Something went wrong/low power



  • Carpengui
    Carpengui Member Posts: 22 Member

    @Sunborn I did manage to try a few things before trotting off to the day job. In order...

    • deleted/removed/uninstalled all of those extraneous USB Composite Devices
    • rebooted
    • removed/uninstalled the NI USB Driver
    • rebooted
    • installed the NI USB Driver
    • rebooted
    • reattached the s88
    • watched the same 'unrecognized device' error appear once more.

    Waiting now to see if @Matthew_NI has anything more to weigh in. I'm getting 'veryclose' to declaring defeat and sending the board back. Don't really want the Arturia, but may be forced into it.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    There is one more thing that you need to check!

    The "USB Root Hub".

    This is very important because there you can see the exact amount of voltage that a device is using.

    There should be many, so i can't tell you which one is the correct for your case, you have to check them all. While checking, go to "Power Management" of each one and disable the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"! This is just another bullsh*t by Microsoft... 😠

    Now, how to find which one is responsible for your keyboard?

    In the first tab, "Power" you can see which devices are connected and how much voltage they require.

    In my case, the second one is my Komplete Kontrol and it requires 480 milliampere. Note that, the maximum allowed for each port are 500 milliampere.

    Just double-click on them (while USB Root properties are still open), and follow the procedure i described in the previous post (Details ---> Bus reported device description).

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    We both forgot to mention something really critical.

    Your MK3 requires a USB-C port!

    What i described in the previous comments are for classic USB-2 and basic USB-3. I am not much familiar with USB-C and i am not sure if it follows the same structure in Device Manager or not, because i don't have such port in my Desktop PC. What i know for sure is, that they look the same but they are not.

    "USB-C is electrically compatible with older USB 3.0 ports. But because of the shape of the newer port, adapters or cables with appropriate plugs are indeed required if you want to connect anything that doesn't have the USB-C oval shape" (i copy that from an online source).

    So, the question is: Do you have an USB-C port or at least an adapter/converter? I think that here lays your problem, and without this kind of connection your device will not work.

  • Carpengui
    Carpengui Member Posts: 22 Member
    edited February 2024

    @Sunborn it will be several hours before I can get back to check on all that -- and I will, no doubt -- though you now have me wondering about the cabling. My computer has USB-A interfaces for USB2 and USB3 ports. The cable I have connected to the board is a brand-new 15 footer with a USB-A connector on the computer side and USB-C on the keyboard side.

    Now thinking about buying (may as well, I'm pretty much 'pot committed' here) a new card for the computer to add USB-C slots directly.

  • Carpengui
    Carpengui Member Posts: 22 Member

    @Sunborn Interesting... I have neither the 'Power' nor 'Advanced' tabs for any of my USB device table entries... whether that be Generic USB Hubs or USB Root Hubs (3.0). When delving into the detailed properties, I also don't see anything of use under the 'Power Data' section... definitely not seeing any electrical draw info. Hmmm...

    I guess I will wait until Tuesday evening for the next (last?) check: that's when the new USB-C ports card arrives.

  • Carpengui
    Carpengui Member Posts: 22 Member

    @reffahcs Thanks for the tip... unfortunately, I can't even get that far at the moment: the computer is not recognizing the keyboard device. See the prior posts, but (tl;dr) I have an intractable USB Device Descriptor Request Failed condition.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    It sounds like there's something deeply funky going on with the USB bus on your machine.

    Have you reached out to our support teams yet?

  • Carpengui
    Carpengui Member Posts: 22 Member
    edited February 2024

    @Matthew_NI What is the best path to do so? I'm definitely ready for that.

    I just had the brilliant idea to try and connect the S88 to a different computer: first made sure it had the latest Windows 10 updates, installed the newest NI USB driver, made sure the USB port support had full power available to it, verified that my separate USB-C power supply was giving the keyboard enough juice, got another new USB-A_to_USB-C cable, and....

    ...I'm getting exactly the same error as seen on my main computer: Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed).

    For the record, the NIHardwareConnection, NIHardware, and NIHostingIntegrationAgent services are all running and every add-on to Native Access is also up to date. I have done everything I can find to do... but this problem is now replicated on multiple computers. I need technical support.

  • Carpengui
    Carpengui Member Posts: 22 Member

    Ticket submitted... though the process to do so wasn't asking the right questions. I submitted the link to this thread as part of the problem statement.

  • Carpengui
    Carpengui Member Posts: 22 Member

    @Matthew_NI Latest: somehow -- I don't have any idea how, whether by multiple power cycles, the efforts from this thread (see above), the cycling of USB devices, or ... whatever -- the s88 was actually recognized by my windows 10 machine.

    Unfortunately, that didn't lead to a happy ending.

    I started going through the procedure for installing the NI USB driver (successful) and exactly followed every step toward a keyboard firmware update. Got to step 23 (out of 24) and waited for the firmware update to complete. It failed. Tried to recover using the steps given on the support site... but I suspect the damage is done: failed firmware uploads don't usually get you anything usable.

    Now I think I have a brick. The keyboard presents only what I'm calling a "white screen of death" when powered up. No response otherwise and the device is no longer recognized by the computer.

    The only thing I can hope for is that there is a super-secret magic power-up sequence that restores the previous firmware or does a factory reset or... something miraculous. I sent support an update to my support ticket (#4224796) with this information included.

    Waiting on a response from support.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Good news, the white screen is recoverable from. Power cycle five times, and run the firmware update tool.

    You can also search the forum for "white screen mk3" and you may find more useful links

    The screen images are loaded from the filesystem, so I suspect what's happening when people get the white screen of death is that the file system is hosed and there's no images for uboot to load.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I am so glad when I see that there are people who know how to read , let me rephrase it, people who read Manuals because lately I see many complainings about basics and even when I point them to Manual they attack me with statements how there is no Manual ect.

  • Carpengui
    Carpengui Member Posts: 22 Member

    @reffahcs Thanks for that... I tried the power cycling, but wasn't aware that there was still a glimmer of hope remaining via the updater -- thought there needed to be some other sign of life (and NI gave up and suggested I return the board). Will give that a try before boxing it up for a return (gotta say: Musician's Friend provides OUTSTANDING customer service).

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