FM8 not loading SysEx file

AllsWell Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths

I've been trying to load in DX7 ROM patches from SysEx file downloads but apparently FM8 has an issue with patches that have a full stop in them or something like that. Is there an easy way around this, or if anyone has successfully transferred all the patches without issue would you be willing to share them? There are plenty of downloads out there, only FM8 keeps messing it up and more or less throwing out all the electric pianos.

I'm not after thousands of FM8 presets, just the original DX7 cartridge patches to get a feel for the old school.




  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod


    can you send me a sysex file that does not work, or give me a link and the name, then i can have a look.


  • AllsWell
    AllsWell Member Posts: 6 Member

    I'm just trying to get the factory patches from here. I downloaded them a few other places thinking maybe i got a broken file but then found out that apparently FM8 has an issue interpreting the files that are titled like "E.Piano" or "E.Organ" etc. as it confused the ".Piano" as a file extension, i guess? This is what i read on a thread from the old NI forum. Hoping there is a way around it.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    Normally you download the ROMxxxx.syx files then you import them, it shows you a prompt that it has been converted to an FM8 libary with the location. You then browse that location within FM8 and you can open the sounds. I have tried before your answer with a ROM file from another source and it worked fine, will try also the files from that source.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    i downloded the rom1a.syx file from that website and it worked the same way as i described above.


  • AllsWell
    AllsWell Member Posts: 6 Member

    In this list of patches have you got E.Piano and E.Organ or have you just got a file named E?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    Ahh E Organs are missing from the 1b ROM i just see an E in the list. Have you tried the other websites i posted.


  • AllsWell
    AllsWell Member Posts: 6 Member

    Indeed i have. Always any patch named E.Piano, E.Organ, E.Bass is misinterpreted. If there are multiple patches in a bank with "E." in the name it seems only one patch is unpacked and is named "E" and the rest disappear, so essentially a lot of the presets are being thrown out.

    You might notice when you try to load ROM 1b that you'll get 26 patches rather than the 32. The file titled "E" will be the first electric organ patch "E.ORGAN" and all subsequent patches (in alphabetical order) containing the "E." (indicating (electric organ or electric piano etc.) will not be included.

    Hoping there is a way to prevent this from happening.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    I'm sure there is with a sysex editor or something, will try and report.


  • AllsWell
    AllsWell Member Posts: 6 Member

    Well i'm just using Dexed for now but i would have liked to use FM8. I guess i'll look into SysEx editors, though i'm not really a computer whiz 😅

    Thanks for the help!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    Ohh and i forgot to mention that with FM8 already comes a FM7 legacy library, have you checked that? It´s amazing, ok im biased, but it is great

  • SoundEngine
    SoundEngine Member Posts: 3 Member

    I experience the same thing as the OP on the Mac / OSX side. I'll add though, that the playback of the sound is correct.

    If this doesn't happen very often - like 1 in every 32 sounds - you could just rename it, save it, and move on.

    Just a thought.



  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited October 2022

    With a hex editor you can change the dot (2E) to a blanc (20).

    Please change the numbers only 20 on the place of 2E. Not in the shown right column.

    For pc user there is the vsti Dexed. Useful to change the names.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert
    edited February 2024

    That's a useful trick, but not ideal. I've just run into this naming issue myself, after downloading and trying to import syx patches to FM8.

    It's going to be a long job converting every 2E to 20.

  • mcCookies
    mcCookies Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I've just had a few hour tussle with exactly this.

    I tried editing the names in Dexed and saving the cart but it then refused to load in FM8.

    I then downloaded ImHex and replaced all the relevant full-stops (periods) with spaces (I was just able to double-click them in the right side and press space to replace.)

    When importing these edited files to FM8 you do see an error: FM8: Checksum Error in DX7 Sysex Data (Block of 32 Presets)! Received data may be corrupt.

    However, you can click OK on this and they will import normally.

    I've attached the versions I have in case it helps anyone. "" is the .syx files and "" are the files that should work straight away in FM8. On my PC they were in:

    C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\Native Instruments\FM8\Sounds\ConvertedSysEx

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