth" and then labelling that "Defending NI".

    FWIW - I am not a fan of a lot of things NI does either.

    This is a public forum. We are allowed to voice opinions - good, bad or otherwise.

    If you cannot handle a response to your comment because it rubs you the wrong way - your options are simple - either learn to roll with it and get in the conversation or ignore the post. Please consider both of these.

    In the meantime - hoping you can make an effort here to communicate exactly what "the truth" is - OR what it is that is bugging you so much about NI, your MKII or whatever else has you riled up so we chat about it - respectfully - within this public forum.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,179 Expert
  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,077 Guru

    LOL, all but the one I REALLY wanted...KK 3.3.somethingsomething.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,179 Expert
    edited April 2024

    No need to thank me - I wasn’t offering advice or anything else to you.

    If you cannot explain what you mean by “the truth” - that’s all I need to know.

    Peace out.


  • Cristianruiz1
    Cristianruiz1 Member Posts: 52 Member

    Why would I have to explain myself to you? How much do they pay you or do you get free? When I was little I was taught not to get involved in what I don't care about, I didn't know that you cared so much about my criticism that every time I publish it you jump to defend your saviors.

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