[FIXED BY LOGIC 10.8.1] MIDI note doubling issue with Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3 and Logic Pro 10.8



  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper
    edited November 2023

    Not sure if I am asking in the right place here. I am experiencing a bizarre phenomenon:

    When recording into a midi track, I am seeing (in the piano roll window) a bunch midi input that is coming from other midi tracks in the sequence. They 'pop' into the window, as if the new track was recording the output of other midi tracks along with my 'fresh' midi input from KK. However, when I stop recording, they all disappear and the only midi left is the 'fresh' midi that I was intentionally trying to record - albeit the notes are doubled. Never have seen this before - am I losing my mind???

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper

    I am not sure about the articulation switches - haven't checked that. I thought this was a simple solution, but, alas, it only works if the midi notes are different pitches. That is, if you try to 'join' 2 or more notes (that are repeated in succession -beat 1; beat 2; beat 3) of the same pitch, they will all be joined into 1 note. So, for this to work, you still have to select each note individually and then 'join'. Still a pain...

  • fluffy
    fluffy Member Posts: 60 Helper

    Yeah this is part of the same problem. It’s why my solution has been to just not use Komplete Kontrol as a plugin wrapper, as this doesn’t happen when using the underlying instruments directly.

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper

    Hmmm, I tried just loading a Piano from EW Opus - not in KK. But the same behavior ... guess I'll fly everything over to Luna and keep working.... so dumb! I just wish Luna had a full compliment of midi processing - Would never run Logic except when scoring to picture (that capability does not exist in Luna).

  • fluffy
    fluffy Member Posts: 60 Helper

    I'm not at all familiar with Opus, so I don't know if it might also be doing the MIDI return stuff that Komplete Kontrol does.

  • Greggski
    Greggski Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hi guys,

    Anyone tried the 10.8.1 update, does this fix the issue?

    I'm still on 10.7 and won't update until we get a fix.



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,348 mod
    edited November 2023

    I think so, note doubling is gone for sure.

    On the other hand MFX are still in the instruments menu

  • fluffy
    fluffy Member Posts: 60 Helper

    I can verify that it's fixed, yes. Woohoo! I haven't tried Pigments yet but Komplete Kontrol now works great.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,348 mod

    Fixed with Pigments too, I checked

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,348 mod

    Still having the horrible graphics glitches though with some plugins

  • Benoit Jolivet
    Benoit Jolivet Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2023

    I have just installed the 10.8.1 update and it's fix the doubling notes issue ! It's working as it worked with the 10.7.9 version. The only thing, I tried to record with the arp fonction on my KK MRK 2 and it works like before, only the chords are recorded, not notes by notes.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    That was a pretty quick fix.. thank you Apple!

    And of course thank you to NI and others who I'm sure gave Apple feedback to help get a solution done so fast.

  • Greggski
    Greggski Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Cool, thanks guys, I’ll update tomorrow and see how it goes ✌🏻

  • Gabe
    Gabe Member Posts: 1 Member

    Id like to point out that NI was correct all along. Apple’s responsibility. And the fix was rather quick too. So thank you NI for listening to us. Thank you Apple for a quick turnaround.

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper

    I just updated to 10.8.1 - the dups are gone, however, now my S-61 MK2 does not control Logics transport. Also, when I tell Logic to use my S-61 it creates a second Komplete Kontrol S-Series in the Control Surface setup. So, I deleted both, restarted my S-61 and Logic asked me if I wanted to connect - said yes - created a new control surface - but - still no transport. Also, "track follow" no longer works on my SSL UC1.

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