Trying to use a voucher on Guitar rig 7 pro price

Ojustaboo Member Posts: 345 Pro
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Not a bad price, I have an option to update for £71.20 instread of the normal update price of £89.

I have a £22 voucher, but I can't use it on this as it's already discounted, but had it not been discounted, I could have used my £22 voucher against the £89 price making it £67 instead of £71.

Only a few pounds but still



  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    You can get in touch with our customer support, they might be able to help you out.

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 345 Pro


    Having just updated to 14 collectors, and having very recently got Maschine Mk3, if I spend too much more, I might get in trouble lol.

    Thing is, while I really like guitar rig 7 (for synth, not guitars), I’ve also just seen Session Percussionist and I really really like that and can’t justify both lol.

    Drums are my one real weakness when it comes to music, do I see how I get on with drums using the mk3 and get guitar rig7 or do I leave guitar rig 7 for a year and get sessions percussionist.

    Decisions decisions

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 345 Pro

    Looking at your help page, evouchers aren’t allowed to be used for upgrades anyway.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,585 mod
    edited November 2023

    I don't know when Komplete 15 will arrive , but when it arrives then it is most likely going to include GR7.

    Also if of interest then GUITAR RIG 7 LE is included with the audio interfaces presently on offer ! :

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 345 Pro

    Just got sessions percussionist for £67 after my £22 voucher instead.

    Will have to wait until Komplete 15 is released and on sale with their 50% upgrade.

    Just changed Daws to Presonus Studio one Pro, with everything that comes with Kompkete 14 CE (including plug-in alliance stuff) , the plugins that come with Presonus, I think I have enough to keep me occupied until then lol

  • Angles Rest
    Angles Rest Member Posts: 8 Member

    Having bought CE during the Summer of Sound sale I was torn with upgrading GRP so soon afterwards. I was considering buying a looper when playing my guitar so I decided to do the upgrade as it was a wash with getting a Ditto Pedal and the software looper had some advantages over it.

    I gave in and bought the update. I tried GRP7 last night and I must say, I was impressed with some of the presets they had at the beginning of the list. There is a lot to digest, especially with figuring out how I want to setup my NEKTAR pedal for controlling things but I'm happy I did it.

    But I feel your pain.

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