play Kontakt Factory Library 2 through wind controller Emeo



  • Papigraz
    Papigraz Member Posts: 12 Member

    you can find Vg instruments on youtube by searching VG Instruments.

    I wanted to post the link directly but it's not allowed.

    Tomorrow I will do all the suggested tests and I will let you know if I solve the problem.

    In the meantime, thank you all for your availability. Hi everyone. Graziano

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    When you say to control the volume in the header or amp knob, are you talking about modifying the instrument in Kontakt itself? I haven't done too much of that, do you have any reference videos you could post on how to do that? I tried one a few months back on how to add vibrato to an instrument but I either messed something up or it was too old as it didn't end up working.

    That piece you posted is nice though. I'm a big fan of the Strad Cello, I'd love to be able to use my AE-20 with it and Valves Pro as well.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod
    edited January 2024

    Data 2 is velocity as far as I remember and very low in your case, data 1 is the key/note, and also strange you have one note signal on, but then another note off. Can you please do that again but press one note and just release this one then press it again a bit faster and release it, + blow control. And do you own the full version of kontakt or the free version if yes we can maybe use a script to rause/compress velocity? It's also the question - do you want a solution for every instrument, it's own set up almost every instrument for a controller like that, or a solution with a DAW or other 3rd party midi converter app that works for most if not all instruments instruments. Like Bomes midi translator, with that program we also can raise the velocity, or use the blow control for velocity and many more stuff. The task you ask for is really not easy but doable for sure, it just needs a bit of time to get into all this stuff, like with any other hobby.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod

    This website is definitely interesting for you, here he also mentions you should use fixed velocities if you use it with instruments, that are not made for them. Here with an example synth but it also applies to kontakt instruments and other stuff in general, as already said, not made for those kind of controllers.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    Very nice, I'll have to give the Ableton one a try this weekend. Thanks!

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    No you don't have to modify the instrument at all, just connect the volume slider in the instrument header to your wind controller as I described above. You might want to disable other controllers ("Accept standard controllers. . ." in Instrument Options/Controllers), but this isn't essential if you're not going to send any cc#7 messages. You may also want to connect the same (breath control) cc to the "dynamics" control in the instrument's gui, so the sound is brighter as well as louder with higher values.

    You must have some artificial ambience, or the sound will die out abruptly when you stop blowing and volume comes down to 0. Even completely locked instruments will allow you to use one of the auxiliary outputs, to which you can apply a convolution Effect in the Output section.

    (I build my own instruments with samples taken from commercial libraries, and use the Volume knob in the Amplifier module, but I use the above method for instruments that are locked to editing - e.g. the Spitfire legato oboe in my demo).

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    I don't think I fully understand what you mean by "instrument header" are you talking about doing the normal midi remapping in Kontakt and then clicking on the volume/dynamics in the top part of the instrument gui?

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro
    edited January 2024


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    2. Teach Kontakt to respond to your breath messages. You should always use the volume slider to the right of the instrument header. R click on this and it will say "MIDI Learn". Click on that and then blow your instrument and the slider will start to move with your blowing. (If you R click again it'll say "Remove. . ." and the cc number your device has provided - probably #2)

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    Took me awhile to try this cause I had to recharge some batteries. At anyrate I tried this with the Strad Cello and it worked a treat. Thanks mate, looking forward to trying this with some of the brass instruments as well.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod

    I found out the EMEO is outputing CC2 and with a firmware update you'll be able to switch it to CC11 in the future. @stephen24 gave very good advice, the only problem is the low velocity value you've measured with midi ox. You can't switch all instruments to not be velocity sensitive or have different curves but that's all solvable. Does it now work with the first note of a phrase or is the problem still there. Have you tried to push the first "key" or "valve" (don't know the english word) a bit faster to get a higher velocity from start on?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,214 mod
    edited January 2024

    Emeo Instruction Video (

    You should watch this, and especially the part "playing without blowing" he describes exactly the mode with max. velocity i talked about.

  • Papigraz
    Papigraz Member Posts: 12 Member

    thanks uwe, stephen and also to the others. I wasn't able to work today, I hope I can tomorrow. However your explanations helped me understand the problem, I will let you know. Thank you again.

  • Papigraz
    Papigraz Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hello everyone. I did what I suggested and I had the following results:

    1) Stephen, working on the volume of the Kontakt 7 instrument (full version) and I found that the Emeo transmits on the CC2, when I blow the indicator moves, but the first note of the phrase remains at low volume. I downloaded and ran ASIO4ALL but the problem didn't resolve.

    2) Uwe, I did as you say with MidiOx (screenshot attached) but the indicated value remains the same. Then I set the Emeo to sound mode without blowing and in this mode the sound starts immediately ...  but it doesn't stop until you turn off the Emeo. In addition, after these actions the audio of Kontakt 7 becomes shaky and to restore it you have to turn the computer off and on again (closing and reopening Kontakt is not enough..)

    Not bad, right? Do you have any other suggestions? Anyway thank you all.



  • Papigraz
    Papigraz Member Posts: 12 Member

    Here the screenshot

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