G2 and D3 MIDI keys not transmitting after installing Kontakt 7

BigEastBoler Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I just purchased Kontakt 7, and installed it according to NI's instructions. As far as I know things are good -- except that now MIDI data from the G2 and D3 keys of my Roland FP10 are not received in both Kontakt (stand-alone) and in Logic Pro X.

If I repeatedly strike these keys, sometimes a signal is received and the selected software instrument sounds out. All other MIDI notes work properly in Kontakt and Logic. Through its own speakers, all notes on the piano play properly.

I've tried shutting everything down and restarting, ensured that Full Disk Access is enabled, and checked all other hardware and software possibilities. It's evident that Kontakt has introduced a crippling problem to my setup.

Mac Mini M1 Sonoma 14.2.1, Logic Pro X, Scarlett 18i20, Roland FP10


Best Answer

  • BigEastBoler
    BigEastBoler Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    Update: Having spent at least 4 hours over two weeks in online chats and on the phone with Apple Support representatives, I can now report at least one one measure of progress. It has to do with Logic! My version of Logic was the version that was factory-installed when I bought my Mac mini in February of 2022, and it hadn't been updated. I had tried repeatedly to update it, but I always got an error message saying that the software wasn't registered under my Apple ID. This was odd because I bought the whole package (computer and software) using my Apple ID. Why it took 4 hours for Apple techs to fix this disconnection, I have no idea.

    So I updated the software, opened a new Logic project, tested all 88 keys on the Roland and everything is working fine. My next step is to reinstall Kontakt and check to see if it continues to function properly, both in stand-alone mode and as a plug-in in Logic. Stay tuned!



  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Have you checked with MIDI monitor to verify that your Roland is outputting MIDI? That's where I would start if you haven't already done so.

  • BigEastBoler
    BigEastBoler Member Posts: 10 Member

    Yes, the Roland FP10 is outputting MIDI. Like I said, all other notes play software instruments properly when I'm in Kontakt and also when I'm in Logic. It's so strange -- throughout the time that I was downloading Kontakt and installing it, the keyboard remained untouched and my whole setup was undisturbed. That's why Kontakt must be the culprit.

    Do I have to uninstall, and abandon Kontakt? Is this just another one of those unresolved NI vs Mac M1 issues that I only found out about AFTER making my purchase?

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Yes I saw that, apologies for not being clear. I was referring specifically to the two notes that don't play. Do you see your Roland sending those notes in MIDI Monitor?

  • BigEastBoler
    BigEastBoler Member Posts: 10 Member

    I haven't checked the Midi Monitor in Logic yet. I'll do that now and report back.

    But here's what I DID check: I verified that my FP10 is in fact transmitting the two notes properly. I opened Finale and used the speedy entry function to see if those notes would be transcribed to the score. There was no problem at all.

    Therefore, the problem is not within the Roland keyboard. Nor is it in my Focusrite interface.

  • BigEastBoler
    BigEastBoler Member Posts: 10 Member

    MIDI Activity Display: yes, when I hit these two problematic keys the activity display shows them as triggered, indicating note-on, note-off, and velocity. So the message is getting through to the computer and to Logic. Again, the problem has to lie within Kontakt or one of the other bits of software in the Native Instruments bundle that they sold me for 50% off. I guess it's like buying the package of fish at the grocery store when its price has been reduced; there's a good chance it's spoiled.

  • BigEastBoler
    BigEastBoler Member Posts: 10 Member

    I just finished a screen-sharing session with Apple Support. Their Logic rep noticed that the MIDI Activity Display indicates that, while showing positively that those two keys that I'm hitting are sending a signal to the computer, the signal being sent is a note-off, and not a note-on followed by a note-off. ******!

    I've updated the system software in the FP10. I've uninstalled the bundled Kontakt software. Not sure what to try next.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 431 Pro

    Just to recap.

    All the notes played on your Roland keyboard are getting through to Kontakt except for 2 specific notes which play only intermittently. This happens even when you connect your keyboard directly to standalone Kontakt.

    There is a factory multiscript in Kontakt which will tell you exactly what MIDI messages are reaching Kontakt. (KSP button at top of Kontakt window, Presets>Factory>Utilities>MIDI monitor.) If you set Verbose mode it will make a list. Switch off everything except Note-off and Note-on. Play your notes. VST and Standalone. What's happening?

