Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod


    "Bit of an overreaction to a civil discussion"

    In my point of view is not "civil" at all when someone who has no real arguments call another member (one who i agree with what he wrote) "living in his fantasy lands"... plus my Don Quixote syndrome and my fiery temperament plus that i am quiet "famous" for overreacting sometimes [in a very similar way to what you wrote "have people passionate about what they do"]

    So you didn't ask any questions of anyone in 17 years of learning? You may have learned the same amount in 10 years if you asked a question or 2, especially if you had actual experienced people around you to learn from :)

    Really??? Ok then: Most of my early musical heroes (such as Jimi Hendrix) were self taught and i wanted to follow their example. I learned to play over 10 instruments in this way, i learned English and 2 more languages in this way, i learned everything about computers in this way. And many more things! Knowledge was for me the only real value in life, and still is. I never had a teacher on anything and i am really proud about it! The only real knowledge is the one that you conquer by your self, with your own struggle and power. Plus that i do not really learn by listen to others but rather by watching them. that i was really shy as a youngster (the very opposite for now ^_^).

    Forums are for discussion things

    Ugh? Really? Silly me, since 2001 I've been in numerous forums and i thought it was about knitting and embroidery...

    not everyone will always agree on a point, which is why it is best to stick in threads that will fit your view.

    Oh, here you will get a triple answer!

    • and where is the fun on that?
    • a very limited and "claustrophobic" point of view, imo
    • All threads "fit my view". It is some opinions that they don't! And this is ok. I respect and don't react. But i do not (and will not) tolerate irony in any way, even if it is against others and not against me. And you shouldn't encourage such irony just because you don't agree with nightjar. No matter what he may or may not does, the behavior of the other member was unacceptable!

    Some of us do not wish to just sit by constantly and watch useful functionality in software we love be just ripped out

    Me neither! And i mentioned it many times in various comments! But you chose to ignore those comments and focused on this one, just for defending someone with an ironic attitude against another member (nightjar).

    This thread is about FEEDBACK on the new software.

    Exactly! And having 30-40 or more comments saying (repeating) "hey, i am going back to 2.9.6" is NOT feedback on a new software.

    some of us have been around a long time and offered hundreds of hours in testing and feedback

    And you have our respect and gratitude for this. But this is not an argument. Neither my comment was targeting you, but a specific member! Yet you chose to involve on this, even if i pointed out on a next comment that we drive the thread totally off-topic and we should all stop, me first. But obviously you tend to ignore such comments...

    If you don't agree with the discussions in this thread or the people, that is fine and there is nothing wrong with alternate views, you don't have to read the discussions. you also don't have to throw in your $0.02 either.

    I WISH! I am still waiting this "unfollow post" option from the forum designers! But for now, once you make a single comment on a thread, you can't escape unfortunately. However:

    • 1- This thread interests me a lot since i am a KK user, an S49 MK2 owner (which will be the "center" of my new studio) and an NKS creator.
    • 2- Since I get a ton of notifications and reading mostly the same and the same complains, I will have to throw my €2.00 from time to time.


    Hopefully, this ends here so we can finally focus on the real matter!

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    In my point of view is not "civil" at all when someone who has no real arguments call another member (one who i agree with what he wrote) "living in his fantasy lands"... plus my Don Quixote syndrome and my fiery temperament plus that i am quiet "famous" for overreacting sometimes [in a very similar way to what you wrote "have people passionate about what they do"]

    Your temperament is not an excuse for your behaviour, which most would consider very uncivil. Given quite a few have openly found my post both civil and pertinent, maybe time to do a double take.

    Like nightjar, you have totally self-referential views, so perhaps it's not so peculiar that you lack basic empathy to understand other people.

    You don't learn much in a vacuum, certainly not about other people. The idea that Hendrix never conversed with anyone in his lifetime about music, given the volume of people he played with, seems a tad far-fetched.

    All threads "fit my view". It is some opinions that they don't! And this is ok. I respect and don't react. But i do not (and will not) tolerate irony in any way, even if it is against others and not against me. And you shouldn't encourage such irony just because you don't agree with nightjar. No matter what he may or may not does, the behavior of the other member was unacceptable!

    I think you should try and understand what irony is before you start thinking you know, and it is not up to you to dictate how posters post. If you are so opposed to what irony actually is, then you're going to be very upset on most English-speaking forums.

    Exactly! And having 30-40 or more comments saying (repeating) "hey, i am going back to 2.9.6" is NOT feedback on a new software.

    That's exactly what it is and shows the severity of the problem for some people. Just because you feel it's not important to you, then let people get on with it and if you are genuinely concerned, try and get NI to do the decent thing and respond to people's issues.

    You want this to end, then quit being rude and offensive and quit stoking a needless issue.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod


    "you lack basic empathy to understand other people." 😡😡

    Really sneaky. You are really disrespectful and twister of reality and you have a very big mouth for someone who doesn't offered anything on this forum. DO NOT try to patronize me and attack me under the belt, it won't end well! Keep you opinion about others for your self and STOP talk to others like you know them. I strongly suggest you to add me in your ignore list as i will do right now. I know your kind very well and I do NOT want any kind of contact with people like you. I hope you will get the message.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert

    Yep, I haven’t the interest to dissect what you say, power to you in all that you have achieved.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited November 2023

    I think what might really ignite the excitement for KK3 and the new S-MK3 controllers is when NI starts unveiling more info about Play Assist.

