how can I avoid crash of Kontakt in Reaper?

Member Posts: 50 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I updated KONTAKT today. It crash Reaper after I load the instrument and push the first key. Older version worked if running Kontakt set as dedicated process in Reaper.

Please advise I cannot use my Kontakt libraries with this new version. Thanks



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Best Answers

  • Member Posts: 50 Member
    Answer ✓

    Dear PoorFellow,

    Thanks for your message and I completely agree with you in theory and I follow the advices as much as possible and I received many good advice here.

    I am pretty computer savvy and with this computer I do computations, graphical works and heavy gaming and it is optimized and works well. Most of the advise I received I already did as part of my maintenance some I followed and some I cannot do for example reinstalling windows or having another CPU, because of some software linked to this config. I agree that my config is not par with the written one, I am only saying that maybe exist some alternative problem here. It is the easiest to think OK you do not have i5 so here is the problem.

    Session guitarist Kontakt libraries are much more complex than these player instruments and they work well with my system. I posted this experiment with the hope somebody will recreate them, just need reaper and KK standard

    I saw somebody had similar issue on a different daw

    It does not seems to be resolved. I think the problem is not my i3 processor. I could be wrong, if I am I, probably need 1-2 years for the upgrade. If I am not wrong I hope this will be fixed in a Kontakt update

    Best wishes,


  • Member Posts: 50 Member
    Answer ✓

    Dear All

    For posterity I make a note here that this problem seems to be resolved as of today. As you read above the info: There were suggestions that the crash happens because the CPU is not good enough, need to reinstall windows and redistributables and so on (none of these helped). The Kontakt browser, if choose a preset belonged to several player instrument, crashed reaper and there were report also similar problems in other DAWs. Today I updated Kontakt to 7.9 and this error seems fixed. Finally I can use again these instruments. Thanks for NI for fixing this issue.


  • Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Did you try using Task Manager to set the priority to the realtime for Reaper?

    That could help, but only if you have a cooler for your computer or laptop, otherwise, don't do it.

    Speaking from experience.

    I use Kontakt inside my DAW called Cakewalk.

    When I used Task Manager, everything worked well.

    Let me know if it helped.

  • Moderator Posts: 6,015 mod

    For anybody to be able to assist you properly then you would have to supply sufficient information. Like computer type and OS version and version numbers of all programs used !

    From your profile I gather that you are on PC computer with i5 CPU and using Windows 10 ? How much RAM do you have and what exactly is your graphics/display adapter type and model ?

    Now ! What is your version of Kontakt ? and what is your version of Reaper ? , also what is your version of Native Access (just in case !)..

    Have you tried updating Reaper ? Also in Kontakt stand-alone settings (F12) there are 'Engine' settings , you could try changing those also !

  • Member Posts: 50 Member

    Thanks for the info and I will provide mode details. I will try the priority setting but everything worked well before I updated the Kontakt yesterday.

    I have pc win 10 fully updated, i3 processor3.6 gigHZ 4 core, 32 G memory, Nvidia geforce 1050 Ti

    Both reaper and Kontakt AND nATIVE ACCESS are just updated to newest version

    Standalone KONTAKT works and the engine is set to 4 cores fitting to the CPU

    I was running KONTAKT as separate or dedicated process in reaper. This worked before, but not with the new version on KONTAKT.


  • Moderator Posts: 6,015 mod
    edited February 2024


    Thank you for updating the information , don't know if either is a typo or not , but while your profile says i5 then you in the above writes i3 , and I just checked with the specifications for the 'newest version of Kontakt 7' and minimum specs for that is Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU.

    I am only a Moderator here and not a N.I. employee so my resources are limited and I have no idea how a 'deficient' CPU would manifest itself, but if it is a problem with your CPU not being up to specs then it would fit with the problem arriving when you updated the app !

    You could contact dedicated Kontakt support and ask what they think is the problem or if they can help !

  • Member Posts: 50 Member

    Thanks. I was not aware of the i5 req and I used kontakt in this computer both in reaper and cakewalk without much issue before. But I agree this could be a problem. I had a typo on my profile with the CPU, thanks for your help

  • Member Posts: 50 Member

    I made some experiment:


    1, open Kontakt in your daw

    2 choose a preset of deft line or cloud supply and double kick it

    3, the instrument load and crash the daw


    1, open Kontakt in your daw

    2 load instrument directly (deft line or cloud suply) via double kick it

    3, the instrument loads and THEN you choose a preset

    4, This works correctly no crash

  • Moderator Posts: 6,015 mod

    Personally I wouldn't know the reason for that but still you could contact dedicated Kontakt support and ask what they think is the problem or if they can help , and include the information that you just posted here !!