    It's very hard to see how intermittent failure of just 2 specific notes can be a software problem, unless your DAW or some other agency is hijacking them for some purpose, such as a keyswitch. Sounds much more like a mechanical problem in your keyboard.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    I have to agree with @stephen24 if those keys are not sending MIDI on it seems like a hardware issue either mechanical or a settings issue.

    I was thinking they might be key switches as well but you said that sometimes they will play if pressed hard enough. You're probably better off posting this in a Roland forum as I'm completely ignorant when it comes to MIDI settings on your keyboard.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    For what it's worth this is the MIDI Monitor program I was referring too. It's a standalone program that doesn't require a DAW or any other software to run. https://www.snoize.com/MIDIMonitor/

    At the very least it would eliminate any issue with Logic itself.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    At a glance I feel inclined to agree with others here. I do however not know enough about Mac , but as general observation then one of the things that a Windows user would do if things does not work as expected and one does not think that it's a hardware error would be to try to re-install drivers of e.g. Roland FP10 and since it's a midi problem also maybe take a deeper look at the whole midi distribution.

    Also since sometimes when one start to mess with things then you only screw up things even more so you are advised to take a backup of your computer using TimeMachine or what's it called prior to start any deeper tinkering !

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 431 Pro

    When you press a key on your keyboard all it does is spit out a sequence of 3 numbers. If anyone can think of a software reason why this message should always reach its destination along the MIDI distribution unless the middle number is one of 2 arbitrary values I'd love to hear it.

    If the OP is sure his reporting is accurate, and he doesn't have an alternative keyboard to try, one thing he could do is (if possible) to program his keyboard to transpose the notes, and see if the malfunctioning notes remain the same.

  • BigEastBoler
    BigEastBoler Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you, all of you, for your insights!

    I haven't yet downloaded the external MIDI Monitor program that you recommended because I'm not ready to add another layer of software that "intervenes" and might consequently "muddy the waters". I'm trying to minimize the number of variables here. To that end, I have not yet reinstalled Kontakt because I am currently working with Apple's support people. I have sent them an Apple Support Profile, which as I understand is a tidy little file generated by Logic that encapsulates every aspect of what's going on in a Logic project. Unless they advise me otherwise, I don't want to reinstall Kontakt until I can be sure that I've solved the problem at Apple level.

    But I can confirm that the problem is not with my Roland FP-10. Using a MIDI cable, I plugged it directly into my Macbook Air, and I played/recorded every note of the keyboard through GarageBand. Every note worked properly, including the G2 and D3.

    So, why do I think it's a Kontakt problem? Simply because it didn't exist in any way prior to installing Kontakt. I really don't believe it's a purely coincidental thing. Rather, it may have something to do with the interaction between Kontakt and Logic, or Kontakt and my M1 processor. After all, Native Instruments does acknowledge their own lack of success regarding the M1. And I don't know why the problem would persist even after uninstalling Kontakt.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 431 Pro

    Do let us know how you get on with this bizarre problem.

    those two keys that I'm hitting are sending a signal to the computer, the signal being sent is a note-off, and not a note-on followed by a note-off. ******!

    Kontakt is right at the end of the line, so if note-on signals are anywhere missing from the stream, one thing is certain - the problem ain't with Kontakt. (So don't waste your time reinstalling it.)

  • BigEastBoler
    BigEastBoler Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    Update: Having spent at least 4 hours over two weeks in online chats and on the phone with Apple Support representatives, I can now report at least one one measure of progress. It has to do with Logic! My version of Logic was the version that was factory-installed when I bought my Mac mini in February of 2022, and it hadn't been updated. I had tried repeatedly to update it, but I always got an error message saying that the software wasn't registered under my Apple ID. This was odd because I bought the whole package (computer and software) using my Apple ID. Why it took 4 hours for Apple techs to fix this disconnection, I have no idea.

    So I updated the software, opened a new Logic project, tested all 88 keys on the Roland and everything is working fine. My next step is to reinstall Kontakt and check to see if it continues to function properly, both in stand-alone mode and as a plug-in in Logic. Stay tuned!

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro

    It’s probably not this, but tonight I was playing with Omnisphere and C2 on both of my keyboards stopped responding.

    Turned out I had accidentally hit C2 with midi learn activated.

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