    I believe the usage of the KK environment for many/most people will be different/broader than in the past. Assistive technologies that are "musically aware" will usher in a different engagement in what KK/S-Mk3 can do to help creators realize musical ideas.

    Play Assist may come to be considered the MOST important feature group of KK/S-Mk3 for many/most users.

    NI setting up the new Play Assist foundation is an encouraging indication that a deep re-think was done in designing KK3 for the future.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2023

    Apart from putting Play Assist on the Mk III keyboards, as it always should have been, have NI said anything about enhancing Play Assist? As I said micro tuning and broader support for alternate scales would be a great start but it would also be cool to see some Karma like polyphonic sequencing and arpeggiation available. At the moment the Play Assist arp is pretty basic and almost always eclipsed by what is built into most synths (good examples are Pigments and the new VPS Avenger 2) so that is a feature that really does need to evolve.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    it would also be cool to see some Karma like polyphonic sequencing and arpeggiation available.

    It has always surprised me that various NI products won't allow midi in so that third party sequencers could be used without having to use further third party software that facilitates this, given their seeming reluctance to properly develop their own sequencers beyond the very basic.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited November 2023

    NI has dropped some hints about enhancing Play Assist and other future thoughts... (Bold added to quote to highlight the Play Assist enhancement hint).. all a part of my "fantasy land"...

    In the introductory thread about S-MK3:

    @Vagus asked:

    "What is the one potential thing you're most excited about in the future, that could be added to MK3 via software? There's a lot of future-proofing built in, so I'm wondering what the opportunities you guys see are?"

    @Matthew_NI answered:

    A few things...

    MIDI 2. We are talking with OS manufacturers, DAW manufacturers, etc, and seeking to drive adoption of MIDI 2. There are things happening! It's not just higher resolution parameter control, but features like capability discovery that I'm excited to explore. 

    Play Assist standalone - which is coming (we're starting work on it this year, although i cannot promise it also ships this year).

    Improving Play Assist capabilities across the company over the next 1-2 years - we have some great ideas, especially with the coming together of brands focussed on assistive tech. 

    Direct Connection in more products without losing the idea of the keyboard as a librarian (browse your whole collection). 

    Animations, more iconography, a richer NKS experience. Encouraging more VST3 partners to implement Dynamic Callbacks to dynamically show/hide parameters (benefits all users with cleaner lists for DAW automation and NKS display). 

    Maybe bringing back the touchstrip physics models MK1 used to have, as a form of expression. 

    etc etc

    But since you asked for one thing, the most proximal priority that I'm most excited about is to bring support for Accessibility to the new keyboard. We have thousands of users who rely on Accessibility mode in other hardware, to make their music making experience anywhere from easier, to even possible.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,622 mod

    Hmmm ... Karma built into the MK3 - that'd be fun, but they'd need a LOT more knobs and buttons! And Stephen's update timescales generally make NI seem fast 😂

    -- Mike

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Yeah I was thinking more Karma - like-lite :)

    Still the thing really missing from Play Assist is phrase sequencing, which is much more useful for me than just something like an ARP or sequencer as it's much more of a performance tool.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,170 mod
    edited November 2023

    @ Momos and @emccartan718 (reference) and @dogbreath11 (reference)

    I have this issue too using Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3 on Windows 10 64 Bit.

    When I want to pre audition sounds in lower right corner of KK 3.0.3 then each time the scroll list reaches the end of what were initially shown in the list windows prior to scrolling then rather than continuing to scroll down the list then it sort of resets to start of pre sets list again.

    But I found a "work around" : On the pictures of the libraries there is a small arrow on top right of picture which when mouse hovering over says 'Load first preset' , when click that and first preset is loaded then that suddenly allows using the scroll function on the list in lower right corner !

    @Matthew_NI , Did you notice this issue ?, I read ten pages here without having noticed it on any of your copy and paste of your priorities list. . Also please notice , I just found out that when clicking on the star of a starred item on the presets list then rather than just removing the star then that made the list jump to the top item of the list (which were also 'starred' if that matters) .

    I also think this sounds as if is the same issue :

  • momos
    momos Member Posts: 24 Member

    Thanks for letting me know. I downgraded to version 2.9.

    It's a shame what NI is doing with their software currently. People pay 1200+€ for beta software. Absolutely ridiculous...

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    What happens if you slide the divider to the left to show a few preset columns? Do multiple columns show up as expected? Might be another workaround until a proper fix happens.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,170 mod

    Yes , that was suggested as a work around here , however the user here (dogbreath11) , who to me sounds as having same issue, specifically stated that "having to switch pages to browse presets and edit the plugin is a big no from me" why I did not bother to refer to in my post what Kymeia wrote. So I found the 'work-around' that I discovered as the one closest to the original interface use problem (which is that the list will not allow scrolling).

    Also what I found as a work-around also apparently has a technical direct code switch relation to the list that I thought beneficial to point out to Matthew_NI for when the team were trouble shooting the code.

    And finally , I did not find it my 'job' to sum up any past suggestion of solutions (of which there may be more that I am not even aware of) but instead chose to just report my finding !

    But thank you for your kind suggestion ! 🙂

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro
    edited November 2023

    I'm really not understanding why when I click on the plus icon in KK, the only options I get are for internal audio or sampler.

    How are you supposed to load any non NKS programmes?

    Surely it would be prudent to have the presets collapse into groups given the size of some of the expansions.

    I really don't think any of the betas I've worked with have been as WIP and basically scrappy as this, which is supposedly a public release.

    Why are so many of even NKS vendors missing?

    Why has it been released?

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