New install Komplete S61 Key Controller. Will not integrate with Studio One 4.6.2



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,707 mod

    What you wrote, makes absolute sense to me and it is very possibly that this is the solution.

    I don't use Studio One so i had no idea that this version was so old!

    People who do not update their software regularly, will always, always, have serious problems sooner or later.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,395 mod

    @Vocalpoint @Sunborn OP is using a MK2 keyboard so it should work since Studio One 4.53 and upwards, so with Studio One 4.6.2 should be fine.

  • mhayes
    mhayes Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Vocalpoint @Jeremy_NI

    That is correct. This is an MK2 not MK3. If I could just get back to KKv3 I think id be happy with the setup. May even fix my need to reboot the MK2 so often. Is that possible, or will I be back to square one? Its just hard for me to believe that KKv3 would not contain the same fixes/parameters of 2.9.6. In other words why wouldnt KKv3 work if its the last rev?

    Thank you all for the continued and prompt responses. Greatly appreciated!

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,862 Expert
    edited December 2023

    On the surface - it "should" be fine.

    But because I do not know what role the KK software plays in this integration - I would challenge this if KKv3 is in the picture.

    And I have never actually tested my S61 MKII - without having KK installed - so I do not know what the keyboard will do - specifcally for DAW control - with no other NI "komplete" software present.

    I do clearly remember V4.6.2 was a bumpy ride with the MKII even with whatever version of KK was current back in June 2019.

    And since there is no way that KKv3 was tested with S1 4.6.2 - having that in this picture could be complicating things even more.

    All I can report is through v5 and now V6 of Studio One - my s61 has been flawless for both KK activity AND full DAW control but only when using KK v2.9.6.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,862 Expert
    edited December 2023


    "It's just hard for me to believe that KKv3 would not contain the same fixes/parameters of 2.9.6. In other words why wouldn't KKv3 work if it's the last rev?"

    Only NI can answer that - but it is clear that KK3 is new, much different beast - than KK2.96.

    I also would say - you are attempting to use a piece of software out only since Oct 12, 2023 in a DAW version that was current in June of 2019.

    There could be scads of untested things going on here - especially when it comes to NI integration code, how KK works with S1 (or not) AND certainly how old your version of Studio One is vs how "new" KK3 is.

    I have the S61MKII and have not gone near KKv3 yet - but I can tell you that all is well with KK v2.9.6 in Studio One v6.

    Finally - while I am assuming you have already done so - did you actually download and install the Kontrol S Series MKII drivers from here?

    Downloads : Drivers & Other Files | Support (

    and heed this notice - from here:

    Keyboards : Kontrol S49 / S61 / S88 : Downloads | Komplete (

    IMPORTANT: Please install this driver BEFORE connecting your Komplete Kontrol S-Series keyboard.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,395 mod

    @mhayes You still did not get back to my colleague. If you don't get back after a while the ticket will be closed.

  • mhayes
    mhayes Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Vocalpoint You have been unbelievably helpful. Id HIGHLY suggest NI give you a support job! This is exactly what Id expect to see in a support ticket. Thank you so much. Nice to know you exist in this community!

    @Jeremy_NI you have still yet to explain the mystery colleague you refer to. That's my second time I've responded such. Perhaps you leave some information on who that is and how I do so.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,395 mod

    @mhayes I'm talking about the support request mentioned in this thread.

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