Maschine as an audio interface.. set up problems

AxMusic Member Posts: 134 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I recently got some Auratone 5C & was in the process of setting them up.. these (

I got the speakers connected to the amp via this speaker wire (

& these banana plugs (

I stripped the wires and tried to make sure I set everything up correctly..

However i noticed once everything is set up… the monitors do play, but when I raise the volume more then a 1/4 of the way up. The amp’s light goes from green to red showing that the sound is clipping, when audibly the sound is barely past speaking level. Any ideas why this is happening/ solutions?

FYI I have them running into the Maschine mk3 as the audio interface..

P.s. the “threshold” if you could call it that does raise when i move the wires around… so I thought maybe the wires I got aren’t suited for these monitors… Or is it that these monitors being reference ones are just way quieter then normal ones..?

Thanks for any help I get..


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    You could certainly go with some more substantial wires.

    A quick Google shows me the inputs of the Auratone amp are balanced XLR. What cables are you using from the Maschine MK3 outputs to the amp inputs?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    That speaker cable should be OK I'd think - 16 gauge is pretty thick and with only 30w output you're well within spec as it should handle 13A. Do you have another interface you could try to eliminate the MK3?

    Are you sure the cables are correctly terminated on the plugs? Do you have a cable tester or multimeter you can check them with?

    -- Mike

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 134 Helper

    Yes I do, I can try out the other interface..

    I’m not sure, if you have any tips on how to correctly terminate the plugs..?

    When i have the cable set up with the plugs, even when if feels secure.. a small bit of wiggle and the cable pops out of the plug..

    I don’t have a cable tester…. Any recommendations?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    the cable pops out of the plug

    I'd assume that the terminals on the amp and speakers can be unscrewed, allowing you to wrap the wire around the metal post (or into a hole), then screw the red/black caps back in to hold it.

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 134 Helper

    Yes it does, I didn’t know that..

    Sorry but I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to these kind of cables & wiring how should I place the wire inside the hole?

    does this mean that the banana plugs are not needed?

    this is what the amp looks like unscrewed..

    This is the speaker..

    & this is how I had the wire in the plug… & one wire bare.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod
    edited January 2024

    OK - your only mistake there is you didn't split the twin wire before you put the plugs on. You should split it down the middle for a couple of inches - just use a pair of cutters at the start then pull the two sides apart. It almost looks like there's a strand of wire from the bottom twisted wire going up to the top wire, but that might be just the photo.

    What I'd do is cut off the plugs at each end first. Split the twin wire so you have two separate wires a couple of inches long. Strip off about 1/2 inch from each wire and twist them so you don't have any stray strands of wire. Feed the bare wire into the holes in the sockets and tighten the nuts. Make sure you're only tightening down onto wire, NOT onto the plastic shielding. When you're done check there are no strands of wire that aren't clamped down or you might get a short circuit. Make sure you run the wire with the black stripe to the same colour terminal on the amp and speaker or you might end up with your speakers out of phase.

    If you're not sure about anything yell and I'll try and do some pictures tomorrow, unless someone beats me to it of course :)

    -- Mike

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 134 Helper



    I followed the steps, and it worked!

    Thanks for the help.. now the clipping/ volume issue is gone as well.

    Only hiccup I noted is that when I have maschine selected (in my Mac) as the audio interface of choice it works

    however, in the actual maschine software when i switch over to Maschine mk3 as the audio interface I get no sound… I disconnected the mic since I read that maschine can only work with one audio source at a time, and still nothing..

    Any ideas on the software side of things?

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