  • Member Posts: 50 Member

    Hi Poorfellow

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    I followed your advise and contacted them days ago, but we move in circles. They want me to reinstall windows have a stronger processor. The above experiment shows there is nothing wrong with my system (and I do not have any problem). The problem seems to be Kontakt related esp how it is loading it presets. I found these issue in some of the player instruments. Others are working well. I posted these experiment, because I saw in the forum other people in other daws had some similar experiences.

    Best Istvan

  • Moderator Posts: 6,015 mod
    edited February 2024

    While I sympathize with you and understand why you think what you do then I am sorry I can not agree with your conclusion.

    I , having at least some understanding of programming , knows that any choice made using the program routes inside the program and different choices = different routes , meaning different code use or different combination of the use/running of the program code. So while you would think that your order of choices shouldn't matter then it does , and you have proved it by producing different results.

    The thing is that the differences in program execution could also cause e.g. a different CPU utilization and so could choosing another library all together also. I am not privy to program source code and even if I had been I wouldn't have been able to deduce sufficiently about the difference of use of e.g. CPU by running parts of the program in different order.

    I am sorry to have to tell you but I think that you will have to listen to the advice and guidance given to you by support or at least take your tests to an environment that fulfills that requested by support and then if you wish then continue your dialog with support if you find that the advice and guidance given by support did not help when followed to the letter !

    Trust me I know what a pain it is to have to do all sorts of things to try to get to the bottom of something and what work it can be to 'seek support' but still then that is the way that stuff works ! As for the re-installing of Windows then what you do is to acquire sufficient knowledge in the use of backup programs and then you take a full image based back up of your system drive and if necessary disconnects any drives you do not want altered and do not want to take backup of, and then you re-install as asked and if you find out that that did not change anything then you load your backup back to your computer. However , if support have already deemed the CPU too poor then re-installing Windows IMO would be a waste of time because then even if it continues to fail then you would not have followed the advice and guidance of support to the letter anyway !

  • Member Posts: 50 Member
    Answer ✓

    Dear PoorFellow,

    Thanks for your message and I completely agree with you in theory and I follow the advices as much as possible and I received many good advice here.

    I am pretty computer savvy and with this computer I do computations, graphical works and heavy gaming and it is optimized and works well. Most of the advise I received I already did as part of my maintenance some I followed and some I cannot do for example reinstalling windows or having another CPU, because of some software linked to this config. I agree that my config is not par with the written one, I am only saying that maybe exist some alternative problem here. It is the easiest to think OK you do not have i5 so here is the problem.

    Session guitarist Kontakt libraries are much more complex than these player instruments and they work well with my system. I posted this experiment with the hope somebody will recreate them, just need reaper and KK standard

    I saw somebody had similar issue on a different daw

    It does not seems to be resolved. I think the problem is not my i3 processor. I could be wrong, if I am I, probably need 1-2 years for the upgrade. If I am not wrong I hope this will be fixed in a Kontakt update

    Best wishes,


  • Moderator Posts: 6,015 mod

    Thank you very much for the very kind feedback ! 🙂

    Quote : "I am only saying that maybe exist some alternative problem here."

    Quote : "I think the problem is not my i3 processor. I"

    I agree that you could be right , and what you write could be possible !

    But being a realist then I will have to adhere to the specifics of specifications given by N.I. . Also I think that it is very important to understand here that if N.I. support, or for that matter I as just another user, had to test all hardware setups not meeting specifications given then not only could N.I. not do anything else but also it would be completely meaningless for NI to give a specification/requirements in the first place !

    I can only wish you the best luck with your testing and hope that you sooner or later may reach some indisputable conclusion one way or the other so that you can get on with using your software instead !

    Best wishes ! 🙂

  • Member Posts: 50 Member
    Answer ✓

    Dear All

    For posterity I make a note here that this problem seems to be resolved as of today. As you read above the info: There were suggestions that the crash happens because the CPU is not good enough, need to reinstall windows and redistributables and so on (none of these helped). The Kontakt browser, if choose a preset belonged to several player instrument, crashed reaper and there were report also similar problems in other DAWs. Today I updated Kontakt to 7.9 and this error seems fixed. Finally I can use again these instruments. Thanks for NI for fixing this issue.

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