Komplete Kontrol doesn't remember instrument used in my project

Raphael0065 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

my old pc is broken, I reinstall all my software and plugin, but oh no Komplete Kontrol doesnt remember instrument used in all my project, so sad, all my other plugin load instrument but not native instrument, i need to remember each instrument LOL

and the best is the komplete inerface is the worst ever, all my work create with native instrument is dead, thanks


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 249 Newcomer
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Johnbee
    Johnbee Member Posts: 33 Member

    You might try backing up your NKI files from now on. This preserves instrument settings so you can reload them.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    While I feel for the OP here, John, I also have become less and less patient with people who don't implement a backup and recovery strategy, and then whine and complain that this software maker or that hardware maker somehow did them a personal injustice.

    Yeah, I'm an IT person, so everything I do is centered around risk management and disaster recovery. But still! There are countless resources for people; if only they would take advantage of them BEFORE they need a miracle!

    For reference, I use Macrium Reflect on Windows and Time Machine for Mac. Whenever I buy a new computer, I ALSO PLAN FOR BACKUPS at the same time. That might mean buying 2 or 3 new external hard drives just for the backups I'll need to be taking for any brand new laptop. If I can't afford at least 2 new hard drives, maybe I need to wait a little longer before buying that computer.

    None of this stuff is overly difficult to do. I am proof that you don't need to be a genius to have a working strategy. But you DO have to make the time to set it up and to occasionally double check that everything is still working correctly.

    I wish the OP luck on his problems, but more than that I hope he learns a good lesson from this hassle he's going through.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    "I use Macrium Reflect on Windows"

    As do I. This is the very first piece of software that gets installed immediately after installing Windows.

    Everything comes wayyyyyyyy later.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru
    edited February 2024

    Which OS are you using?

    8.1, 10, Vista or ME?

    The last one is a joke btw, nobody uses the abomination known as Windows Major Embarrassment.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    OMG, it has been worth EVERY penny I've spent on it, as well as EVERY upgrade over the years! Thank you for the vote of support.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    "Which OS are you using?"

    Windows 10 all the way.


  • Raphael0065
    Raphael0065 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    > @BIF said:
    > While I feel for the OP here, John, I also have become less and less patient with people who don't implement a backup and recovery strategy, and then whine and complain that this software maker or that hardware maker somehow did them a personal injustice.
    > Yeah, I'm an IT person, so everything I do is centered around risk management and disaster recovery. But still! There are countless resources for people; if only they would take advantage of them BEFORE they need a miracle!
    > For reference, I use Macrium Reflect on Windows and Time Machine for Mac. Whenever I buy a new computer, I ALSO PLAN FOR BACKUPS at the same time. That might mean buying 2 or 3 new external hard drives just for the backups I'll need to be taking for any brand new laptop. If I can't afford at least 2 new hard drives, maybe I need to wait a little longer before buying that computer.
    > None of this stuff is overly difficult to do. I am proof that you don't need to be a genius to have a working strategy. But you DO have to make the time to set it up and to occasionally double check that everything is still working correctly.
    > I wish the OP luck on his problems, but more than that I hope he learns a good lesson from this hassle he's going through.

    Vous n'etes la preuve de rien d'autre que l'evidence que vous partagez vous même ne pas etre un génie. J'ai precisé, mon vieux PC s'est cassé, il a cessé de fonctionner, donc votre petite demonstration de changement de pc ne sert vraiment qu'à ce que vous puissiez prendre de plaisir à vous relir vous même.
    Ensuite, vous saurez, qu'en dehors des choses ou vous avez été prévenu par quelqu'un d'expérimenté ou bien des choses que vous avez apprise dans le cadre d'une formation ayant un rapport avec ce qui concerne un problème, prevenir un problème dont vous ne pouvez pas imaginer l'existence est deja impossible, mais quand en plus ce problème survient d'un processus qui a fonctionné plusieurs fois cela relèverait de la divinité quasiment.
    En plus, vous precisez que vous etes informaticien, puis vous parlez de patience, et la patience qu'il faut pour supportez ces gens se pensant très intelligent est infiniment plus dur à avoir que celle qu'il faut pour aider les gens faisant simplement face à des problèmes umblement.

    Ceci dit, ci vous pouvez m'expliquer comment enregistrer tout les parametres que j'ai choisi pour un instruments virtuels utilisé avec mon dawn (fl studio) afin que je ne perdent pas des centaines d'heures de travail et de plaisir à en profiter, cela vous honorerait
  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    I don't speak French. But I THINK I can recognize it, so I hope you said some complimentary things about me there! 😁

    But if not, maybe that was a big long insult. If THAT is the case, then THANK YOU. It's one of my life's dreams to be righteously insulted in French! Can I check that off my list now? 😏😉

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    The gist of what the OP argued is that the OP did not find your advice that useful, but end remark from OP is this (Translation done by DeepL) :

    Having said that, if you could explain to me how to record all the parameters I've chosen for a virtual instrument used with my dawn (fl studio) so that I don't waste hundreds of hours of work and pleasure enjoying it, that would be a great honour.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Awww...so I really DIDN'T get insulted in French? Well, at least the bucket list is written in pencil. (erase erase erase)

    And I don't use FL Studio, so I can't even help him; not even in English! Man, this weekend just is getting off to a slow start...

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